Follow the Leader

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The first official day of training began for everyone in the training camp. As such, everyone was working their hardest to become better. For this, the teachers and pros had made it an effort to make exercises that would push them to their limits. Well, most of them. Since Ochako was still somewhat recovering from childbirth, she had to sit this out. This was somewhat a good thing since from what Aizawa mentioned, she had no real dangers and could be able to take a pro hero license if she wanted to. As such, she decided to sit on the sidelines and cheer Izuku on while caring for Saeko.

"Look, Saeko. Daddy's fighting with Tiny." Ochako gave the small green haired infant a motion to her father who was training with Tiny in swordsmanship. To avoid dangers, the two used practice swords weighed down by several barbells to emulate the feel of fighting with a sword.

"Your form is slightly sloppy young master. Correct it. Tiredness should not be an excuse for your technique."

"Yes sir." The two continued to train with Izuku making alterations needed for him to eventually doze off.

"STAY AWAKE!" Tiny went to strike, but was blocked by Izuku who remained in his form. "Hmm. Perhaps you can make a sleeping style. Let us see how far you can go, young master." The two continued with the pros to be rather surprised.

"So the kid can...sleep fight?"

"Apparently Mandalay." Aizawa walked over to the table where Yaoyorozu was for him to speak to her. After, she made a cannon and a few cannonballs to load up. "Midoriya! Think fast!" The cannon fired for a cannonball to go right towards Izuku's head. Right when it was about to impact, Izuku caught it to crush the cannonball with his bare hands not even using OFA.

"Woah." Everyone stopped to see the act and have at least some form of interest with this.

"Big deal! I can do that too-*BOOM*!" Bakugou was cut off by a cannonball hitting him directly in the stomach and sending him into a wall near Jirou and Ashido. "L-lucky shot." He passed out with everyone beginning to go back to training.

"So Midoriya, where's that other daughter of yours?" Pixiebob asked.

"Following around that nephew of Mandalay's. She said something like 'as mommy's and daddy's daughter, I need to help where I can', or something like that. I just looked at it as she's going to play with him."

"Uhh..isn't it a little dangerous to let a child unaware of her surroundings travel the forest alone?"

"She's not alone. I had Kitsu and Ichi follow her just in case something bad happened. If they get into trouble, some of the elite members of the Inari house foxes will help her. Eri's not an average little girl either, the number of tails we have is an indicator of our power. She is a full 9 tails so I'll leave that amount to your imagination." This didn't exactly help the situation in the pros eyes, but thought Kota having a friend could work well.

With Kota and Eri

As the class trained, Kota decided to do a little forest strolling of his own. A few minutes into this, he noticed someone was following him by what it sounded like. About 10 feet away, Eri followed while hiding behind trees and bushes to try and figure out the young boy. All this did was irritate Kota as he began to walk faster. Turning back, he noticed Eri run from hiding spot to hiding spot with either her tails or her ears springing out.

'Why is she following me?' Kota began to run as fast as he could to think he can outrun the small girl. When he looked back, he saw Eri on all fours keeping up with him. 'WHY IS SHE RUNNING ON HER HANDS AND FEET!?' Having had enough of this game, Kota stopped for Eri to hop on a log and jump. This ended with her colliding with Kota and sending them both to the ground. "OW!" Kota held his head as the two collided head first and began shouting. "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!?"

"OWWIE!" Eri started to cry a bit while holding her head from the pain of hitting Kota's. Strangely enough, she didn't have a bump or anything with the young boy still seeing stars.


"It still stings." Kota gave a sigh before patting Eri's head to try and get her to stop crying. This worked for her to calm down a bit.

"So why are you following me?"

"Because I wanna help you like mommy and daddy do to other people." This raised an eyebrow to the small boy as Eri clarified. "Mommy says that the shrinemaiden of the Inari house needs to be kind and caring. Daddy also says that when someone's in need, we should help them to the best we can."

"So helping me is following me around 10 feet away and bumping into me?"

"I didn't want to bump into you. You were running and stopped when I was jumping. That was an accident."

Kota got up still having his head feel sore before Eri stood up as well. "So why do you wanna help me?"

"Well the nice lady told us you were sad and well....I wanna help." Kota was wincing in pain before Eri placed her hand on his forehead and had it glow green. Soon after, the injury was no longer there and Kota felt no more pain. "Does that feel better?"

"Uhh. Yeah."

"So I helped you!?" She seemed extremely excited because of his response but Kota only partially agreeing with her.

"Well you kinda helped stop my head hurting from when you hit me, so I guess."

"Yay! I helped!" She began to jump for joy with Ichi and Kitsu coming out of the bushes to jump around with her.

'Just who is this kid?'

Eri stopped dancing for a minute before giving her hand out. "I'm Eri Mido...Midori....Sorry. I have problems saying my last name." She began slowly sounding out the words in her head before saying her last name. "Mi-do-ri-ya. Midoriya."

"Uhh...Kota Izumi." Both shook the other's hand with the awkward introduction being completed. "So what are you, a dog or a cat or... Both?"

"I'm a fox. Well a fox girl. I forget the name of what mommy and daddy call it. And these two are Kitsu and Ichi. Kitsu is mommy's pet fox and Ichi is mine. He's pink." Both foxes began yipping for joy before Kitsu went up to roll over in front of Kota. "He wants you to rub his belly."

Kota knelt down to rub the small fox's stomach for him to smile and pant like a happy dog. "So what's with the foxes and stuff?"

"I'm a member of the Inari house. We are close to foxes because our goddess is a fox."

"So are these things pets?"

"...Kinda. Mommy can explain it better." The two continued in the woods before seeing a creek. "Ohh. Look at the fishies." The two children looked at the clear stream to see small minos inside. During this, the two didn't notice the large bear that was behind them until a branch broke for Eri's ears to perk up. They immediately looked behind them to see the bear, a bit curious about the two. 

"Oh. Hi mister bear." Eri greets as it sniffs her ears then licks her nose. "Aww. Thank you for the kiss."

"Are you crazy kid! Get away from the bear!" Kota tried to back away before falling into the stream and soaking himself.

"I guess he thinks you're an angry bear. Don't worry Kochan, Kumasi is nice."

"Kumasi?" Kota asked for Eri to explain.

"It's his name. I decided to call him that, plus I can talk to them and they understand me. I can even do this." Eri smiles before walking towards one of the larger oak trees and seemingly phasing through it. Leaving Kumasi and Kota very confused, the two exchange a glance at each other then back to the tree to see if they actually saw what they think they did. A couple moments later, Eri walks out of a different tree holding a cheeseburger and two wrapped ones.


"I went to the camp and Mr. Tiger gave me a cheeseburger. He also gave you one and I asked for one for Kumasi." She passed the burger to the bear after unwrapping it to hand to the giant creature. He sniffed the burger a couple times before gently grabbing it with his teeth before sitting down and eating it.

"Just what exactly are you kid?"

Eri thought to herself while eating from her cheeseburger. "I dunno. Mommy and daddy say that I'm some kind of special fox in our family."

"*burrrp*" Kumasi belches for them to see the giant creature lay back and relax with Kitsu and Ichi sleeping on his chest.

"So what else can you do?" Kota asked while taking out his cheeseburger to eat.

"Hmm...What else can I do?" Eri asked herself while remembering some of the things Ochako can do to try and mimic them. She looked at the empty wrapper in her hands to immediately have it catch fire. "So I can make fire like mommy." She went to a rock that was bigger than Kumasi who pulled his head up the second he felt the heat from the foxfire. She lifted the large boulder up with one hand to make both Kota and Kumasi's eyes almost pop out of their heads. "I'm strong like daddy." She then began thinking of the foxes at the estate for several to come out of nowhere. "And I can make these foxes come out of places!" She began to play with the foxes for Kota and Kumasi to feel a bit of unease.

"So this girl has the power to make fire, lift heavy things, call to foxes, talk to animals and teleport? Is she some kind of super powerful thing or something?"

"*Brrrfff*." Kumasi was unsure himself as they watched Eri soon start floating off the ground.

'And I thought she was just some weird kid.'

Later that day

As training was ending, Kota and Eri arrived back at the camp on the back of Kumasi to see class A and B start making dinner. "Mommy! Daddy! We're back!"

"Oh. How did today go-" Ochako stopped her sentence when she noticed Eri riding on a large bear. "Uhh...who's your friend, Eri?"

"This is Kumasi. He's a very friendly be-"

"AAAAHHHHH!!!! A BEAR!" Monoma started shouting for every student in class B to get ready to fight it. The members of class A however, were much calmer.

"So did Eri make this guy a friend or something?" Kirishima asked for everyone that doesn't know of the family to somewhat stare at the class.


"There's literally 2 toddlers riding on the back of an apex predator. He's completely safe, you morons." Bakugou responds glaring at the other students.

"That and he likes to give hugs." Eri says.

"This I gotta see. Kumasi, Come here." Kirishima extends his arms as far as he can, getting the sun bear to hug him and cause both Eri and Kota to slide off the back of the bear.

"That's so manly!" Tetstetsu says, shedding a manly tear.

"So why weren't you guys surprised with this?" Kendo asked for Yaoyorozu to explain.

"We watched Ochako summon a giant demon fox that was not only 4 stories tall, able to kill us by blinking in our general direction. She's also said she can summon a literal god of destruction on a whim. The bear doesn't surprise us in the least. Hell we have Tiny who's actually stronger than All Might."

"That and also the fact we had foxes that can wield weapons fight the Hero Killer as well as stick a bamboo shoot up Bakugou's posterior." Iida added in for the ash blond to shiver remembering the feeling of that day.

"So the bear's harmless?" Sero asked.

"He's friendly. He's not harmless." Ochako corrected him.

"I don't see the difference in this situation."

"He's a bear dammit! Use your head soy sauce face! It'll maul you to bits if you piss it the fuck off!" Bakugou points this out, Kusami just looks unimpressed with him and merely releases Kirishima from the bear hug and walks over to the blonde. He sniffs his face twice before turning around and sitting on Bakugou.

"Or he'll just use you as a chair. That works too." Everyone started to laugh at Bakugou's misfortune as he tried to get up and turn to only get Kumasi to fart in his face.

"GET THE HELL OFF ME YOU OVERGROWN STUFFED ANIMAL!" Kumasi took this to heart to move his but closer to Bakugou's face to shut the ash blond up.

Meanwhile, Izuku and Ochako looked at the bear with a bit of knowing where this was going. "You wanna keep Kumasi as a pet, don't you?"

"Can I? Please." Izuku somewhat dozes off to unintentionally see Kumasi as a large pillow to lay his head on his stomach with the bear wrapping its front paws around him.

"Well....I guess that answers that question. Welcome to the Inari house Kumasi!" Tiny walked over after hearing Ochako say this to shake his new bear companion's paw.

"I swear, this class just gets weirder and weirder." Pixiebob comments to her teammates with Mandalay seeing Kota play with Eri.

"Well, it's not all bad. Kota seems to like them." She points this out for the Pussycats to smile at the scene.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the group handles their new found friend Kumasi next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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