Undead Madness

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As Izuku and Ochako returned to the dorms, they noticed Kumasi laying on his stomach with his front paws over his head. Ichi and Kitsu were beside him holding their heads in shame as well for the two to feel the unease in the room. "What happened?"

The girls looked down with Yaoyorozu answering somewhat shamefully. "Eri was....she was taken."

"DAMMIT!" Ochako wacked one of her tails at a potted plant holding a small tree for the pot to shatter while using two other tails to break the trunk in half. "What happened?"

"A portal came out of nowhere with us seeing her get taken into it only when she started screaming. I tried to grab her, but something on the other side attacked us and kept me from. Then Bakugou went and..." Tsu stopped feeling horrible this happened.

"Wait, Bakugou chased after her? I'm guessing he was taken too wasn't he... This is bad, Muscular said he was one of their targets back when the camp was invaded according to what Tiny told us."

"As of right now unfortunately, you all are being ordered to remain here." Midnight walked into the room looking rather irritated. "Due to this incident, we are officially putting the campus on lockdown and until an incident that is happening in Kamino is finished, none of you are to leave this dormitory without permission from a teacher or pro."

"So you want me to stay here when my daughter was kidnapped while in the 'safety' of the dorms!? Screw that! I'm going to find her!" Ochako tried to walk away before having the R rated hero place her arm out.

"As a woman, I understand your anger, Ochako. However, that doesn't mean you can just go and do whatever you want. Chances are, the same man that kidnapped Eri and Bakugou is the same who was the one who created the Nomu that have attacked the USJ and the training camp. For now, it's best to avoid causing problems at the moment for the heroes who are doing what they can to complete this task and save Eri and Bakugou."

Ochako didn't want this to be the case, but Izuku pulled her out of this anger with a hug. "I understand you're mad Ochako, but there's nothing we can do right now. Let's let the pros handle this for now. If something happens where we can help, we'll do it."

"I guess you're right... but I can't just sit here and do nothing while they have my daughter."

"You're forgetting Bakugou."

"Him too I guess." The class tried to ignore this with Iida turning on the TV.

"Since we cannot do anything, we might as well keep track of how the raid is going."

"This just in! Undead are walking the earth!" A news anchor panicked as video footage of undead zombies walking the streets causing hysteria. "Due to eye witness reports, these undead fox people have come from deep in the forest of Mustafau and are walking the streets towards the West." Video footage of the undead army and police attacking them.

"KEEP FIRING MEN!" Many of the police began shooting at the zombies with the undead zombie men slicing the bullets in half protecting the shrinemaiden zombies. "DON'T HOLD BACK!"

The police started to trip back and fall on their back. "THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME! TELL MY WIFE I LOVE HER!" Several female shrine maidens grabbed the man's arms with him thinking they were going to kill him. However, the undead began lifting him up and patting the dust off his body before returning on the journey they were having. One by one, the police lowered their weapons and let them pass without being attacked and instead, being walked past.

"Ok...I'm seeing this correctly, right?" The news reporter questioned the cameraman for him to shake their heads up and down. "Umm, so what's going on here?"

Everyone looked over to Ochako for an answer. "Alright so what exactly is happening Ochako?" Ashido questioned.

"How the heck should I know? I'm just as confused as you are....Maybe lady Inari has something to do with this?"


Kumasi came behind Kaminari before breathing on his head to unsettle the man as a warning "Yeah, don't anger a bear."

The sun bear sat on the blond for the class to ignore this from happening.

Hours Later in In Kamino

Tousa came riding down in the city on an undead horse scaring the people on the streets. "Why do I feel like everyone is talking about you, Cinders?" The undead horse pfft'd as a reply. "Now where can I find All For One?"

"Lllllaaaaaddddddyyyyyyyy." An undead ten tailed fox samurai came towards Tousa while pointing in a direction. "Ttttthhhhhheeeeerrrrreeeeee."

"If I wasn't born in the Inari house and riding an undead horse, I'd probably scare myself to the point I'd faint right now. HYA CINDERS!" Tousa tapped her horse to move faster with it heading in the direction of where the undead zombie asked her to go. Once in the area, she noticed several pros trying to push back her undead relatives with Mt. Lady preparing to stomp on them. "WAIT!" Tousa got in front of the undead horde with Best Jeanist standing in front of the small group. "These undead aren't after you all, they're after a man that leads the League of Villains! He stole my granddaughter and brought about our goddess's wrath!"

"Lady, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I'M STOMPING ON THEM!" Mt. Lady slammed her foot down for an undead samurai with six tails to hop up to grab the blond pro's hair and bring her down to the ground, knocking her concentration and returning to normal size. "AAAHHHH! I'M GONNA BE ZOMBIE FOOD! I'M TOO PRETTY TO DIE!" She held her hands up expecting to feel teeth enter her body and feel nothing in return. "What the?" She opened her eyes to see the samurai zombie that took her down and offered his hand for her to come back to her feet.


"....I have to be high on some kind of acid right now because I could've sworn this walking corpse just said sorry to me."

"If you are, then the rest of us are." Gang Orca spoke up for the undead to walk past the pros and attack the Nomu in containers before going deeper in. "Alright. I think it's best if you explain to me what is happening, miss."

"Easy. The man who is behind the League of Villains has kidnapped my granddaughter who also happens to be goddess Inari's daughter by blood. This undead army is my ancestors and those who worship lady Inari giving human form again."

"I haven't heard anything more ridiculous in my entire life. This defies the laws of this world."

"Jeanist. You just saw one of your fellow pro heroes here get taken down and brought back to her feet by an undead here before it apologized for what it did. Do you really think it's that hard to believe?"

Tiger spoke up while hearing this to have his opinion heard. "She has a point. By any chance, is your granddaughter's name Eri Midoriya?"

"Why yes, she is."

"Then you must be Mrs. Midoriya's mother. She's quite a kind and caring woman. You certainly have done a good job raising her."

"Oh my. Thank you for the compliment Mr. Tiger, but my husband deserves some of the praise. He at least helps offer a strong male role model for her to give Ochako a good idea on what type of man she should marry. I'm glad she obtained someone like Izuku. Such a kind and caring man he is."

"It seems fate has a horrible way of presenting itself, doesn't it Tousa?" Hearing the voice of a metallic speaker, Tousa's fur went on edge with her pulling out a naginata to fight with.

"It has been quite a while, All For One." Tousa grits her teeth seeing the visage of her old enemy. "If you return my granddaughter to me I'll let you keep your head."

"Well then, let's just cut the pleasantries shall we? The child refuses to be of use to me as stubborn and feral as all of you flea bags are. Beast quirk users are of no use to me, them and the mutants. I'll cast your body aside like the vermin you are." Suddenly, All for One turns his head up and raises both hands to guard himself as All Might appears seemingly from the stars through the roof of the building, landing a massive punch on his old adversary.

"All for One!!!" All Might barks through gritted teeth as he presses his fist hard against the old enemy's arms.

"Come to kill me. Again? All Might?"

"Keep him right there All Might!" Tousa came charging with her blade prepared to attack for AFO to push his adversary aside and create a massive shockwave directly at the fox maiden. She evaded it with the pros nearly being sent back if it had not been for the ten tailed samurai slicing the attack in half.

"Aaaaaalllll fffffooooorrrrr oooooonnnnnneeeee."

"It would appear that you have some assistance this round. I may need to rid this area of the monstrosities you hav-" The villain narrowly avoided a slice from Tousa's blade to open his suit and whow a viscous scar on his chest. The flesh indented in and looked as if a rib bone or two was missing from where the gash was. "Do you enjoy your handiwork mongrel? Even today, the pain of this stings just as much as the scar I have from All Might."

"If we're being honest, yes I do. I hope it hurts constantly for what you did to my own mother in hopes to gain our power." All Might came at AFO with another fist to narrowly miss his nemesis's face. "Where is my granddaughter, you decrepit, despicable, lowlife!"

'AFO stole one of the Midoriya children!?' Not knowing of the fairly recent news, All Might felt a bit of worry for his successor's children.

"Master!" Shigaraki spoke up with the League out near the open area with several undead surrounding them.

"Sssssshhhhhiiiiigggggaaaarrrrraaaaakkkkkiiiiii." The samurai came at the villain with him decaying several weapons with AFO attempting to head towards his successor. However, several undead shrine maidens pulled arrows back and attacked the villain. He used an air force attack to diverge the arrows with a set of undead fox women charging him with different weapons to nearly have himself be killed.

"Filthy undead maggots!" AFO sent a shockwave that sent the undead back to get towards his disciple before noticing Bakugou with Eri in his arms blasting away from everyone.

"Don't worry runt, I gotcha." The small child held onto the ash blond in fear with AFO holding a bit of anger.

"You truly think you can escape-" A wave of fox fire came at the villain before another punch from All Might broke his visor showing the scarred top half of AFO.

"Do not take us lightly you monster!" Tousa came charging with her naginata to give a downward strike at the villain.

At the edge of the battlefield

"Ok. So tell me how we all got here again?" Iida questioned as him, Ochako, Izuku, Tsu, Kirishima, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came to Kamino in hopes to help where they could.

"I tried to stop Ochako from going to Kamino alone with you and Kirishima worried I might do something dangerous to bring Todoroki along with you. Meanwhile, Tsu and Yaoyorozu wanted to console Ochako for having one of our children kidnapped. Since you weren't happy with us breaking the rules and neither was Yaoyorozu, you joined us while everyone else felt somewhat responsible for this and joined in hopes to make sure Eri is saved as well as Kaachan." Izuku explained while holding up crudely drawn pictures of what happened to present a slideshow for everyone.

"I came more for Eri, but I guess we could save Bakugou too if we have time." Ochako phrased this as they heard a massive blow happen. They moved away from a wall a bit to see what was happening and notice Tousa and All Might facing a man both Izuku and Ochako could only believe was AFO. "Seems we're in the right place." Ochako pulled her katana out to get ready to join the fight. "I'll enjoy severing that man's head."

"As much as I love the way you phrased that, I'll have to stop you from doing that." Izuku held his wife's waist to keep her from going onto the field. "Right now, we're facing a man that is literally a monster fighting your mother who I personally think is part demon and All Might. Right now, we're a little outmatched. However, there is one thing we can do that will help but also keep us from getting too involved."

Everyone looked at Izuku curiously before Kirishima understood what he meant. "You mean we will save Bakugou and Eri?"

"Exactly. Now obviously the frontal move won't work. Between them and us is the major fight that's happening as well as the League fighting an army of zombie fox people. This implies we need to think smart and find a way to avoid the battlefield." Izuku thought about this for a while trying his best to come up with something before finally getting an idea. "I got it! We're going to save them without actually stepping foot on the field."

"Can you phrase that in a way that doesn't make it sound like you're making this up as you're going along?" Todoroki asked for Izuku to explain.

"Right now, the biggest problem is AFO. However, he's being held back by All Might and Ms. Tousa. That means if we can get them in the air, which we know Bakugou can do. We're golden. So here's what I have. Todoroki will make a large ice glacier when I give the signal. When he does, a group consisting of me and Iida will charge through this wall we're hiding behind with Ochako on our shoulders making us and Kirishima weightless with one of her powers. She'll also hold Kirishima who'll use his quirk to break the wall down. When that happens, the four of us will run up the glacier and jump over the battlefield. There, Kirishima who has had a relatively stable friendship with Kaachan will offer his hand to help escape. Out of everyone here, Kaachan will take his hand out of everyone else's here. When he's secured, myself, Iida and Kaachan will add to the forward momentum and flee the area with Tsu, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu escaping during the chaos not being discovered to be here yet at this time. Any questions?"

Ochako smiled at her husband before pulling him in for a deep kiss to give him a bit of confusion. Joy, but still confusion. She leaned into his ear to speak with a smile. "When this is over, I wanna try and see if we can have another baby. I'm sure you'd like a cute little boy as well as the time we spend making a new baby brother for Saeko~." Izuku pulled away a bit somewhat embarrassed thinking what he was for them to get ready for their plan.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the results of this plan plays out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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