Learning of Prayer

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Eri and Ochako sat in the common space of the dorms with some strange older books in front of them. The fox mother seemed to be reading off of them as Eri did her best to listen as much as possible. "On August 29th, our shrine maidens offer Inari an offering of prayer and renuity. This will be the only time in our lives that the current shrine maidens will have the ability to cleanse the shrines we worship. This is to offer renewity and life into our lineage in a form cleaning away any foul spirits that are retained from the year."

"But why is cleaning the shrine any other time of the year considered bad?" Eri asked for Ochkao to pat her head.

"Because our objective isn't the shrine, it's the offering. The head of the house is responsible for maintenance. If the shrine maiden at the time does not have a husband, we wait and hold out for the person who wishes to maintain our shrine with little to no personal gain from it. This is deemed our family's greatest blessing since we believe Inari brings us these men as a way to thank us for our constant offering and protection of her people." Ochako explains this while petting Kitsu on the sofa with them who was half asleep and smiled at the sensasion. "As such, it is our job as shrine maidens to marry this man as a thank you for their appeasement of Inari."

"So I'm guessing the cleaning of the shrine is like saying the man is trying to retain the purity of the shrine itself since you said that the shrine maidens clean it once a year for that reason?" Izuku asked, sitting in a chair while holding Saeko in his hands and bouncing her on his knee.


"Then what does the horny stuff you do with Deku consist of?" Bakugou asked as some other members of the class had been listening to Ochako explain their religion to Eri.

"I've been wondering that as well. You act more like a dog in heat than a fox shrine maiden." Yaoyorozu mentions while rubbing a fox's stomach. "Also, aren't we past the heat cycle for foxes? There shouldn't be a reason you're doing this as much as you are."

"That's a different reason that I'm amazed you all aren't realizing it yet." Everyone looked at Ochako for her to sigh in annoyance. "Fertility. We worship a GODDESS OF FERTILITY! Fertility means healthy crops and making babies depending on how you take it. Inari in our culture represents both. Having a lively house is something that is highly respected in our culture and is looked at as a strong cultural heritage for us. The more children we have, the happier we make Inari."

"So your religion encourages you to get pregnant as many times as possible?" Ochako nods at Ashido for her to jokingly make a claim to Kirishima. "Maybe I should join it. You'd enjoy that, wouldn't you?"

"Mina. Not in public." Kirishima blushed a bit with her laughing it off.

"Our culture refuses outsiders from coming in unless they are married into it. If you were to be part of the Inari lineage, you'd be married to a male of the family and be requested and somewhat required as to keep the line going, to bear children of that man. Also, if you're not committed to this, you are killed on the spot by several of Inari's foxes and devoured.Inari takes your commitment to our lineage very seriously and won't accept half baked commitment."

A chill ran down everyone's spine hearing this as a response to how they would die if Inari didn't find them worthy of being part of a family. "Kinda makes me wonder why she thought I was worthy. I genuinely thought the entire thing was someone throwing a prank on me that was going a little overboard."

"A lot of the men in our family thought that, but Inari probably saw something in you that she didn't with those that would normally think this. Commitment. We need to make sure our new family members understand that this isn't like any other marriage where if things don't work out, you can get a divorce. We need to have men that understand you're in our family, so you must stand by your lover through thick and thin."

"So the fox chick probably knew that Deku would be too much of a pussy to back out. HA!" Bakugou laughed at this for Tiny to come behind him and smack him hard enough to send him to the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"LANGUAGE!" Everyone shouted back at the ash blond before Tiny gave his reasoning.

"Do not insult Lady Inari or the young master like that."

Trying to get back on topic, Ashido continued to ask questions. "So to make a long story short, Inari gauges every possible man or woman that comes into the family and if they aren't willing to commit themselves to the lineage, they die. You're also highly suggested to have children and as many at a young age. So, serious question. Why don't you have brothers or sisters?"

"Easy. Inari's drawback on us and our increased fertility." Everyone stared at Ochako before she explained. "Members of the Inari family are given an increased fertility rate for the females. As such, we are more capable of being pregnant. This however comes with a major drawback. Due to the increased ability to produce offspring, I will succumb to infertility before I reach 25. My parents met at 24 so my family's shrine was on the verge of dying before I was even born."

"Wow. The more I learn of your family, the more amazed I am." Izuku stood a little dumbfounded that something like this was a thing.

"That's unfortunately our drawback. We can have children much faster than a normal woman as well as our bodies are made to have children in our teenage years the same way an adult woman can, but that also decreases our time of possible pregnancy. Chances of me having a child after I reach the age I told you is roughly about one in a million."

"So your goddess doesn't agree to later pregnancies in your thirties?" Shoji asked, trying to understand why this was a thing.

"Not exactly. You see, the prime time for someone to get pregnant and recover with little to no after effects is in their twenties. Unfortunately, that would mean there is some hindrance with the current shrinemaiden before the next takes their place. Let's say for an example one has a child at 25. I took over my mother's task as shrine maiden when I was almost done with puberty at the age of 14. About a year before I met Izuku. As such, the status of shrine maiden would be given with the original being almost 40. Our job is to retain the youth and joy of it in our acts of worship. Some of our acts require nimbility which is lost as you grow older. By the time you're in your late thirties, your joints begin to move nowhere as nimble as when you were half your age. As such, we try to avoid having shrine maidens past the age of thirty tend to the shrine if we can stop it for safety reasons. To be honest, I would have continued to tend to the shrine as I went to school if this was not a dormitory school. Thankfully my mother has kept her figure after me almost exactly with only minor deterioration where her handling it for another three years wouldn't be a problem. But even if I am not able to complete my tasks as our family's shrine maiden. As the official current shrine maiden, it's my obligation to continue teaching my children so they can continue mine and my family's lifelong legacy."

"Huh. And I thought traditional values were dead." Jirou asked for Ochako to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Destroying traditional values does nothing but breed insubordination within a family and society in general. Yes you can choose to do away with them if you desire, but that doesn't mean you should. If my family wanted to no longer follow Inari, we would lose every ounce of grace she has given us thus far. That includes our land, bountiful harvests, possibly our lineage. The bottom line I want to point out is, I want to keep it alive because it's important to me and my family and I'm more than willing to share the information with Eri and Saeko when our daughter is old enough to understand it."

As they spoke, the sound of a large fart was heard for everyone to look towards the source to see Saeko with a somewhat relaxed smile. "Something tells me you left one heck of a mess for me to clean, didn't you?" Saeko smiled at her father while reaching out for his face. "You're a stinky little fox right now, but you are a cute one." He got up and began walking to the bathroom for Ochako to continue on with where she was.

"Any other questions about my religion or why I want to have as many babies with Izuku as possible?"

"I got one. What if you or one of your family members were R.A.P.E.D? Would Inari force you to carry that child to terms?"

"Why do you want to know about that? I do not wish to know Sero. To answer your question though, no. If one were to ever try to defile a shrine maiden outside of wedlock, Inari would first off force an army of foxes to kill the man. After, his entire family lineage would be erased from existence. I do not know of any who were stupid enough to ever try it, but my grandmother was unfortunately about to be when she was the shrine maiden. My mother said that this was not long after she was born and lets just say...the missing person's report files went cold and what they could possibly use to help find out what happened was passed through some foxes after about an hour and a half."

"Ew. Forget what I asked."

"Mommy. What does this mean?" Eri asked while holding up an old art portrait of a shrine maiden dancing.

"It's one of our family's dances. It's an extremely important to us when it comes to the New Year. The first morning after, we hold a dance that is quite difficult and more because it's in the cold. This is another reason why our lineage is better off with younger people. The strain on the body is very much to the point I felt like my arms and legs were going to fall off." Ochako winced a little remembering the pain before seeing Izuku come back with Saeko looking like she was ecstatic after being changed. "Did you make your daddy change your stinky diaper? Come here my little fox pup." Ochako took Saeko from Izuku to rest her on her lap as they continued teaching Eri about being a shrine maiden.

"So is there some kind of special ceremony when one changes to a shrine maiden or is it just you take on the job when you turn a certain age or reach a point?" Hagakure asked as a way to understand where the change up occurs for Ochako and who would take over her mantle when all is said and done.

"That's a good question. You see, a ceremony is held after the shrinemaiden reaches either 13 or 14. Depending on where their birthday falls on. If there isn't a month in advance before this ceremony, it has to be held off until they are 14. This is so we can produce the 30 days of offerings between both parent and child before the ceremonial dance and transfer of the title. It's a very important ritual that I trained for two years to complete. If I was to fail this, it would bring extreme lack of prosperity to my family."

"And you believe it would?" Todoroki asked, somewhat not believing it.

"You saw a talking fox woman who said she turned off my fertility for Izuku and also made Tiny of all people bow. Do you honestly think that she wouldn't. She also raised the friggin dead. At this point, having any skepticism that these things could happen is just denial as a whole."

Todoroki didn't want to say anything else with Tsu speaking up. "She has a point."

"Whatever. Just make sure those stupid flea bags are treated if they're anywhere around meAAAHHHH!!!" Bakugou shouted while looking behind him with a fox on two pushing a bamboo shoot up his butt. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE THINGS!?" The fox flipped him off before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Stop saying rude things to my family and our foxes and maybe you'll avoid finding the pleasures of having something up your butt. That reminds me. Izuku, can you be a dear and keep yourself healthy tonight?"

'I still think she's part dog somewhere with how she acts.' Everyone thought this as Ochako smiled at Izuku with him going red.

And that finishes this chapter. So I got this idea to broaden what Ochako's family lineage is as well as try to give some reason as to why she acts kinda thirsty as hell from someone explaining some dissatisfaction with this story. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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