Training Camp

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The days leading to the trip to the camp the members of the Hero course would be training in went by rather quickly with today being the day they were to head out. As they boarded, the members of class A and B were boarding side by side with the self egoist Monoma acting in a normal fashion for himself.

"I HEARD SOME OF CLASS A HAD FAILED THEIR EXAMS! SUCH SHAME YOU ALL MUST BE FEELING AHAHAHA!" While he was on his spree, he noticed Ochako holding Saeko in her arms and began belittling her. "WHAT SHAME YOU MUST HAVE BEING A MOTHER AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE! I CAN ONLY IMAGINE WHAT TYPE OF SLU-" His antics were quickly stopped when Izuku in his half asleep state punched him straight in his stomach. The act made the blond go pale while foaming out the mouth before collapsing into the floor.

"Remind me never to insult any of you when he's half asleep." Kendo walked over to see the scenario play out to have zero pity for her classmate. "Well aren't you two adorable!" The orange haired girl immediately knelt down to Eri's level while also glancing up at Saeko. "I'm sorry the bad man said what he did. I'll make sure to teach him a lesson later."

Eri immediately hid behind Ochako's leg with her right ear and eye poking out. "It's ok Eri. Kendo isn't like Monoma. She's a good person who won't make fun of us."

The small girl poked her head out a little more to wave at Kendo. "H-hello."

"I'm sorry. She's shy around new people."

"It's ok. I'm sure this one here didn't help the situation at all." Kendo pulled Monoma up for Saeko to open her eyes a bit to blankly glare at the unconscious blond.

"*Grrrrr*" Kitsu and Ichi began growling in a protective fashion for the family with Kendo understanding this is probably the best time to walk away.

"Nice seeing you two again. Also, congratulations on your kids."

"Thanks." The three waved before glancing to the side and seeing Shinso with Yanagi. The two shared a kiss before heading to their own class's bus.

Seeing both Izuku and Ochako stare, the mind control quirk user raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"...You two look like a cute couple."

"At least I get the approval of the mother of two in the group."

"Baee." Saeko spoke up as a way to reply to Shinso to make him rub his finger on her cheek.

"Alright. Start hopping on the bus." Aizawa started walking up and offering Izuku a coffee. "You'll need this." Izuku chugged it rather quickly for most of class B who hadn't seen him do this to be either disturbed or worried for his own safety.

"Thanks sir."

"Why don't you and your family uhh...sit in front of the bus." Izuku, Ochako and Eri hopped on the bus with a couple of foxes joining them. "Can you limit the amount of foxes on the bus please."

"Just accept it." Tiny pointed this out while patting Aizawa's back.

"Sometimes I wonder if my life is meant to be one of annoyance."

Few hours later

As the buses headed towards their destination, class A's bus began to stop in a small rest area. Taking advantage of this, Izuku and Ochako were able to change Saeko and let her get a little fresh air after cooped up in a bus for a while.

"Eri. Look at the view." Ochako motioned her daughter towards the overview to show the forest in front of them.

"It's so pretty."

"Midoriyas. I need you to head over here for a second." Aizawa asked for a car that was near them to open up to two women and a child around Eri's age.

"So what do you need sir?" Izuku asked while yawning.

"You'll see in a minute." Aizawa glanced over to see the other students of class A get thrown off the side of a cliff into the forest.

"I gotta be hallucinating, cause I just saw our classmates fall off the side of a cliff with a bunch of piglets with them."

Ochako glanced at Izuku, a bit concerned before correcting him. "I....I think you might be sorta hallucinating. The piglets weren't there, but our class did get thrown off the side of a cliff."

"To make a long story short, the two of you going down to join them would overpower them."

"I have a reason to think this has something to do with me?" Tiny asks while sitting on the side reading to Eri.

"You're part of this, but the two of you are rather strong to begin with."

As they spoke, Eri walked over to the boy to say hello. "Hi."

"Tch." He ignored her for Ichi to bite the boy's ankle for attention. "OW! What the heck is this dog!?"

"That's a fox. Like me." Eri moved her ears while pointing at them for Kitsu to walk over and sit beside her.

"Are you making a new friend Kota?" A woman with brownish red hair and a cat suit came over. "Why hello. My name is Mandalay. I'm a member of the Wild Wild Pussycats, and this is my nephew Kota." Mandalay introduced the two of them before Ichi walked over to look at the pro. "Well hello. Aren't you adorable." Ichi yiped happily before leaning his head into Mandalay's hand as she scratched behind his ears. He began laughing a bit in joy before the sound of something falling on the ground was heard.

"And there goes the father of the family." Aizawa states seeing Izuku face down in the dirt snoring.

"New parent?"

"Yep. Saeko was born 2 weeks ago."

"....I envy you two." The blond in a blue cat outfit similar to Mandalay's was somewhat angry at them.

" don't think you should, Childbirth isn't fun. It's excruciating." Ochako held her sides a bit, remembering the pain.

"I've had kidney stones before and they're arguably worse."

"Have to agree with you on that Mr Aizawa, that doesn't sound fun." Mandalay adds in.

"I've never had one, what's it like?" Ochako asked.

"Like pissing out a rusty razor blade." Aizawa says rather bluntly

"Oh-kay! I did not need that mental image." Ochako turned to the blond for a bit of proper introduction. "So who are you?"

"You can call me Pixiebob. May I hold her?" The pro smiled before holding her hands out.

"Uhh, sure. I'm not certain she'll like the fact someone else is holding her though. She also has her tails and hates it if someone rubs them wrong."

Pixiebob was given Saeko for the small child to open her eyes towards the pro. "Why hello little one. Aren't you the most adorable little thing I've seen." There was a silence between the two before the child reached up and yanked the bang protruding from Pixiebob's hairstyle. "Ow! Ow! Ow! That's my hair!"

Ochako immediately let Saeko's hand go for the infant to start giggling. "That's not good, Saeko. You shouldn't pull other's hair." She gently lectured the child with Aizawa asking Tiny for assistance putting Izuku back on the bus.

"Alright. Let's start heading out, Midoriya."

"Coming sir." Ochako grabbed Saeko to hold her back in her arms. "I hope she didn't hurt you from pulling your hair."

"No. She at least didn't make me lose my hair if anything. Also, I kinda asked to hold her, so I don't blame you." Ochako went to hold Eri by the hand and began heading on the bus with several foxes coming out of nowhere to hop on with them.

'Where'd all these foxes come from?' Both pros questioned as the bus drove off towards the actual destination of the camp.

At the training camp

Upon arrival, Aizawa and the Midoriya family were greeted by the last two members of the Pussycats. "Heya Eraser! How ya been!?" A green haired girl asked in a frantic manner before seeing Saeko and panicking over Ochako's irritated look. "Sorry. I didn't think there was a baby on board." The woman spoke in a calmer state before Mandalay, Pixiebob and Kota showed up behind the bus in their car.

"So what's with the kids?" A buff man asked before being greeted by Tiny standing taller than him. "Uhhh....What is" He asked in a questioning manner before seeing some physical traits held by Tiny to indicate his species.

"Sometimes I think people just enjoy questioning what I am."

"But don't you always enjoy that?" Ochako asked.

"Your point?" Trying to get out of the awkwardness, Aizawa explained the important details to Izuku and Ochako with the earlier being brought up on his feet by a couple of foxes with the assistance of Tiny.

"To make a long story short, you all will be living here for the week training with the Pussycats."

"Huh, what?" Izuku finally woke up fully to realize who he was around. "It's the Pussycats! They're a four person hero team that specialize in mountain rescue! They were founded back when we were kids!"

'Sometimes I take for granted all his knowledge.' Ochako somewhat smiles while Saeko and Eri watch their father go off on his little ramble.

"This year marks their twelfth year of-"

"I'M SURE YOUR MATH IS WRONG!" Pixiebob grabbed Izuku's head in anger when hearing this. "I'm 18 at heart."

"Okhay." Through muffled sounds, Izuku tried to calm the anger of the pro. She eventually let him down before noticing a set of foxes in an attack formation.

"Alright. I've been silent about this for a while, but why are there so many foxes here and why does that one look like a freaking All Might version? Also, why is UA allowing two teenagers to have kids?" Mandalay finally let the thoughts plaguing her and her teammates' minds.

"To make a long story short, these two were married before UA started. The foxes are partially responsible by the three girls here since their quirks are similar to that. And we can't really say anything about a married couple deciding to have children. From what I'm told, these two were trying before UA even began. Any other questions?"

"I have one." The buff man Izuku explained in his spiel as Tiger raised his hand that was in a cat paw glove. "How could 16 year olds get married without legal consent from their parents?"

"Two words. Inari shrinemaiden." Ochako states with a couple of foxes circling around as a way to get Ichi and Kitsu to play with them.

"Wait, so you two actually are married?" Pixiebob asked.

Ochako grabbed Izuku's arm to pull it close to her and shove Izuku in her chest. "Yup."

"....I suddenly hate you two." Pixiebob walked into the building where the sound of class B was heard inside.

"So what's up with her?" Aizawa looked towards Mandalay for clarification.

"She's at that age where she's looking for a mate."

"Ah, the times of looking for love. I remember them so fondly." Tiny states in a nostalgic manner.

Saeko started to get a little fussy for Izuku and Ochako to ask if they could call this short. They were allowed to head in and unpack with the two being allowed in a small room where their entire family would sleep together. Once in the room, Ochako began feeding Saeko while Izuku started unpacking.

"So we're going to be living here for a little while. What do you think of that, Eri?" Ochako asked while holding Saeko's head so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Hmm....The other kid seems unhappy, but the cat people seem nice."

"I'm sure he's just not used to talking with strangers. Give it a little time and the boy should open up a bit."

"Ok mommy." The family heard a knock on the door for Mandalay to open it.

"You all are settled in. Good. Lunch is ready if you four would like to join class B."

"Where's our class?" Izuku popped his head up after setting up the portable crib for Saeko.

"From what Pixiebob is saying, still about halfway in the forest."

"She's acting as a hindrance?" Izuku asked for him to get a nod.

"Aww. Your baby reminds me of Kota when he was little. So adorable."

"If you don't mind me asking, where's Kota's parents?" Ochako questioned.

"They're.....they're dead." This was tough for the pro to say. "They were pros like me and my teammates and died about a year ago while saving civilians from a villain. Granted, this is probably the most noble way a hero can die, but that doesn't mean much to a child. Because of this, I think he doesn't understand heroes as much."

"I don't blame him. If it was me, I'd probably shut myself away from heroes too." The cold shoulder Izuku was noticing from Kota now made sense. "I'm guessing he doesn't understand us either."

"That's a good possibility. I'm sorry if he might act a little cold in front of all of you, but I thought it would be fair to tell you all this so you understand why he's doing it."

"....Water Hose." Everyone looked at Izuku who looked as if he placed some pieces together. "Kota's parents were the pro hero duo known as Water Hose, weren't they?"

"How do you-"

"Izuku knows almost everything about pros. It's...sorta amazing....and creepy."

"How is it creepy to be interested in what you like?"

"The way you do it, it's almost like you do nothing but memorize every pro hero." Ochako pulled Saeko off her breast to burp the infant.

"She has a point."

"Who asked you, ya overgrown yelping dog."

"Stating the obvious." Tiny walked out of the room and towards where the food was being served.

"Getting back on topic. If possible, I'd like to help." Mandalay was a little taken back by this comment. "A kid as young as him not liking heroes, that doesn't sit right with me. I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but I do want to help Kota if possible."

"I wanna help too." Izuku looked down to see Eri with a determined stare. "If I can help Kochan, he won't be mean and be happy, right?"

"....You two really wanna help?"

"All of us." Ochako stood up after fixing her garments and holding Saeko in her arms. "Heroes help people that are hurting. Right now, your nephew is in a lot of pain. So it's our job to help."

Mandalay smiled at the Midoriyas before bowing. "Thank you. If you can help open Kota's heart again, I'd be more than grateful."

"No worries. Now, where do we eat? I'm starving." Ochako raised a fist in the air with Eri mimicking her.

"Down the hall to the one large door on the right."

"Thank you." The four left the room with Eri and Izuku trying to think of ways to open the young boy's heart. In their minds, this was one of their most important tasks yet with the young white fox girl feeling this would be a big step in her own way to become like her parents. 

And that finishes this chapter. See how the Midoriyas try to help open Kota's heart with Eri playing a big role in this. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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