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Guys, I am very happy right now. Today, October 16th; I joined Wattpad. I had my first account when I was 13, but I lost It. I came on here as a 14 year old who watched Aphmau and loved Minecraft... I also loved cats. I wrote about Aphmau a lot, a book I no longer have up.... I only had 12 followers that year.
     Most of them aren't on here anymore, some unfollowed since I was a little bit childish.
   I probably remember gred_forge4ev4 the first, probably the first person I ever chatted with. Then _madison_lutchko_ . My best friend joined a few months after me, awesomeabbi337 . We always wrote together and decided to make a story (you can still find today) called 'Saving The World'. It only got 10 views, but for me that was a lot at the time.
    In January, I met Selina_Lestrange from her Harry Potter RP. I'm still obsessed with it to this day! She was very nice and later became my friend. I then found Angel_Rose_Weasley in February, I didn't say 'Hi' until very later on. In March was probably the toughest month for me, my best friend and I would get into fights a lot. It would leave us going home crying...
     Also difficult since my Old best friend from 1st grade (Cloe) bullied me. I escaped here and honestly, I left until May. I decided to see what was going on, and I found some RP things.
   I had gotten 60 followers, and it really made me proud. May was probably one of my best months, I had become better friends with Selina and I said 'Hello' to Angel.
    When I said, on this book, that it was my birthday or PMed someone... They would actually say 'Happy B-Day!'
    It would make me so happy! Then I got cyber bullied in July on another site, I would sometimes cry myself to sleep. I told someone about it and they made me feel a lot better.
    Now here I am with books that have more than 100+ or have 1,000+. I love RP's and writing, it's inspired me to become an Author someday.
    I would like to give everyone a shoutout, but I can't. Too many people I could thank, so if you're reading this; Thank you.
    I cannot begin to express how much I like you guys. It's like a big family. Here's a short list of people I didn't mention.

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