Clock's Ticking

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Izuku lays flat on his back in the grass under the large sakura tree that is providing shade to the hot spring inside the Uraraka manor. Out of breath, he pants trying to regain it from this day's training. This particular one, All Might had his heroic/slightly sadistic hand in the matter with the form of training he put his student through. Endurance training and not the fun kind of endurance that dictates how long he can fuck the brains out of his wife for, no the kind of endurance that dictates how many punches and attacks he can take from villains without passing out or falling over. All Might reverts back to his skelemight form and looks down at his successor, who is sprawled out on the grass in full armor except for the mask. Sweat matting up his hair causing it to be stuck to his forehead and his complexion slightly reddened by the exercise.

"I think we can call it here for today Young Midoriya." All Might says looking down at his completely exhausted successor. "Need some water?"

"Ye... Yes." Izuku responds before finally taking a single deep breath and begins to try to stand up, grabbing the hilt of the bokken for support and stabbing it into the ground to hoist himself up. All Might passed him a bottle of water for him to practically chug the entire thing in seconds of putting it to his lips. He then opened his mouth to gain some much needed air before seeing Eri come running over.

"Daddy. Mommy said she needed you in your room." Izuku knelt down to her level and patted the small fox girl on her head making her tails wag in happiness.

"Thank you for letting me know sweetheart, how about you play with tiny and the other foxes?" He then looked at his imentor who gave him a thumbs up before allowing the OFA user to leave. Upon returning to his and Ochako's room, Izuku noticed Ochako's top half of her kimono down holding her chest.

"Izuku. Any chance you can give me a little hand here?" Izuku nodded with a bit of a blush while sitting Ochako on his lap beginning to suck her breasts. Because her due date was so close, Ochako had begun lactating constantly so much so it's gotten to the point it could fill gallon containers fairly easily. She however didn't want it to go to waste completely, so she asked Izuku if he could drink it for her in an attempt to also get a little personal time with him. "*giggle* The way you're sucking makes you look like a baby. Maybe I should worry about not having enough when she comes." Ochako placed her hand on her swollen belly that looked as if it was ready to burst at any moment.

Izuku pulls his mouth off her breast to caress her stomach as well. "I'm sure that our baby will have more than enough the way you're producing milk."

"Oh you." The two remained in their spot in a bit of bliss before Ochako felt a bit of pain.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just a bit of pain. It feels like she's ready to come out soon." Doing the math, both figured it would be soon for their daughter to be born within the week at the earliest and at the latest by the following friday. Izuku's been diligently preparing for this the best he could by putting together a cradle for the small infant, reading up on dos and don'ts for parenting, as well as obtaining any advice he could from Tousa and Maruki on how to raise a kitsune baby.

"I hope she likes Eri."

"I don't think that's a problem. The class when we go back is going to be the problem. Especially Bakugou. If he lays a finger on one of us while we have our baby-Ah!" Ochako stopped feeling a bit of pain.

"Maybe we should get off that topic. Seems she doesn't like that either."

"Fair enough. When do you go back for the final exams?"

"Tomorrow morning." Due to the fact they were out of UA for the moment, the two had to prepare for the final exam and take it at the estate for the written part. Aizawa had come to see them along with Midnight for the latter to almost gush seeing Ochako so far along and constantly felt for kicks. It surprised both of them that the supposed R rated hero actually had a soft spot for maternity. They did however point out that Izuku had to return to campus on the day of the physical portion which Ochako was exempt for obvious reasons.

"I don't want you to leave yet. I want to cuddle you more." Ochako grabbed Izuku's waist and began hugging him for the green haired boy to scratch behind his wife's ears to satisfy her.

"I know. But I'm sure that things'll be easier tomorrow. I'll go in, take the exam, and leave. Before you know it, I'll be back here with you."

"That's good to hear." Ochako moved down to Izuku's face to kiss him and push him back a bit. "But I'm using all the time I have right now to spoil myself to make up for that." She pulled his shirt off to feel his muscles and positioned themselves to have Izuku behind Ochako cradling her in a defensive manner.

'I am glad she isn't mad I'll be in a school with other women or that may end badly.'

The next day

Izuku walked back onto the campus of UA and went right to the changing room holding a much bigger briefcase that held his new armor as well as his katana across his back. He then was escorted to his classmates who were for the most part happy to see him again.

"Hey! Midoriya!" Kirishima shouted with everyone circling him. "How ya been man?"

"Is Ochako here with you?"

"Have you had your kid yet?"

"How's your vacation going for you?"

Iida walked up in between everyone to try and stop the 20 questions. "Everyone! Midoriya was not on any form of vacation from what I have been told! He is here to take the physical test alone and the other Midoriya is still at the estate her family has."

"It's fine Iida, I'll answer the questions. Besides, it's good to see you guys too." Izuku started down the line with Kirishima's question first. "I've been well and so has Ochako. She couldn't come today and it's probably for the best since she's far enough along where merely walking a short distance is hard on her. Not yet, but it should be another week or two before she is born. And as Iida said, I wasn't on vacation and actually worked my butt off trying to get stronger."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Bakugou scoffed, looking somewhat pale with scars over his body.

Izuku stared and smirked motioning for them to come see what's in his new case. As they gather around him, he clicks off the latches on the large briefcase he is holding. As it opens, a full suit of Samurai armor on a stand emerges from the briefcase and a similar mask to the one for his own hero suit sits on the face. The helmet was accented with fox fur creating a fake wig of sorts behind the helmet. Izuku takes out the gi worn underneath the armor before putting it on, explaining that it is ballistic weave meant to be able to stop high caliber rifles, slashing weapons, stabbing weapons and energy based quirks. The armor was extremely light but acted as a bracer to his whole body, especially designed by the support course and allowed him to push his power to the upper limits. Tying on each piece the guys watch as Izuku places the helmet over his head then the mask over his face and some laugh when they see a typical shogun's mustache emerge from two holes on the side of the face mask. Along the utility belt sat several spherical containers which he explained were thermite and smoke grenades in case he ever needed them. He pulls his sword from the sheath on his back showing them the craft on the blade and the design on the hand guard. The face of a fox protecting his hand and along the blade read: "Protect the Innocent, Provide for your family, Punish the wicked."

"DUDE! THAT IS SO MANLY! YOU LOOK SO MUCH LIKE TINY-BRO RIGHT NOW!" Kirishima was practically fangirling...or fanboying in this case over the act.

"Thanks. He was actually the one who trained me for the majority of my time away." His voice slightly muffled by the mask before he notices and turns on the microphone inside the mouth guard.

Everyone was very impressed, besides Bakugou, before heading out to meet the girls by the buses.

"Who's the buff samurai stud?" Ashido asked for Izuku to pull the mask off for the girls to stare blankly.

"M-Midoriya. It's nice to see you again. Is Ochako here with you?" Yaoyorozu asked trying to keep herself composed, but in reality is having a massive history nerd-gasm, seeing her friend looking like a true samurai lord of olden days.

"Sorry. She had to stay behind. It's getting really hard for her to move around and I didn't want to have her overexert herself. She's exempt from her practical portion but in her place... I have to take two exams today." The girls were somewhat saddened they couldn't see their friend again, but understood she couldn't come due to medical reasons.

"So Midoriya. What does Ochako's breast milk taste like? You've gotta have put those mega milkers in your mouth by now. I'd sure love to." Mineta said in a rather pervy manner for the girls to prepare to kill him.

"I kinda want to know too, if you're down, I'd..." Mina says before whispering in Izuku's ear which causes his face to turn slightly red.

"Very sweet. Almost like sweet warmed milk. Something I doubt you'll ever get the chance to try you little midget since all you are is a dumpster fire that Kitsu puts out with his pee. Ashido, that's something you're gonna have to bring up with Ochako and, with how possessive she is of me, it's probably a hard no." Everyone stifled a laugh as Izuku pretty much explained the truth to their small perverted classmate's existence since they've met him.

"Well, worth a shot." She says with a slightly disappointed sigh.

"Alright. I guess the formalities are done." Aizawa said this with the staff of UA behind him. Nezu then popped out to explain the fact that this exam will be different with everyone facing the teachers instead of robots as they found out from other students. The groups were put in pairs with Izuku and Bakugou in the same facing All Might and Tiny who had been asked to help.

"This will act as both examinations you are supposed to take and I will do my best to work you to your limits, young lord. As your school's motto goes, I will help you go beyond. Plus Ultra." Tiny puts emphasis on the last part doing his rendition of an All Might face, which is pretty damn spot on.

"Well, we're just the northside of fucked aren't we?" Bakugou comments seeing Tiny in full armor and All Might flexing and grinning at them.

"With that mentality we are. I'm wanting some payback for that hell you two called training." Izuku says drawing his sword and pointing it at the two.

"Is that a challenge young Midoriya?"

"It's a promise All Might."

"Well, how about a bet then. If we win, you're making the next batch of Sake and will have to keep making it until we say it's up to par."

"And if we win?" Katsuki questions.

"I don't know, perhaps I'll allow you to fight Lord Inari but, there will be some ground rules." Tiny says.

"I'll do it." Not a second thought went through Bakugou's mind with Izuku raising a question.

"That doesn't benefit me though."

"I think I can throw in a nice little anti of my own. How about I give you and Ochako a few tickets to stay at Miyagi Zao, Fox Island?"

"That was actually where Ochako told me she wanted to go for our first anniversary, so DEAL!" Izuku practically shouts this knowing Ochako will be over the moon knowing Izuku had the ability to give one of her dream locations to visit to her.

The groups went to the busses and prepared to head out to their testing locations. When they did, Bakugou seemed to act the lone wolf before Izuku held his blade to his neck. "You come between me and giving my wife this chance, I'll fucking gut you."

"Heh. Wonder what kinda training that overgrown scavenger did with you for you to finally grow a pair. Fine then."

Izuku put his sword back in before saying something to the training. "The nerve wasn't Tiny's doing. It was Lady Tousa's. Ochako's mother."

"That just scares me you grew a pair thanks to some scary ass gargantuan bit-"

"DO NOT INSULT MY MISTRESS!" Tiny shouts before practically appearing out of thin air with the 7 foot long sword held high above his head. Before Bakugou could even react, he instinctively closed his eyes expecting pain only to see a spark through his eyelids. Opening them he sees Deku parrying the blade with one hand holding the sword and the other still holding the sheath by his side.

"You just HAD TO GO AND SAY SOMETHING STUPID! Do me a favor and put a sock in it for 15 minutes." Izuku says before activating One for All and pushing back the titan fox creating another spark against the two swords.

Bakugou watched in amazement as the two clashed before seeing the horizon coming closer, All Might threw a punch from all the way down the city creating a miniature dust storm through the entire fake city. "Oh... Crap Baskets." He says seeing the horizon getting closer and closer... 

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Bakugou are facing off against Tiny and All Might. See how things play out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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