Late Night Madness

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The next day of training came for class A and B with those that had to take remedial lessons being drained beyond drained. "Get moving you five." Aizawa spoke out towards Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato and Ashido who had to take them and force them through the ringer.

"Sir. I don't think I can handle toda-" Sero had tried to speak out before their teacher made them pay attention to Izuku.

"Take a look at your classmate. Even when he's dead tired from helping take care of a newborn, he's still training as if he's no different than the others. Take a book from his page and put a little effort into your work." A cannonball is loaded and fired by the pro towards izuku who punches it and shatters the incoming projectile to dust. "You wanna complain about tiredness, take a look at your classmate and then let's talk about being tired. Now get to work."

"Y-yes sir!" They panicked and immediately started training while looking over to see Izuku even in his sleep parry Tiny as if he was conscious.

"We're heading out mommy!" Eri waved goodbye to Ochako with her, Kota, Ichi and Kitsu on Kumasi's back. "Kochan said there's a pretty waterfall that makes rainbows that he wants to show me."

"Ok. Just don't get into trouble, ok?"

"We won't." The two kids began heading out while Ochako cared for Saeko.

Once they left, Mandalay walked over to Ochako somewhat worried for her nephew's safety. "Is that bear actually safe for them to travel around with? I know that you and your daughter have the ability to do extraordinary things, but still."

"Kumasi and Eri are friends, so I don't see a problem with it. He also has the trust of goddess Inari from what Tiny said. Don't worry."

'Still doesn't mean Kota riding around on a bear who's species causes problems like a grizzly makes me at ease.'

Later that evening

After training was done and dinner was finished and cleaned up, the members of UA were able to partake in a test of courage complements of the Pussycats. However, the members of the remedial courses were told they couldn't do this due to lack of progress in today's training and were brought to do more remedial courses. Meanwhile, Izuku started to wake up a bit more to begin holding Saeko in his arms.

"Oh, who is daddy's pretty girl?" Izuku held the small child to see her face and smile. "Who's daddy's pretty girl?" Hearing this, the infant began to smile happily at this question. "Is it you? Are you a pretty girl?" The scene made many present smile at the kind hearted act done by the father and daughter before being brought back to reality to be told what was happening. To make things relatively simple, class B will be positioned around a route with groups of 2 for class A going in to try and make the test of courage. The winners are those that collect the most keychains at the midway mark that was watched over by Ragdoll and return to the start. They all drew lots with Izuku finding himself alone in this.

"Well that stinks for Izuku." Ochako felt a bit of empathy for her husband before looking around. "Hey Izuku, have you seen Eri?"

"She said she wanted to go see a spot with Kota. I made sure Kumasi and Tiny followed her just to make sure Kota and her are safe."

"Ok then." Ochako put this to the back of her mind while getting ready to do the test of courage with Tsu.

"If you wanna switch, I'm fine going by myself and you going with Midoriya."

"I'm good. Besides, at least he has Saeko to keep him company."

"Next group, Ribbity and Mama Fox!" Pixiebob shouted for the two to enter into the forest.

While walking in, Ochako began listening around to hear the members of class B rustling around them. "Seems they're trying to work as hard as they can to make us scared. Be careful where you walk Tsu. One of them is holding their head on the ground."

"What are you-" The frog girl stopped when she realized what Ochako meant. Underneath her foot, Setsuna Tokage's head of class B was in the center of the ground.

"How are you faring down there, Tokage?" Ochako calmly spoke to her class B counterpart for it to somewhat confuse her.

"Aren't you gonna...scream? Shriek? Hold the other like you're afraid of me!? C'MON! THIS IS GOLD!"

"Clearly you have not met Kurama. If you had seen him, you would know fear." Her voice went dark to somewhat spook the Self Amputation quirk user. "Have a swell night. Also, say hi to my husband and daughter for me." Ochako walked away with Tsu humming a happy tune for Tokage to lay there completely confused.


Back at the starting line

Izuku began feeding Saeko from a bottle with the next group preparing to go. Before they did, Mandalay and Pixiebob began noticing large amounts of smoke in the distance and an abnormal smell. "Whats that smell? It smells like... Moist Iguana." The blond pro questioned before feeling as if she was being pulled back by something. "Hey! What's going on!"

Everyone looked in the general direction she was going for Izuku to panic and jump head first towards the destination and knee someone in the face. "OH MY GOD, DID I JUST ASSAULT SOMEONE-" Before he could finish his freak out, a man that looked like a gecko tried to slash him and Saeko.

"Do not underestimate us bo-" The gecko had gotten a headbutt to the skull with izuku clearly angry.

"DON'T EVER TRY TO SWING A KNIFE IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME!?" The immediate threat in front of the group was dismantled for Mandalay, Pixiebob and Tiger to begin taking action to contain and warn the students in the woods what is happening through their teammate's Telepath quirk.

"EVERYONE! Villains have infiltrated the training camp! Avoid combat with them and return to camp immediately! Kota! I don't know where you are, but please be careful!"

With Kota and Eri

The two stood in an open area on top of a small mountain to see the forest catch fire. "What's going on?" Kota watched in fear as the chaos in the forest before hearing someone behind them.

"Well lookie what I found here." The group looked behind them with the small boy panicking remembering the voice of this man and having absolute fear in him. 

"Two brats, a couple of oversized rats, another even bigger oversized rat and dinner."

"I don't like you." Eri responded with a completely unenthused voice before extending her small hand and flicking in the general direction of the unknown assailant. The resulting force from her power rips the top half of the plateau away in a burst of condensed force. The villain was not only unprepared for the attack but was almost torn in half at the waist being directly hit at point blank range. "My friends...they don't like you either." A human shaped silhouette is burrowed hundreds of feet into the remaining cliff face and clear through the other side.

"Are you crazy!? That's Muscular! He's a killer!" Kota began freaking out in fear while pulling Eri away from the area. "We gotta run or he's gonna kill us!"

Not budging an inch, Eri looked into the hole to hear mad laughter from inside. "HehehahAHAHAHAHA! I gotta laugh at myself for that one! Who would've thought some bedwetter would be able t-" He was immediately cut off by Eri repeating the same attack she did earlier this time sending him flying towards space as she yawns completely unamused.

"He's persistent." Tiny points out seeing the villain still trying to resist. "Miss Eri. Allow me to explain to you how to summon someone that I think Kota will enjoy seeing." Tiny explained the basics of how to summon a certain follower of Inari.

Muscular began falling towards the group to create a crater into the mountain before standing up showing several burns on him with blood dripping from his skull and from the large wound in his side. "You think I'm gonna die that easily? I'M GONNA MAKE YOU BLEED YOU FUCKING BRAT!" Eri held her hand out with her tails spread out with each having the tip on fire. A circle formed into the ground with a human shaped fox coming from the circle wearing what looked like egyptian attire. As he entered this plane of existence, a massive burst of wind was released from the entity, shaking trees hundreds of meters away, the twelve tails of the humanoid fox deity dance in the wind as his mere presence makes nature itself tremble. Just as he fully manifests, he's met by a giant fist to the stomach by the insane and wounded villain. With a single finger the attack was stopped in its tracks as The God of Destruction Liquiir has manifested on Earth. "WHAT THE!?"

"My my, it's been a long time since I've been here, How's mother?" Liquiir asks, addressing Tiny then looking at Eri inquisitively.

"She's doing well, she's even had a new daughter, Eri here is your new sister Liquiir." Tiny bows seeing his uncle and the God of Destruction.

"I see, was this the wretch that was troubling you?"
"Yes, He killed my friend's parents and is trying to fight us."

"Fight you? I wouldn't exactly call this fighting, more flailing angrily."

"THEN LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT I MEAN BY FIGHTING!" Muscular began making his muscle fibers grow to immense sizes before charging at Liquiir. "DIE YOU STUPID RAT!"

With only his pointer finger, the God of Destruction stopped the attack once more before quickly grabbing the villain's fist preventing him from escaping. "Such a detestable creature, vile and pure evil. A being of such filth does not deserve to exist." Liquiir flattens his opposite hand out to a palm and places it in the face of Muscular. "Hakai." A simple word was spoken causing the villain to scream in immense pain. Every single atom in his body was disintegrating into nothingness causing immeasurable pain to the villain. After brief moments of agony the purple hued villain vanishes into the void, his soul completely destroyed in the process and he ceases to exist. "Boy." Kota looked at Liquiir in fear for what just happened. "That man is never going to come back into existence again. There is no hell for him, every trace of his very being including his soul has been erased. He no longer exists, neither in this world or the next. Do you feel any form of peace knowing that?" Liquiir crouches down as he explains this to Kota, the almost 9 feet tall fox deity getting down to the young boy's height so that he can understand his sincerity.

Kota looked at the place Muscular once was before looking at the fox god. "Y-yes. He...he can't hurt anyone anymore, so I'm happy about that."

"Very well. I shall take my leave then. Tiny, I trust that you can bring these two somewhere safe?" Liquiir stood back up from his crouched position before turning to Tiny.

"Yes sir." Liquiir disappeared as if nothing happened for Kota to look at Tiny for an explanation. "That was Liquiir. The most powerful fox under the Inari house. He is the first born of the goddess and the strongest of her children. That is why he has the title of God of Destruction. Only Inari has ever been able to match him in power and the only person to have ever beaten him when he still trained under her. His power was so great the gods created a whole new universe for him to rule."

"Woooaaaaahh!" Kota held his excitement a bit before him and Eri were picked up by Tiny and placed on Kumasi's back.

"Let us return to the camp. It is no longer safe for children to be walking about."

With Izuku

Izuku began to run as fast as he could through the forest trying to find Ochako and his classmates. As he did, Saeko held onto her father tightly, refusing to let go in fear she'd lose him to force Izuku to bring her along. "It's ok Saeko. Daddy's gonna find mommy and make sure we're all ok. Everything's going to be ok soon." His words did little to stop her crying however, as he came through a set of bushes something caught his eye. One of them was burning with black fire. "That's not good." Much like before, a giant orange furred fox's paw leeches out of the black inferno before being followed by the giant body of the demon kitsune. "Wait, WHO SUMMONED KURAMA!?"

The fox demon looked down to Izuku's arms to point towards Saeko. "From what I was told when summoned, she is worried for both you, her mother and her friends in your class." The booming voice of Kurama seemed to be the key to calm Saeko causing the infant to open her green eyes gazing up at the giant fox. Izuku notices something however, her eyes have changed slightly now incorporating the symbols that were present when Kurama was summoned the first time.

"Saeko summoned you?" He looked from Saeko back up to Kurama who had gotten close enough for Saeko to be able to touch his snout with her tiny hands.

"Yes... Now. I'm hungry."

"I have no idea how to help you with that but there are some villains around here you can eat."

"Perfect." As they spoke, Awase of class B and Yaoyorozu, who was being carried by him away from a Nomu came out of the bushes and bumped right into the fox demon.

"AAAHHHHHH!!! WHY CAN'T WE GET A BREAK TONIGHT?!" Awase screams at the sight of the fox demon, however Kurama turns, looks at him then leans over and bites the top of half of a chainsaw wielding Nomu off. Before chewing the abomination and devouring it. "Uhhh...did that giant fox thing just eat the Nomu?"

"He did. Also, you may want to apologize to Kurama before he eats you for calling him a 'thing'." Yaoyorozu spoke up for Awase to see Kurama glare at him.

"AH! I'm sorry! Please forgive me, mighty Kurama! I meant no disrespect at all by it and I respect you fully for what you have done for us!" He got on his knees and bowed to the fox demon who grabbed Izuku, Saeko, Yaoyorozu and Awase to place them on his back.

"More food to eat." Everyone questioned what he meant as Awase fainted shortly after hearing this misunderstanding what the titan fox meant.

"Yaoyorozu, are you ok?" Izuku asked seeing his friend with her head bleeding.

"I'll be fine. We just need to help our friends." Saeko saw the bleeding and began to tear up. A green light appeared around the baby's tails before all the pain in Yaoyorozu's head was gone and the wound has disappeared. "It seems she has the same healing abilities as her mother. What else have you found out she can do?"

"Well we figured out she can summon Kurama, so yeah...Fun night this has been so far." Izuku laughed awkwardly with the group walking over to a villain with his teeth growing to insane lengths and as sharp as knives. The fox demon smelled the air twice before smacking away the villain known as Moon Fish with a single swipe. Instantly the villain was reduced to a sludge-like brown substance from the lethal blow. "Not real." Kurama growls.

'Something tells me I'm going to have to explain this to Mr. Aizawa why we're letting a giant fox demon go on a rampage tonight.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how the group handles the madness that is happening around them next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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