Tiny's Support

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The day of the Provisional had finally come for the members of class A. The group as a whole was excited and nervous on both ends. On the Midoriya family's side though, they began going through things like they normally would expect with a more active Izuku than before. "You're looking more alive than normal, man. Saeko's sleeping patterns became normal or something?" Kirishima asked, leaning over their seats to see the small infant awake and happily gumming a toy.

"Yep. She only wakes up about three times a night, and those are for a diaper change, attention or for something to eat."

"She naturally has a high metabolism. Just like her mama." Ochako spoke in a cutesy voice while nuzzling her face next to Saeko's to gain a small giggle from the girl.

"So, who's watching the kids while you do this or are one of you hanging back and waiting for later." Jirou asked while seeing Eri play with Ichi by placing her hand somewhere and having the small fox tap its paw on her hand before trying her other hand to repeat the process.

"Tiny agreed to help and Mr. Aizawa said he'd help where he can." Izuku happily answered with the said giant fox sitting next to their teacher.

"So uhh...how long have you been a teacher?"

"Long enough to have seen most things and not get shocked." The two held an awkward silence as Aizawa continued to ask random questions to avoid the lack of noise between them. "So uhh...you know how to make alcohol and rice?"

"Yes actually, it's a pleasant thing that I have the privilege to do as one of Inari's loyal servants."

"So what's your pay?"

"We don't get paid. We do this as a means to worship her, she is our goddess after all. As a reward, when our time comes to an end we are reincarnated into one of her families or back into the wild." Tiny replies, "Plus there's no need to purchase any food or sake or whatever suits us since she is the goddess of fertility and bounty."

"I guess I can understand that. Some people don't understand that just living their best life and not trying to rock boats is a more ideal life than trying to fight for something and making yourself look like a fool."

"Eh. If they wish to act a fool, then fine. But they also must understand that if they do, they do not have the privilege to argue that people are looking at them as a fool." Tiny opened a book and tried to get some reading done while he could without needing to worry about external things. The bus stopped soon after with Aizawa standing up and looking at everyone.

"Alright. Everyone off." The students all piled off the bus and circled around Aizawa as he gave some final words of encouragement. When he finished, everyone was about to give their schools motto of going beyond 'Plus Ultra' before Tiny stopped a man that was about to shout alongside them.

"Uhh...why did you want to hit that guy?" Ochako asked as the guy stood up and bowed to the state of cracking the concrete with his head.


Eri stared at the man who had blood coming off his head to give a blunt statement to what she saw. "Mommy. Do all bald people hit their heads hard enough to bleed?"

"I'm not bald, little girl. See? I just have short hair!" He responded happily as Eri tried to heal him the best that she could to at least stop the bleeding a. "Why thank you, little girl. Having a power like that truly is amazing. HAHA! I bet you'll find yourself being greatly thanked in the future for that amazing quirk of yours! The name's Inasa by the way!"

Eri looked at her parents for them to nod and answer back. "My name is Eri Midoriya. I'm a member of the Inari house and it's very nice to meet you, bald headbutt man." She bowed for everyone to start laughing at the incident they just saw. "Did I do something wrong?"

As Izuku approaches, he tries his best to avoid laughing. "No. You just said something we didn't plan for you to. Anyway, sorry if my daughter might have hurt your feelings. My name's Izuku Midoriya and I'm her father."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. But...how old is she?"

Izuku whispered in Inasa's ear for him to hear the situation. "She's technically adopted, so please don't think something's off. The woman with the baby over there is my wife and our second daughter is in her hands."

"Wait, but how old are you?"

"16. It's a complicated situation that's better if you don't think too much into it. You'll be better off not trying to wrap your head around it today of all days."

"I see." Inasa crossed his arms in understanding before smiling back to Eri. "Seems you're a nice little girl from your father's statements. I hope to become friends with your family."

"INASA! DO NOT IDOLIZE WITH THE ENEMY IN SUCH A CORDIAL WAY!" A person with rather intense eyes and purple hair came over with another that had fawn colored hair and a third who had hair growing around his body exposing only a single eye.

"Sorry about that. Just being polite to some kids is all." Inasa tried to avoid problems with the man looking at Izuku and Eri.

"Disgusting to think people such as you are here. I don't know who's the most shameful person in UA. You, the woman that was pregnant during the Sports Festival, or the boy that decided to get kidnapped. You all are such disgraces to-"

"Seems someone is jealous that women don't find him attractive." Ochako responds while giving her attention to Saeko who's soaking it up. This however, did not sit right with the man to shout in anger.

"I AM ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN! AT LEAST I'M NOT SOME KIND OF WHOR-" The man was cut off as a glint of cold steel pressed against his throat, timidly he looks down at the glowing emerald eyes of Izuku who is pressing his wakizashi to his throat.

"Finish that sentence. I fucking dare you." He threatens

"I-I'm s-sorry." The boy stammers, any sense of pride and bravado having evacuated his body, along with the contents of his bladder.

"Well you beat me to it, I was gonna deck him." Inasa says proudly before walking up and doing just that. The punch sent the teen head over heels, hard enough to knock his socks off.

Everyone looked at the group somewhat uneasy before Aizawa spoke up. "Alright. Everyone inside before we go from attempted murder to full on homicide." They agreed with Izuku and Ochako giving Saeko and Eri to their teacher and Tiny. The large fox glanced down at the infant who began reaching for his whiskers.

"You mustn't play with a fox's whiskers, young miss. You can mess with their equilibrium if you do."

"HOLY CRAP, THAT'S A BIG FOX!" The two adults and Eri turned to see a woman with bright green hair wrapped in a bandana walk over towards them smiling widely. The oddest part of her outfit overall was the fact she looked more like she was a kid's performer with bright colors to make one think she worked with children. "Heya, Eraser. How long's it been?"

"Joke. What do you want?"

"Do you know this woman, Aizawa?"

"I do. She's-"

"I'm an old friend of Aizawa's. You could argue that we are star crossed lovers that worked side by side in our agencies. Thanks to this, a mutual love bloomed-"

"No it didn't." Aizawa cut the woman off for her to begin busting a gut laughing. "There are only three things I love in this world. Cats, Liquor and my son. Not you."

"You're always such a Debbie downer! HAHAHA! You and I should get married! I promise a house full of happiness and laughter if you do-"

"That sounds like a death sentence to me."

"HAHAHA! You're a buzzkill!" The two continued this as the group went inside and sat in the stands. As they did, Joke noticed Eri and Saeko to question them. "So who do these kids belong to?" She kept laughing for Eri to introduce herself.

"My name is Eri Midoriya and this is my baby sister Saeko. Our mommy and daddy are doing this test thingy and we're with Mr. Sleepy man and Tiny so we don't do anything to get them in trouble."

"Aww, aren't you the cutest little thing? I also like your little puppy next to you." Joke referenced Ichi for both him and Eri to tilt their heads in confusion.

"Ichi's a fox though."

"To make a long story short, they're part of some religion that worships foxes and the odd thing about it is it's not complete trash with no proof that it actually is true."

"Wait, so divine stuff is real?" Joke asked for Tiny to calmly answer.

"Literally every single one is real." Tiny says, causing Miss Joke to give him a surprised look.

"So do souls and reincarnation exist?"

"Yes but it depends on what religion you follow, for eastern religions yes we do reincarnate and oftentimes you can choose what you reincarnate as. In western there is heaven and hell as well as purgatory if you believe in that."

Joke nodded her head in understanding before a smile once again split her face, now turning to look at Aizawa. "Any chance we're possible reincarnations of past lovers? I mean, you and I do make a great duo that would definitely be worth being husband and wife."

"I'm not marrying you and I doubt that that's even a thing."

"You'd be shocked what is and isn't a thing, Aizawa." Tiny held Saeko while patting Eri's head. "Reincarnation is real. In fact, you wear the face of the person you loved most in your previous life."

"Your past life didn't choose a good looking person then." Eri pipes up leaving Aizawa absolutely speechless.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Joke kept laughing with Eri smiling at the woman. "I like her. She's funny."

"That she is." Tiny smiled at this before a question came to Joke's mind.

"So, do you have some kind of fated soulmate or something?"

"I actually do. She's a lovely fox called Pomona and we truly do love one another."

"Am I the only one seeing a fox as tall as me with boobs and human features?"

Everyone stared at Joke before blankly answering her. "Yes." Saeko even nodded at this before a strange smell came to Eri to have her sniff the air.

"What is wrong, young mistress?"

"I smell something. The smell of a bad person that took me."

"You do? Where are they?" Eri kept sniffing the air trying to find the origin of it.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." She held her head and ears down before having a pat on the head by Joke.

"Don't worry, squirt. We'll keep an eye out and see if we can find whoever this is. Besides, it's not like these people are gonna try an all out invasion of a Provisional. All we'd have to do is tell the thousands of people down there that they can use their quirks and they're done." This didn't sit as well with the small child, but it gives Eri enough comfort not to put so much fear into her concerns.

Hearing Eri's worry, Tiny began standing up and walking out of the stadium to be alone with Saeko. Kurama joined him out of the area and stood towards the side. "Mistress. Is there a chance that we can have someone search for any threats right now?"

Inari comes out of a shadow to smile at her subordinate. "I already have some foxes searching and keeping guard in case something happens. Before anything can happen, this person will be minced meat." The fox goddess smiled at this before disappearing back into the shadows. Once she was gone, Kurama looked up at Tiny somewhat uneasy.

"Do you think everything will be alright?"

"I wouldn't have asked Lady Inari to waste her time having our forces watch to make certain if I thought otherwise. I trust our young mistress's senses and I do not wish to question it. We are protecting in case of the worst outcome, not holding out for the best." Tiny went back towards the group with Kurama shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hard to believe something like this is happening. At least we know that we have some kind of safety net in case the unthinkable does."

Somewhere in Japan

As the provisional exams went on, evil is stirring in another part of the country. In an abandoned warehouse, a man with arrows on his hair walked calmly inside. There, he was met with Shigaraki and several members of the League. Shigaraki glared at the man as he bowed in front of the villain. "Shigaraki. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hmm...What's a Yakuza doing in front of me?"

"To be honest, I've come to make a deal."

Shigaraki glared at him before asking a serious question. "My master had asked you for help in the past. You and your leader said no. We asked you again when you had your boss Overhaul as the leader and once again you declined. What's the change now?"

"Because I can offer you something interesting. Something that even you can't pass up. Bringing All for One back to life. Reversing death and having him stand before you to assist you as he once did." This bit intrigued the villain as he listened to the man more intently. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chrono and I am a former assistant to the previous head of the Yakuza. I'd like to offer a bit of a merger of our two factions if you'll allow me to speak."

Shigaraki seemed more interested in the words spoken to him as he leaned forward to listen carefully. "So, how exactly do you plan to do this?"

"Allow me to fill you in on which Yakuza I'm affiliated with, I am now the leader of the Shie Hassaikai. We are part of the main branch. But of course, our power in the world has been getting weaker and weaker due to the birth of quirks. As such, our former boss. The boss that was before Overhaul, decided to try and ride the waves the best he could and keep the Yakuza alive just barely. This did not sit right with my former boss, Overhaul. He wanted to revise the group and bring them into a world where we are superior and create a way to rid the world of quirks. However, he was cut short and as such, unable to succeed in this mission. Currently I am pulling the strings but our faction and control in the underworld is weak compared to what it was even when Overhaul was our leader. So I come to you now in a chance to help us both. You give us this merger and in exchange, we can give you back your group's top player. Do we have a deal?"

"Reviving someone that is long gone? That sounds a little sketchy for my tastes." Dabi points this out with everyone in the room uneasy with this answer as well. "It sounds more like you're trying to guide us with pretty words to do what you want. What makes us so certain that you're not pulling our leg and saying that you'll do this without stabbing us in the back once we do what you want?"

"He's got a point, this does sound quite sketchy. No way, man! This sounds totally legit!" Twice sided with Dabi...somewhat for Chrono to calmly explain what he was able to do.

"I understand your concern. However, this goes with the information we were talking and trying to figure out while our boss was the leader. He was able to come across a quirk that allowed him to permanently erase quirks. Our job was to bring this power to a more controlled form and use it to target the quirk factor gene inside the human body as a whole. Once this happens, we can sell the completed product to villains and sell the cure to pro heroes. That was our goal. However, that does not mean we cannot reverse life itself and restore what was lost. In this case, reverse the effects of death itself."

"And do you have proof that this is even possible?" Spinner asked somewhat interested but still very skeptical if this was even possible.

"We have recently come across the body of our former head a month ago. With our science, we are restoring him back to what he was before and will bring him back entirely in the confines of a month. Once this happens, we will be able to reclaim the tool we used to make all this possible and complete our final product. And once this is done, those that are affiliated with us will have the power to rise up and become far more powerful than we could ever dream of."

"So you are planning for the future and thinking we will follow you? What makes you think we are willing to join you?" Compress asked, prompting Chrono to point out one bit of information that is needed.

"Our main tool for this was someone you are fondly aware of. A little girl held by the Midoriya family. If you were to assist us in reclaiming her from them, we can offer a deal in exchange for your master's revival."

"So, you wish for the girl. That's a hefty order you're asking for." Dabi mentions.

"Perhaps, but I'm certain you're all quite angered by the Midoriya family and desire to see them squirm. Adding to this, we have our own score to settle finding information that proves that they were most likely the cause of our former boss's death. We'll happily work alongside you in exchange for the girl and as a way to aid in good tidings, we can bring back your master once we have the necessary tools to do so. In short, you bring us the girl and we'll bring back your boss using her."

"This is fishy. Even if that's the case, why should we trust you!? I trust them to the death!" Twice spoke up with Shigaraki weighing his options.

"How long would it take to bring back Master?"

"2-3 months. Depending on the condition of the body. If we're starting from almost scratch, it could take up to half a year. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible."

Looking at the cons, Shigaraki is walking into a very questionable deal. However, they agreed to join and merge their troops. That doesn't always mean that they're merged evenly on missions. "Alright. You have a deal. However, I get the right to call the shots on what the missions are and for the Midoriya couple, I kill them. You don't get the right to."

"Fair trade. But remember, the white haired girl is ours. If we can't have her, we can't revive your master."

"Yes. Yes. Just give us a way to contact you so we can discuss stuff in greater detail later on." Chrono nodded before giving a card to Spinner and walking out. Once he did, the gecko man looked at his leader uneasily.

"You do realize this could be a trap and they're using us."

"Perhaps. However, that doesn't mean that we will be entirely on the front lines. The Yakuza are a useful pawn, but at the end of the day still a pawn. Right now, they want to get revenge on the Midoriyas just as much as I do. So, why not give them the opportunity. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they succeed in their mission. If they can bring us that much closer to our success, then it's worth having them think they hold all the cards when in the end we reap the benefits of their labor."

As Shigaraki said this, Chrono held a similar thought process. Yes they 'could' bring back AFO, but the method they use would require an actual body. There is no actual guarantee they could do it, but emphasizing the possibility of this being able to be done isn't necessary. Saying that they can bring AFO back is enough to make Shigaraki a pawn in their hands as they patiently wait for their boss to revive. "All we just have to do is work with them until we reclaim Eri. Once that happens, all we need will fall into place on their own." Chrono spoke calmly to himself as he walked away from the building thinking of how to progress the faction in a way Overhaul would desire it.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the Hassaikai and LOV teaming up. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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