Don't Mess with the Midoriyas

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As Kurama's rampage happened, a man with a large amount of burns watched with another in a black jumpsuit wearing a mask that only had holes for his eyes. "That creature is humongous! It ain't that big!"

Staring blankly at the monster, the man covered in burns began to walk towards an opposite direction of the fox demon. "That thing might be a little much for me."

"You do not know the half of it." The two looked over to see Ochako sitting on a rock with a girl that had messy buns in her blond hair tied up and beaten to a pulp. "So you are the leader of this 'Vanguard Action Squad' or whatever your insane friend here said."

"Urgh. Sorry Dabi. She Uhh...she overpowered me."

"Just how could Toga be beaten that easily!? Man, you're weak!"

Not wanting to care for formalities, the man known as Dabi sent a blast of blue flames towards Ochako. "Outta the way, Twice." The flames stormed towards the brunette with Toga smiling knowing Ochako would get what's coming to her.

In an instant, Ochako dispersed the flames with fox fire. "Did you honestly think that would work? You are literally dealing with a woman that can summon gods and demons. A little fire won't kill me." She began laughing as she turned towards a specific area. "You're all probably wondering what happened and why Tsu isn't here. Well here's what had happened."

10 minutes ago

Ochako and Tsu walked down the pathway with relative calmness. The area seemed to have little to nobody on the path. "Ok. So we're pretty far out with there really being nobody around. This seems a little weird." Tsu looked around with Ochako's fox instincts feeling a bit on edge. "Hey Ochako, can you hear if anyone's around?"

"As far as I can tell, there is nobody-" She stopped when she heard someone a bit of a way into the woods. "...We're not alone."

"Is it someone from class B?"

"I do not believe so. My instincts are screaming at me that there is mortal danger." Out of nowhere, Toga began charging at them with a knife in her hands. In one fell swoop, Ochako knocked the blond off balance, used a tail to pin her hands, and placed a knee on her back to prevent her from moving. "A shame you didn't know who you were messing with. If you had, maybe you could've done something different. It was foolish of you to have believed I was weak enough to take on yourself."

"Ochako. That was amazing!" Tsu was rather amazed at how quickly the fox woman handled the situation.

"Now tell me, who are you and why did you deem it worthy to attack us? Depending on what you say, I may leave you in one piece." Ochako held a bit of fire in her hands while explaining.

With a smile, Toga explained who she was. "I'm Toga. I came here with hopes to find a girl with a fox quirk. You look like you're the girl. I don't know if you actually are the girl since they said there was another, but maybe we can be friends and you can come with me willing-" A tail punched the blond in the face with a bit of a dark aura around Ochako.

"So you're going after my family? Then let me give you a warning." She leaned down with a sadistic smile on her face. "I don't take kindly to those that hurt my friends. Much less, my family." The sound of skin being punched and bones cracking was heard for Tsu to look away with a look of unease on her face. This happened for a few minutes before Ochako stood with a bit of happiness back in her face. "Tsu, I'm going to find the villains responsible for this and make certain that they know not to mess with my family. Could you be a dear and tell Izuku not to worry for me and that he should make sure our children are safe? It sounds like they may also be after Eri and Saeko."

"Uhh...sure but are you going to be ok with-" She stopped seeing Toga barely moving and conscious. "Nevermind." She hopped off with Ochako turning her attention to the villain.

"Now, you are going to lead me to the other villains you are with and we are going to have...a little chat about how to properly be civilized. If I find out you are deceiving me, you shall suffer in ways that Hollow and Stillwell are currently thinking is not possible for a female character to behave."

"Right." Toga answered with a bit of blood coming out of her mouth before being lifted up by a tail and leading the way.

Back to present

"Now that we have everything settled to where we're safe to continue without questions, I think we should get down to teaching you two naughty villains some manners." Ochako turned to Dabi and Twice before moving faster than both could see. She kicked Twice into a tree before snatching Dabi by the neck with her telekinesis and holding him above the ground. "Now, who sent you here and why?"

"Gah! Why... should I... tell you?" He stammers feeling her grip on his throat tighten.

"Because I'm about 5 seconds away from squeezing your neck so hard your head pops off. Now I'm not going to ask a second time. Answer my Fucking question." She says this with a smile that holds a large amount of malice behind it.

"Tch...All For One....the guy said the fox girl....had something he wants....He also had...*cough* a score to settle." Ochako threw the villain into a tree before pulling a katana out of nowhere. "*cough* *cough* Isn't killing villains against a hero's code?"

"I'm not a hero today. I'm a mother who wants to so graciously protect her lovable children from murderous swine like yourselves." She tests the sharpness of her katana by pulling a hair off her head and dropping it to see it split down the middle. "Now, where is your leader?"

"Why should I tell you tha-AAHHHH!!" Ochako impaled her katana deep into Dabi's right leg, twisting it as she makes contact with his femur.

"Must I explain it again to you? If you do not tell me soon, I'll sever every single ligament in your knee making you never walk again. Personally, I hate causing unnecessary harm to others, even if they threaten my children. But I'm running short on patience, so talk before I start cutting things off."

"The hell if I know. I've only spoken to the guy on a TV monitor. The person that probably knows is either Kurogiri or Shigaraki. And they're n-AH!" Ochako pulled the katana out of Dabi's leg before cleaning the blood off.

"Thank you for telling me. Now where can I find one of them?"

"It appears I have come at a bad moment." The three of them looked over to see Kurogiri had arrived.

"Oh perfect. Just the walking smoke machine I was looking for. You're not getting away this time." Before Kurogiri could react he was pulled off the ground by an invisible force and forcibly molded into a human ball thanks to Ochako's quirk. "Thank you for your cooperation Dabi, but you're no longer of use to me." The Katana blade is yanked up into the air before slashing around so fast it sings through the air as it severs Dabi's head from his neck but, to Ochako's surprise his body turns into a strange muddy substance after her killing blow. "That's interesting."

"AHHH! YOU KILLED HIM! I'm fortunate that I made a clone of Dabi when I did."

"Shut up you Deadpool rip off. You're probably a clone too." Ochako quickly impaled Twice with her blade causing the knock off deadpool to flip her the double middle finger.

"FUCK YOU! Ha! You were right. I was a clone." The man turned to mud with Ochako feeling more irritated because of the final statement.

"If I wanted to fornicate, I'd take Izuku into the bed or at least somewhere private. Getting back to the matter at hand." Ochako glared at Kurogiri, her eyes flashing a crimson red for a brief moment as she made eye contact with the villain transport system. "You have exactly five seconds to tell me exactly where Shigaraki and All for One are before I cut off your dick. Starting 4 seconds ago."

"And why would I need one?"

"....Alright, I'll give you that one but times up. You're losing a hand now." Kurogiri is yanked to a stiff position with his arms held out away from his body suspended in mid air. Ochako's katana moved quicker than the eye could see for a hand made of mist to fall towards the ground. It quickly moves back to the body and reforms for the brunette to smirk. "So you can not only reform your hand with your black mist, but the damage to you can also be temporarily replaced. I wonder if the same can be said for your actual neck. That metal plating is definitely hiding something..." She takes the edge of the Katana and scratches at the armor protecting Kurogiri's throat.

"Kamino. They're in Kamino. The Business District, there is no address to the facility but it's an abandoned warehouse." Kurogiri cracked under the pressure faster than Ochako had expected he would.

"Why did you target me and my children?"

"My master has suffered a very dangerous wound to his head with his ability to manage breathing being very difficult. He wished to use your powers to heal this."

"Well so much for that. However, you are without a doubt more useful than you'd think." A tail of hers was sent towards Kurogiri's neck to knock him out before placing him to the ground. "Next time, never attack a mother's family and think you won't have harm done to you." The sound of Kurama's paw landing on the ground beside her made the fox mother turn and see Izuku and Saeko on top of the fox demon's head. "Perfect timing. I found out where the leader of the League is as well as obtained a hostage who can help us. Izuku, could you be a dear and bring this man with us while I have some time with our child?" The father agreed, jumping off Kurama's head and giving Ochako Saeko. He lugged the villain on his shoulder before hopping on top of the giant fox again and traveled back to the camp with several students and Ragdoll in tow.

Few hours later

After the incident, several police came to capture and detain the villains present. In total, three were able to be arrested with Kurogiri taking the others away via portal. Most students were fine with the ones who were injured due to a gas that Ochako was able to treat after using her healing quirk on them. The worst of the injury was for the most part on Shoji who had an accident with Moonfish cutting off his dupliarm. Fortunately this was no different than if a tree would have a branch cut off in his way of saying and the hand wouldn't cause any future problems being severed. The pros did have a bit of problems come towards them because of the attack, but they would manage. Thanks to Ochako however, the pros were able to get information on the leader of the League and save the heroes a lot of trouble to catch the enemy off guard.

Izuku came towards Ochako with her finally being free from questioning by the cops. "Hard to believe we're all safe. Tonight felt kinda unreal."

"How's Eri?"

"Alright. From what her and Kota said, they were attacked by Muscular with Liquiir coming to end him."

"I hope he suffered." Mandalay of all people says gritting her teeth as she does so.

"From what I can assume, Liquiir probably used the Hakai technique. Meaning he was destroyed atom by atom including his soul. It is not only the worst pain imaginable but also his soul was completely destroyed, he no longer exists neither in this life or the next."

"Good. The sicko deserves no afterlife." Mandalay points out with A serious question coming to Ochako's mind.

"So honest question, why was Kurama here!?"

"Saeko summoned him. I was as shocked as you were but Kurama himself said that Saeko had brought him here."

"To be honest, I'd rather hang around if that's not an issue." The group looked down to see Kurama in a significantly smaller size, now the size of Ichi and Kitsu, with Saeko smiling and reaching for the small demon fox.

"Oh you're so cute! You should always be this size!" Ragdoll immediately picked up Kurama and started cradelling the fox in her arms. Petting his belly and face, causing Kurama to wag his tails excitedly at all the affection.

"Do these things normally happen with you two?"

Both Izuku and Ochako thought for a second before answering. "Pretty much."

The group looked over to see Kota with a red blush on his face before handing Eri a flower. From what it looked, the young boy was trying to say thank you with Eri holding the small lotus and moving to lick Kota's cheek. This forced him to go completely red before falling over unconscious. "Eri, when you show affection, you need to kiss a boy, not lick them. Watch carefully." Ochako kisses Izuku's cheek while smothering his torso with her enormous chest for him to go extremely red. "See."

"I don't think she'll get the chance to for a while." Mandalay points out as Kota's head began producing steam. "They're still adorable as a couple."

"Yeah. That reminds me, you should make sure that when Eri turns 15 and becomes the shrinemaiden that Kota cleans the shrine she's in charge of. I can tell right now that he's pure of heart, despite the tragedies he's had to live through."


"Because if he does without any other motivation aside from tending to it, much like Izuku and I here, they will get married. It's an old tradition in my family. You might think that's a bit fast but, in the millenia that my family has done this practice, not a single couple has ever divorced and each marriage has lasted for more than a century."

Hearing this, Mandalay shrugs before getting up to retrieve Kota. "I'll keep that in mind. Any chance we can have a playdate with Kota and Eri?"

"I think she'd enjoy it greatly."

And that finishes this chapter. Thanks to Ochako's meeting with the League, they now have one of their biggest pieces off the board to get some information out of him. See how this goes next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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