Day at the Beach

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With the end of the semester that had just taken place, the students are given a few weeks reprieve from training and school work. With it being late May, the summer heat is starting to get to everyone and a heatwave sends the temperature soaring to the mid 90s in the morning. The majority of the class are down to lighter garments and or just in their breath wear that goes under their training uniforms. Unfortunately, due to an incident with Bakugou and Todoroki the AC was damaged and wasn't working. Todoroki was assisting in any way he can since he feels bad about the whole incident and is creating ice for everyone to cool themselves. Strangely enough, Saeko is loving the temperature, the seven tailed infant is curled up comfortably on her father's stomach as she sleeps for the longest period of time she has slept since she was born.

"I didn't think she would like the heat all that much. I thought foxes were more acclimated to colder climates." Momo questions seeing the infant sleep the day away on top of her father.

"Usually yes, but baby foxes are born in spring like Saeko was and for the first few months of their life they live through the higher temperatures of spring and summer. Not to mention she's only a week old and her body can't regulate heat properly yet so she curls up around me and Izuku to keep warm. She absolutely despises the crib we have for her due to it not having our scent and warmth so she never sleeps on it." Ochako explains as she helps Eri with a few flashcards.

"How long does she usually sleep for? I've noticed Midoriya is always tired in the morning so it's probably not for long." Kirishima asks before wiping himself with a hand towel as he is drenched in sweat.

"10 minutes to 3 hours. It's entirely random but, usually if she's eaten before going to sleep and has a clean diaper she can sleep for a bit longer but she usually ends up waking up around midnight then 4am mostly. What's problematic is that Saeko refuses to drink from a bottle, she knows without a doubt it isn't me so I usually have to wake up once or twice to feed her. She's such a fussy baby." Ochako says in a loving manner before switching flashcards for Eri to read.

"You teaching her how to read?" Toru asks, being completely invisible except for the droplets of sweat coming off her.

"Yep, all three kanji alphabets and english too. Izuku and I are planning to go to Hawaii for our first anniversary and it would be a great place to bring Eri and Saeko." Ochako responds as Kaminari and Mineta walk in the classroom.

"Guess what guys!" Kaminari shouts which spooks Saeko, she spats before starting to cry waking up Izuku, who then promptly grabs a ceramic plate and beams Bakugo in the face with it causing it to shatter.

"Ohhhh... So close. It was a Ka' syllable for the name but the wrong person. Kaminari, why are you shouting all of a sudden?" Jirou asks, slightly holding back laughter from the plate projectile.

"Well, I just got permission from Aizawa for us to use the pool, he said swimming is good exercise and it's a way to get us out of the dorms while Nezu and the support course make a Bakugou proof AC unit." Kaminari explains as Izuku tries to get Saeko to go back to sleep.

"How about I take over for a little bit, I can emulate breast milk with my quirk and we have a similar bust size Ochako. You and Izuku can enjoy the pool while I take care of Saeko." Momo offers as she goes over and motions for Izuku to pass her the baby. "P-plus I haven't really gotten a chance to hold her."

"Of course! What do you think Izuku?"

"Can you make me a 5-hour energy shot or a caffeine tablet?" He asks groggily, with one eye half open and the other still shut.

"Uh... give me a moment. I'm not sure the compound off of the top of my head."

"8 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 4 Nitrogen and 2 Oxygen." Tiny rattles off after merely looking up from the sports section of his newspaper. "I will also assist with young Saeko." Tiny says in response to Momo's offer to help with Saeko.

"Where does he get those? I thought we stopped printing newspapers." Mina questions.

"I printed this, I like having a physical paper in my hands over a digital screen. I'll still use a phone and computer but there's just something about the physical copy that I like." Tiny explains.

"Oh ok, Yeah I can understand that. I tried reading "To kill a Mockingbird" Over my phone but I couldn't and just bit the 2500 yen to buy a physical hardback book." Sero says.

"What are we wasting time talking about stupid books for. We get to go to the pool!" Kaminari exclaims before getting a coffee table thrown at him by the angry father who has had no luck calming Saeko down.

"You got him that time." Jirou laughs seeing Kaminari crushed under the coffee table.

"So why is Mineta here? Shouldn't he be in general studies?" Shinso asked drinking an ice coffee and passing one to Izuku as a way to help him hold some form of life in him.

"Hey! I can still hang out with Kaminari! Besides, I still get to see some sexy bombshells in this cla-" Mineta was cut short by a sofa this time being thrown at him.

"We better stop making loud noises before Midoriya starts throwing Bakugou or Todoroki."

"....Wait till he throws Bakugou out a window." Everyone looked at Ochako who's tails began poofing up from the heat. "What?"

"Anyway. I'm game for the pool as long as Mineta doesn't come."


"*ribbit* *ribbit*."

"Really don't want him there."

"The perv needs morals."

"No grape man....Sen?" Eri asked reading a kanji for Ochako to nod in happiness.

"CMON! I HELPED DO THIS-AHH!" Mineta narrowly dodged Bakugou being thrown at him for the ash blond to get up and punt the small perv out the door.

Momo watched with Saeko laughing at Mineta before Ochako got an idea. "How about instead of the pool, we go to a beach me and my family own."

"Your family owns a beach!?"


"Oh yeah. It's that cove right next to Dagobah Municipal beach, right?" Izuku asks being handed the energy shot that the creation user made for him.

"Yep that's the one. Enclosed, has a nice spot here and there for shade, and best of all, foxes as far as the eye can see!" Kitsu and Ichi begin jumping for joy for everyone to agree.

"I guess that is a better option since the school pool may not allow animals in it. Then it is settled. Ms. Midoriya, I thank you for this offer." Iida bows while chopping the air to have everyone laugh before turning to them. "We shall leave in one hour. Get what you need before leaving as well as something to eat and drink to remain-"

"Relax Iida. We're going to a beach, not the army." Kirishima says this while heading upstairs for a bathing suit and towel along with everyone else.

Two hours later

After getting ready and saying goodbye to Saeko, Momo and Tiny, the group of 22 counting Eri, Kitsu and Ichi made their way to the private beach of the Inari temple. As many expected, there were stone monuments of foxes as well as real ones scattered across the beach. These foxes however seemed more calm or much smaller than the normal foxes the groups seen so far.

"Well, here we are. Kitsune No Su."

'This place is called Fox Nest?' Everyone questioned as some small foxes came up to Izuku and handed him small stones.

"Aww. Thank you." The small animals obtained a head pat by him before heading back to a larger fox who looked like their mother.

"Hey Ochako? What exactly is this place?" Tsu asked, noticing several small foxes as far as the eye could see.

"To put it simply, this is no different than a fox nursery. Every new fox born at the estate my family has is raised here. The beach will be packed this time of the year with them due to it being summer."

"Well, we're here, what do you think we should start with first?"

"I wanna pet all the baby foxes. Oh they're so cute!!!" Mina exclaims before starting to chase around the fox pups who yip and bound excitedly at the new playmate.

"Hey Bakubro. Betcha can't out swim me." Kirishima smirks walking up to his friend and tapping him on the forehead with the back of his hand.

"Oh? So you're approaching me." Bakugou responds by doing a Jojo pose.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." Kirishima grins with Menacing Kanjis manifesting in thin air around him.

"How much you talking punk? I ain't doin' shit if it's less than 4 digits."

"10,000 yen?"

"Double or nothin'"

"You're on. Yo! Aoyama, give us a signal to start swimming. Oh and Bakubro. No quirks."

"Oh c'mon what?! That's bullshit!" The two start arguing as they head out to the water and towards the deeper end under the cove.

"Well, while they do that I think It would be best to enjoy the cool breeze off the ocean and lay down for a while." Izuku says turning to his wife before yawning loudly.

"How many times did she wake up needing to be changed, fed or wanted attention?" Ochako asks, snapping her fingers, getting a couple of her fox minions to set up a spot in the sand for them to lay down.

"14. I hardly got 2 winks last night, much less 40. I think I'm gonna try to just rest and regain some energy and vitamin D because I'm exhausted." He complains before slumping down on the towel, causing the sand to puff out away from it.

"I think it would be best if I just got a coffee maker for our room. Maybe a miniature fridge with milk and chocolate syrup and everything you would want for some nice specialty coffee." Ochako coos as she runs her hands through Izuku's hair.

Without Mineta there at the beach, the girls could let loose and wear their bikinis and swimsuits without worry of prying eyes from the dwarf pervert. Ochako rests on her stomach, her tails swishing from side to side in the air. She had untied the strings of her small bikini as she sunbathes next to her husband. Aoyama, Mina, Toru, Tsuyu, Jirou, Sato, Sero and Kaminari are playing volleyball in the shallows of the water. Tokoyami is perched on one of the large outcroppings of stone looking out at the horizon as if he was some kind of brooding teenager from Twilight. Koda is going about the tide pools with snorkel gear trying to talk to the fish under the water but is really just creating a lot of bubbles. Todoroki is buried up to his neck in the sand with some small fox pups licking his face and Shinso is the same way but only his ankles and feet are exposed to the sunlight with a herd of pups doing the same to him.

"This is relaxing." A few of the mother foxes began stepping on Ochako's tails as if they were trying to give her a massage while Izuku looked like he was wearing a coat of pups sleeping on his chest with Eri making a sandcastle beside him with some pups helping by collecting shells and stones.

Time passed with Izuku and Ochako noticing a shadow over them. "Hey Midoriyas. Mind if I ask you both a question?" Kaminari asked somewhat uneasy while looking back at the group playing volleyball.

"Hold on a second, I need to retie my top here, turn around for a moment." Ochako says as Kaminari complies. She sits up and fixes her bikini before nudging Izuku to wake him up. "You can turn around now, So, What do you need Kaminari?" Ochako asks.

"'s about Jirou. I was wondering if you two could help me out with kinda wooing her."

"Wait. Why do you want our help? Do you not know?" Ochako asked curiously while Izuku rose up like the undead from his fox layer.

"Well things are kinda going nice with us and I think I got a solid foundation for a friendship with her. I just wanna make sure I'm not gonna mess up if I make the wrong advances. I really do like her."

"Wow....Didn't expect you to be so...deep with that man." Izuku was somewhat surprised with Ochako kinda confused.

"I thought you two were already married or at least a couple by how you interact."

"Not everyone gets married at 16 Ochako."

The fox woman didn't understand to ask Izuku about what he meant. "So did what we do mean we're abnormal?"

"As far as the common populous goes, not many really get married at the age of 15 or 16 to some random stranger in this country. It usually happens when people are around 22-27 on average and at least have dated them." Izuku then turned to Kaminari. "Continue."

"Yeah. So I was just wondering if you two have any pointers for me to at least know she's interested in me or know if making specific moves would be better or make things more problematic for me."

"I can tell you right now she's interested in you. If not head over heels for you. The way she speaks with you, laughs at your really really bad puns, hangs around you with a smile and even looks for you in a crowd. If you ask me, she's at least interested in you." Ochako explains for the electric quirk user to have some form of positivity to him.

"So how should I roll with this?"

Izuku thought for a second before giving a rather generic opinion on his idea. "Maybe she's just as dense as you are in this situation. She likes you but isn't aware you feel the same way. just be forward with it and go up to her and sweep her off her feet or something." Ochako was somewhat on board with this idea before Izuku placed the wrong idea in his head. "Kiss her on the lips as a way to prove how passionate you are about this... Basically do this." He says before pulling Ochako into his arms and kissing her.

This earned a small karate chop to the head by Ochako for her to explain the reason why this may be the worst thing to do. "She might get the wrong idea about this and may actually think this as borderline harassment if anything." They turn to Kaminari who is already long gone and going towards Jirou. She stops for a moment for her to be grabbed by the waist and pulled into a deep kiss. As soon as it registered in her head what had happened, her eyes went wide with shock, her earphone jacks go all jagged and her hair stands on end. Everyone around stopped to watch as she seemed stunned before melting right into the kiss and begin a rather aggressive makeout session with her aux cords wrapping around the back of his neck and keeping Kaminari in place. "Guess I was wrong about that. Nice job Izuku-" She glanced over for Izuku to be collapsed in exhaustion. "Guess you had a caffeine crash. But you deserve a rest, and the least I can do is provide you a pillow to sleep on." She moves Izuku's head to rest on her large chest with small foxes to come around and act as a protective layer against the sun's rays for the couple as they spent the next two hours relaxing and enjoying the time they had with one another.


As the class spent their time at the private beach, Yaoyorozu and Tiny had taken care of Saeko. As a way to keep her sense of smell around them linked mainly to Izuku and Ochako, Tiny had grabbed one of the fox mother's used hoodies to give Yaoyorozu to emulate the feeling of being embraced by her mother. The two were so focused on the small kitsune infant that they didn't acknowledge Mineta sneaking in through a broken window that Bakugou was thrown through earlier in the day. He made his way up towards Izuku and Ochako's room for something he can black mail them with.

"Alright. Now let's see what you two have here." He started going through the couple's belongings while finding nothing in significant value for what he wants. "Hmm. Fox statues. All Might crap. Sexy lingerie that I wanna kick Midoriya's ass for getting to see...." He kept coming up with nothing before seeing a small camera that showed their wedding pictures that they had taken at the manor. 'MIDORIYA YOU FUCKING BASTARD! THE SECOND I FIND SOMETHING TO BLACKMAIL YOU TWO WITH OR SPLIT THE TWO OF YOU APART. I'M GONNA-' He stops when he sees their marriage certificate to notice it wasn't legalized by the courts. "Well, Well, Well... This is interesting. Guess you two aren't married after all, Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya. You two never got a legal marriage certificate or had it ordained in Mustafu but only in the old samurai laws." The small pervert had a rather large grin thinking he could get the better of the couple before hearing Saeko start crying downstairs to run with the certificate in hand out of the dorms without being seen.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako manage the situation that will come later with this information known. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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