Courts vs Clan Marriages

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After returning to the dorms from a rather enjoyable day of fun and relaxation thanks to Ochako's offer, the group of class A came into the common space rather refreshed and energized before noticing Yaoyorozu on the couch with Saeko in her arms. "How was the beach?"

"It was amazing Yaomomo! Ochako and Mido really have a cool place! It was also full of foxes!"

"Kinda figured that one out since it's a beach for Inari, Ashido."

"She means that there were a bunch of fox pups there." Jirou explains while holding Kaminari's hand. "A couple were also sharing stones with us."

Noticing where her hand was, the creation quirk user smirked at her friend while asking. "So when did you and Kaminari officially become a couple?"

"Well umm...." Jirou went silent with a red tint on her face before giving a stuttering answer. "T-t-t-today."

"Yeah. I followed some advice Midoriya gave me and it really worked. It was kinda 'shocking' if you want my opinion." Everyone sighed at the sound of Kaminari's bad pun while he started laughing.

"Well, at least you won't keep me up during the night trying to fight your own feelings and turn down every offer I give you to be with Kaminari." Yaoyorozu starts drinking some tea with the electric quirk user stopping to realize what was said.

"Y-you liked me and were trying to find out how to get together?"

Jirou looked away while blushing. "S-shut up."

Ochako walked over to Yaoyorozu and began picking up Saeko. "Hello my love. Were you good for Yaomomo and Tiny?" The small infant began to smile while seeing her mother and father who was knocked unconscious and being carried by the fox girl's tails.

"She acted very well. She mostly slept though."

"So why are you wearing one of my hoodies?" Ochako mentions for Yaoyorozu to begin unzipping the somewhat oversized hoodie.

"Sorry. I wanted Saeko to feel as much like she was with you as possible."

"I gave her it in hopes that her sense of smell does not alter and give complications when you'd return to force her to focus on if yours or Yaoyorozu's scent was actually her mother's." Tiny states while turning a page of his book and sipping from his tea. "Quite a lovely taste and aroma of this tea is Ms. Yaoyorozu."

"Thank you. It's nice to know I have a companion that enjoys the taste of fine teas."

Everyone started to relax and get ready for bed before the door to the door opened to Aizawa and Midnight walking in. "Midoriyas. We need you in the principal's office."

The small family got up and was somewhat worried. "Is it something bad?"

"I'm not sure. Nezu just said that you both need to come to his office now with the children." The two didn't know what this was about and hoped it wasn't anything they did wrong. While on the way, they noticed a van that was parked out near the front gates that looked like it could fit a few people in it with a car seat and infant seat inside.

'Something about this doesn't feel right. Something is up.' Izuku kept his thought to himself to try and avoid any worry given to his wife or children.

At Nezu's office

The two pros opened the door and entered the room with the Midoriya family noticing two people sitting in chairs across from Nezu's desk. "Ah. Izuku and Ochako Midoriya. It is nice to see you."

"Hello sir. We were told that you needed us to come here?" Izuku asked while he, Ochako and Eri bowed.

"Yes. You see, there seems to be some complications with child services."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I'll take it from here sir." A woman with blond hair pulled back in a ponytail said while her counterpart stood up trying to seem intimidating but immediately shrunk when Tiny manifested out of Ochako's shadow. "We're members of the child service work and upon an anonymous tip had discovered that the two of you are in an illegitimate marriage."

"Wait. What?" Ochako couldn't understand this as she believed that what they had was a legal marriage.

"Hold on just a minute, what do you mean illegitimate? It was ordained at the Inari temple here in Mustafu."

"While, religiously it may be ordained it is not recognised by the province of japan. It is not a legal union under the city or country. As for your children, they will have to be taken into protective custody."

"You so much as touch my daughters, your hand and head is coming off." Ochako threatens, the fur on her tails and ears standing on end making her look even larger than she is.

"Ochako. Please calm down. If we can fix this situation without violence, it looks better if we don't resort to it." Izuku patted her hand with the fur on the fox girl falling back down. "I'm sorry to ask, but aren't religion based marriages deemed legal as a court of act in the country?"

"They must be done with the information being given to the government on areas that are sanctioned as a religious site by them as well. The Inari house falls out of that area. So as far as that goes, neither of you are legally married with Ms. Uraraka and you having two children out of wedlock and under an age where it is suitable for you to have them."

While Ochako was visibly seething with rage at that, this comment in particular annoyed the R rated hero. She began walking up and pulling something out of nowhere on her skintight bodysuit. "If it is a matter of marital status, then why not have these signed? It's better than flapping your gums about it and potentially ruining a child's life. Or cutting your own short." This statement had gotten both the attorneys to turn their attention to both Izuku and Tiny, whose hands are now resting on their katanas respectively. She places a marriage certificate on the desk that had basically everything needed on it before asking Nezu for a pen. "If they're legally married right now, then that means you two don't have to do anything since they'd be in a court of law untouchable."

"Perhaps, but they are still under the age of consent to marriage and would need a parental signature." The larger male pointed this out for the door to open to Maruki, Tousa and Inko.

"I hope you do not mind. I went ahead and asked these three to come." All Might walked in with Tousa looking rather angry behind a smile before going over to sign where she needed to for this matter to be handled. Inko and Maruki followed suit for Izuku and Ochako to sign where they needed to in order for any legal acts to be dealt with.

"I do hope that there will be no more problems. I'd hate to see the Inari house begin to get angered by your acts on us." An Oni mask showed itself behind Maruki as she laughed, letting out the kanji for 'menacing' to give both social workers a bit of a chill down their spines.

"I-I believe that this is enough to handle this ordeal. W-we'll just t-tell the higher ups th-that the first certificate w-was lost in the mail."

"Before you do anything, you will tell me the identity of the person who told you this. They may need to be dealt with, and you for causing all this stress in the first place." Ochako's demeanor instantly changed from infuriated to down right murderous with the same act of an Oni mask behind her with black smoke coming out of its mouth.

"A-a small man. I-I don't know who he was exactly, b-but he had a quirk that made his hair pop off like a ball." The large man said looking as if he really feared for his life at this point.

"Ok. Thank you for your time. Say bye bye to the people Eri and Saeko." Eri bowed to them with Saeko looking as if she wasn't happy at them like her parents.

When they left, Izuku started cracking his knuckles waiting for the social workers to walk a decent way down the hall before turning to Nezu. "Sir. Where's Mineta right now?"

"At the General Studies dorms."

Ochako gave Saeko to her mother with all the fur on her tails puffed up as if she was a cat trying to make itself intimidating to a dog. "I think he needs to be taught a lesson why you do not try to break a family up."

"So long as he doesn't die, I think you both deserve it."

At the General Studies Dorms

The members of class A came running when they heard what Mineta did to Izuku and Ochako to try and prevent any danger from happening that they could avoid. "Midoriyas! This is unacceptable behavior on your end! I understand that Mineta may have done something bad, but this is not the-"

"Iida?" Ochako turned her head to the engine quirk user who shivered at the fact she almost did a complete 180 neck turn. "Shut the fuck up and let us handle punishing him."

Nobody wanted to talk back with this for Todoroki to ask about what they were planning. "So how exactly are you going to make him regret what he did?"

"The members of Inari have methods of how to punish those who do wicked things to our house. None of them are too flattering. The acts you all have seen are nothing to some of the tortures we have."

On cue, an army of foxes came out tugging Mineta with them looking rather mad as opposed to their normal calm and fun loving selves. "OW!" The small grape headed boy was put in front of Ochako and Izuku who looked like they were ready to kill him. Ochako's eyes in a similar fashion to Bakugou's own and a deep blood red with Izuku having a shadowed expression similar to All Might but with a burning katana resting across his shoulders. "W-what the!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE!?"

"I'd be more concerned about your own life at this point." This statement was emphasised by Izuku touching the red hot steel to the tip of Mineta's throat and ready to relieve his shoulders of his head and cutting the small pervert to bits.

"Now Mineta. Tell us all what you did?" A tick mark was shown on Ochako's forehead with him being silent. A fox came over to nearly bite a finger off before Ochako asked a second time in a far less happy tone. "Tell. us. what. you. Did."



"I SHOULD BE THE ONE WITH HOT BABES LIKE URARAKA, NOT YOU! IF IT WAS UP TO ME, I'D HAVE PUT A BUN IN HER OVEN BEFORE WE'D EVEN BE IN UA-" Ochako slammed one of her tails down next to Mineta to have him shut up before speaking.

"You made one mistake, Mineta. You tried to harm the Inari house. So as a former classmate of yours, I'll let you in on a warning. The pain and agony you, Bakugou and everyone else who dared to anger me and Izuku was nothing more than a happy squabble. In our house, we have beings that exist solely to harm those that are wicked. And tonight, you're going to find out just what one of them is."

The foxes around them started to circle Mineta while letting a growling bark out in unison. Their tails slamming the ground every third bark in a rhythmic fashion. The air around the group started to feel thin and dead. In the center of the circle a black symbol appears in mid air a single black flame with an orange center, then another appears next to it with more manifesting and burning the air. The nine symbols flash orange filling the entire vicinity in an orange miasma. From it a silhouette appears, it's nine gargantuan tails flick and flutter back and forth as a giant clawed arm reaches out of the smoke. Towering over them the nine tailed beast appears and manifests with a thunderous roar.

"Meet Kurama. One of our family's longest living guardians."

"GGGGGGGGROOOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!" The giant fox let loose it's horrific voice at Mineta to feel his shirt and pants get torn off from the air pressure itself.

"L-look! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause problems, ok! So don't let this thing eat me!"

"I hope you have far better last words than that, little human." Kurama spoke while having his teeth come extremely close to the small boy's body.

"....." Mineta immediately passed out on the spot with his body just barely standing. Those who watched shielded their eyes from the carnage that was about to happen. But just as the giant fox was about to feast on it's small snack, Ochako snapped her fingers to gain his attention.

"Thank you for helping us prove a point, Kurama. I'm sure he'll think twice before angering us again."

"Next time you bring me here, there better be some good offerings in return."

"Oh hush you big teddy bear. Here." Ochako says as she snaps her fingers and a massive spread manifests out of thin air. "Happy now? As much as you can eat for as long as you want to eat it."

Kurama turned a solid orange color before shrinking down to a smaller size, then he began putting his face into the fried tofu and rice. Scarfing down both ravenously before grabbing the rice wine with his front paws and chugging it as fast as he could. When he had his fill, he allowed the foxes around to have his leftovers before using one of his tails to smack Mineta back into the General Studies dorms with almost every student inside staring at the fox in fear that he'd eat them if hungry enough. "If you have no more issues, I'll take my leave." He says as he returns to his full size and walking away. But not before purposefully stepping on Bakugou and crushing him into the dirt prior to disappearing in the smoke he was from.

"Just....just what was that thing right now?" Ashido asked in fear for everything she knew about Ochako's temper being tamed compared to this.

"That was Kurama. One of Inari's first children. He's more commonly known as the nine-tailed fox demon. If there was ever a true threat to the Inari family, he would be one of the first members to kill all those who tried to harm it."

"Lovely. I'll be fainting now." Sero immediately fell over from the shock with Kaminari staying rather still.

"I'm surprised he didn't faint yet?"

"Oh he did." Jirou mentioned by lightly tapping Kaminari who fell backwards to prove a point to Izuku. "He passed out the second he saw the thing and was basically petrified by fear."

"Oh if you think he's powerful you should see Inari's first born. The God of Destruction. Liquiir. He was so powerful the gods had to create a new universe for him to lord over. I can summon him if you'd like?" Ochako offers before manifesting an image of Liquiir, a bipedal fox man in egyptian themed attire floating in the middle of space and overlooking a planet being destroyed.

"No. No. No." The class quickly shouts while Ochako just grins before dissipating the fire and walking off.

"Ok. Mental note of the day, DO NOT anger Midoribro or his wife. EVER."

"Also be afraid for your life of foxes with nine or ten tails. They are by far the strongest beings to live. Liquiir and Kurama were the first two born from Inari and both of them are nine tails with Liquiir being the only 12 tails ever born. Funny thing about him is depending on how much power he is using the more tails you see." Ochako walked away before seeing Tiny in the distance with Eri sitting on one of his tails and Saeko being rocked in a second tail that seemed to look somewhat natural on the giant fox.

The class simply stood there calmly while rephrasing Kirishima's comment. 'So just don't anger any foxes in general like Tiny or have more than one tail.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Ochako's marriage handles next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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