All out Assault

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Izuku and the group began to get themselves ready for their plan with Ochako hopping on top of Izuku and Iida before making them weightless so they don't float. She then grabbed hold of Kirishima by the back of his pant pelt and a specialty harness that Yaoyorozu created to avoid her unintentionally strangeling the redhead. "Let's just get one thing straight before we go any farther, I'm not committing infidelity with Kirishima, Izuku." Everyone stopped to look at her before stating their honest opinions.

    "Nobody thought you were."

    "I just wanted to make that clear and Kirishima, I only like you as a friend, so don't breathe into this too much."

    "I uhh....I didn't even plan to think too deeply into this until you said something." After the awkward actions, the group looked over the wall to see Tousa and All Might continuing their battle with AFO.

    "Disgusting rabid dog!" AFO sent an air pressure attack to the fox woman for her to slice it in half with her naginata before she came charging towards the villain. Her attack was blocked by the villain's forearm before he smirked under his mask. "Impact Recoil!" The act sent Tousa back towards the undead group with some of the shrine maidens catching her and setting her back on her feet.

    "It'll take more than that to kill me!" Tousa used a cherrybomb to create a smokescreen around AFO before coming to the side of him to give an upward strike. The blade was caught with most of the villain's strength going to keep it down.

    "Did you honestly think that would work?"

    "It wasn't to hide me." Tousa smirked as All Might came over to give a solid punch to AFO's face to send him sliding back. "NOW THIS IS FOR ME!" The fox woman attacked and narrowly missed piercing AFO's chest to impale him in his right shoulder.

    "MASTER!" Shigaraki dodged an attack by a fox samurai for him to grab the zombie's neck and have it turn to dust. "Filthy monsters!" A fox shrinemaiden sent a spear towards Shigaraki with him almost having it stab him before seeing the zombie he killed come back from the dust and reform back into what it once was. "WHAT ARE THESE THINGS!?"


    "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTERS!" The group of villains from the League were also struggling to fight the undead fox followers to regain Bakugou and Eri. In response to the madness, Bakugou was blasting away the undead thinking they were coming after them as well.

    "DIE! DIE! DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTERS!" A six tailed samurai grabbed both Bakugou's arms as some of the others grabbed his legs. "KID! RUN!" He looked around to see some of the fox shrine maidens lifting her up. "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

    "Bakugou, it's ok. They're good zombies."

    "HOW THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN WORK!?" Toga came charging at the two with the fox samurai forming a defensive line to take her on while the shrine maidens used long spears and arrows to attack. "Uhhh...."

    "Sssssttttaaaaaayyyyyy bbbbbeeeeeeehhhhhhiiiiiinnnnndddddd."

    Bakugou stood confused as hell before looking over to see Eri being treated as if she was a gem by the undead fox shrine maidens. "Ok, I believe you now." A massive wave of ice caught everyone's attention on the field for them to see a glacier come out of nowhere. "Stay close to me, kid." Bakugou grabbed Eri and placed her on his shoulders for her to hold onto his head unsure what was happening. As this happened, a wall shattered to show Izuku and Iida jumping off the glacier with Ochako holding Kirishima like a battering ram.  Seeing Kirishima being let go, the redhead gave his hand out and shouted.


    He activated a massive explosion to send both him and Eri into the air with the small child holding onto him in fear. Bakugou grasped Kirishima's hand to smirk at him. "You idiots."

    "Eri!" Ochako used her tails to pick Eri up and put the small child in her lap smiling. "I'm so glad you're ok." The mother then looked at Bakugou with an indifferent look. "You, I could go either way."


    "Can we please focus on getting away right now?" Kirishima asked for Izuku, Iida and Bakugou to start blasting away from the battle towards safety.

    "We need to get to safety, if what I overheard is true then that guy can take our quirks. We need to get the fuck outta here."

    "Wow. Never thought I'd hear you scared." Kirishima states, a bit shocked at the ash blond's reply.

    "If that's the case they're going to need some assistance. Kurama?" Ochako asks, causing the demon kitsune to manifest in a puff of pitch black smoke. "Go kill the guy with no face fighting Mom and All Might."

    "I've been waiting for the day you finally let me go on a rampage." Kurama grins as Ochako throws the shrunken fox down. He immediately grew to monstrous proportions for Shigaraki to begin screaming at what he was seeing.

    "Oh look. It's the giant thing that nearly killed us before." Toga states in an unamused statement for one of the tails to knock her and the rest of the small group from the League off into the distance. "I'LL REMEMBER YOUR FACE!" The blond shouts this as she flies farther away from everyone.

"Lerrrroooooooy Jenkins!" Kurama screams as he slams into the ground right on top of All for One.

30 Seconds Prior

    "Insignificant little pests!" AFO began shouting in anger as Bakugou and Eri were able to escape with Tousa starting to laugh.

    "HAHAHAHAHA! NOW THAT'S FUNNY! Did your widdle pawn not go the way you wanted it to? Oh, you must feel so sad. Wah wah." The villain glared at Tousa in rage before activating his several quirks.

    "It means little. I can still reach them now, especially with that feline hero's quirk. To be honest, I was holding back and indulging you all. But now, I've lost my patience."

    "And here I was thinking you were always this weak. I might start taking this seriously as well." Tousa smiles as she uses her three tails to undo weights around her wrists and ankles. The weighted clothing slams to the ground with enough force to crack the concrete. "I feel 1,000kg lighter with those off of me."

    "Maybe you had just gotten fat, my old enemy."

    "Ok. That's just mean and I thought you were above petty insults. My granddaughter could have come up with a better one than that."

    "Anything to demoralize the filth in front of-"

    "Lerrrroooooooy Jenkins!" Kurama screams as he slams into the ground right on top of All for One. "Not so tough now are you dickface." Kurama declares as he stamps and twists his paw back and forth as someone would do with their foot when they crushed a large spider.

"That insult was also why I didn't at least warn you to look where you're standing." Looking up at the giant fox demon, Tousa smiled. "I'd be careful where you step, Kurama. You just landed in burning garbage."


"No. Fuck you." Kurama held his paw down with AFO slowly moving it up out of sheer force. 'The human has strength, I'll give him that.'


"I guess I should show my own special skill. Like I said, I haven't been taking this seriously." Tousa's naginata vanishes into thin air as her body starts to radiate a deep purplish black. All Might watches on as his ally activates her quirk, the purple haze around her body envelopes her form causing her to vanish. Around the darkness of the night set battleground 3 pairs of crimson eyes illuminate inside the haze. The sound of swords being drawn from their scabbards was heard around for Kurama to flick his paw forwards sending All for One flying into All Might who delivers a well timed punch to the spine of the Arch villain.

"Just what is she doing?" All Might questioned as Tousa moved around to surround AFO with the black smoke revealing three different Tousas.

"The Demon Trinity: Judge. Jury and Executioner." As the haze clears Three versions of Tousa stand in front and flanking All for One creating a perfect triangle around him. Her body had changed now with a single skeletal tail protruding from the back of her armor. Over her face sat a fox's skull mask with glowing red eyes from behind it. All three clones were dual wielding twin cursed katanas that burned with unholy purple fire. "I don't often get to use this part of my quirk. This is the first time I've done so in almost 20 years. Had I used it the first time we fought. We wouldn't be speaking."  Each version of Tousa spoke in unison creating an eerie atmosphere as All for One is surrounded by his arch nemesis, his attempted killer and an army of the undead. "This is the end for you. I hope you've put your affairs in order." The three fox women began circling around in intense speeds where they weren't able to be seen and slowly closing in. When the circle was mere inches away from AFO, each of the three strikes landed either to his head, his torso, or to his legs for AFO to feel six blades pierce his body. "Three fox shrinemaiden secret style: Ashura's Benevolence!"

The three sliced and came to the opposite side of where they were when they attacked before slowly reforming back into one entity. Tousa sheathed the blades slowly before pushing them towards the habaki of the blades. Once fully sheathed, cuts were seen on AFO where the fox shrinemaiden and her clones attacked piece by piece, the former villain burst into black flames leaving the remains nothing but ash. "May death bring comfort and rest to all those you have wronged in the eons that passed." Tousa begins walking away with the clones catching up to their host and fading into purple haze as they reunite with her. With each clone that dissipates her tails return to her body. 'I hope Eri's ok? She must've been so scared.'

In the afterlife

AFO stood in front of two figures looking at him in disgust and anger. One was Inari, while the other was Shinigami, the god of death. The two deities said nothing as they judged him, all present knew of what was next to come. Shinigami didn't even look at his sister but merely waved a hand over the powerless soul before him evaporating the form, purging it. What remained was a single white light, almost too small to be seen by even the two gods. Shinigami raised an eyebrow looking at the tiniest inkling of good that was within the arch villain. Playing through the memory of that one good act they watched as the blight of man bestowed a power to his younger brother so that he may defend himself, thus creating One for All.

"Humans say that no good deed goes unpunished, and that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. That one act of giving Ginjo Shigaraki that quirk all those years ago would come back to be his undoing. Well, almost. This one will take eons to send back through the cycle, hopefully history will not repeat itself." Shinigami says letting what is left of the soul float to his hand before taking it and turning to Inari, "That is the last of the immortals for this millenia I hope. I have some work to do and you still have 1 more soul that I'm owed. That is, if he can't be redeemed first. There's more than meets the eye with Tenko Shimura. A past full of fear, pain and sorrows. He isn't pure evil but merely a villain of circumstance and environment. I will try to push his fate towards the path of redemption. If not, he may be redeemed in his next journey through the moral coil."

"Understood." Inari began walking away through the gate to her realm while Shigaraki turned back to the entrance to the afterlife.

"Now, what shall I do with you seven now that he is no longer a problem." Shinigami made this statement with the seven entities being the past wielders of One For All that remained on earth within the soul of the ninth. "With All for One dead you have no reason to remain. I wonder what is keeping you." He passed through all of the spirit's stories to see they cannot move on unless one final requirement is done. "Heroes in life and even still Heroes in death. I respect you. So many souls owe their lives and fates to you and your deeds. I can wait a bit longer for you to return to me." The souls left for Shinigami to return to his duties with other souls, patiently waiting for the day Izuku can meet the final requirement for the others to pass on.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako go forward with what happened next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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