Ch.23 EX(LewisPV)

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"You snooze you lose pretty boy" My heart sank to my ankles when that last message came through. "Shit, Hannah!" I hissed as I hopped on my bike and peddled faster than ever before. My mind flashed back to the night she gave me a ride. "That's where I live..." her voice echoed in my head as I gripped the handlebars and stood up, allowing me to peddle faster. "Please be okay!" It took me about 15 minutes to get to her house. The white apartments where all in a cluster. My heart raced as I rode into the heart of the complex. I leaned my bike against a white garage door, beneath some second story apartments.

"Which one is it...?" I asked myself, just as a loud thud echoed above me. Without hesitation, I turned and ran hastily up the green stairs. I peeked cautiously through the open door. A  picture of a 15-year-old Hannah on the wall confirmed that I was in the right place. Another thud, followed by a yelp, emanated from a hallway just past the kitchen.

Instinctively, I took out my pocket knife and skulked towards the noise. My blood boiled in my veins when I laid eyes on them. He had Hannah pinned by her hands against the wall. She struggled uselessly against him as he tried to kiss her. "Back off asshole..." I growled as I pressed my knife against his throat. He turned his head slightly; his black hair was disheveled and his eyes were red and intoxicated. His pupils were massively dilated. "T-take it easy man..." he stammered as he let her go. She fell and landed with a hard thud. "Hannah!" I shouted just as his fist made contact with my face.

I staggered backwards, dizzy from the hit. "No, leave him alone!" She shouted as she grabbed onto his arm. A sickening crack echoed through the hallway as he grabbed her wrist and twisted it. She cried out in pain just before he tossed her back on the floor. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled as blood dripped down the side of my mouth. "Let's play" he hissed cynically as he stalked towards me. I ducked as he swung at me with his right. I punched him in the stomach, causing him to double over.

I took advantage and tackled him, causing a dent in the dry wall. I dropped my knife when he punched me again. The world seemed to spin as he wrapped his hands around my neck and slammed me into the opposing wall. At 130 pounds I was no match to his 190. "She's mine! She'll always be mine!" He hissed as he picked me up and pinned me against the wall, his grip around my neck tightened. My lungs were starting to burn and my head was beginning to feel heavy. "H-Hannah..." I managed to choke out as my vision began to darken.

"Stop it!!" She screamed as she used her entire body and shoved him into the wall mirror that was right next to us. "Aghh!" He hissed as it shattered and shards of glass cut the upper part of his eyebrow. I gasped for air as I rubbed my irritated neck. "No!" I shouted as he pulled Hanna in by her hair and shoved her against the kitchen cupboard, knocking her out.

"Hannah!!" I shouted as my vision blurred. I saw red as adrenaline coursed through my veins, giving me the strength to knock him down. "You bastard!!" I screamed angrily as I punched him multiple times in the face. Blood squirted from his lip and nose. "He-he-he..." he chuckled woozily as I lifted my fist in anger. Blood dripped down the side of his face. "Aren't you a tough guy...?" he muttered just before passing out.

I let myself fall back against the wall as I caught my breath. The blood drained from my face when I saw her lying motionless on the floor. "Hannah!" I shouted as I ran to her. She was knocked out cold. I picked her up in my arms and walked over to her room, then I laid her down on the bed. I noticed the crib was empty and assumed her daughter was being watched by someone else. Thankfully she wasn't around to witness what had just happened.

Sweat dripped down the side of her face. "Crap, her fever..." I muttered as I wobbled out of her room and over to the kitchen. All the meds were stacked on top of the fridge. After I found a fever reducer, I made my way back to where she was. After forcing the orange liquid down her throat, I walked back to where her douche-bag ex laid. I glanced around wearily at the mess around us and sighed. "I've always hated clean up..."

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