True Strength

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About a day passed with Izuku and Ochako finding out about what Inari had been doing for the two to return to their normal life. Eri, as a way to get her to where she needs to be for knowledge, was given the chance to learn with principal Nezu. The rodent man though wasn't all that fond of having a fox try and attack him, so Ichi and the rest of the foxes had to remain out of the room while they taught one another. Tiny, though, decided due to it being as he said, 'his sworn duty as a servant of Lady Inari to aid those of her servitude in need.' with Nezu accepting the help. Right now, the group of class A is sitting in the classroom with most waiting with their costumes in hand.

"So what happened while we were away?" Izuku turned to Shinso who seemed to be extremely tired.

"We've been training for the Provisional that's in three days."


"Relax, Midoriya." Aizawa opened the door and walked in to explain why he wasn't told anything. "Due to your training with your wife's family and All Might, the school thinks you're more than ready with what you've shown us of your own personal skills. Just continue training yourself as you've been doing and I doubt you will have any troubles. Your wife on the other hand." The underground pro stared at Ochako who was more preoccupied holding Saeko. "Unlike everyone else, we have yet to see how powerful you may be, so I highly recommend that you train a little today and show us just what you actually can do as both in combat as well as in a scenario where you could create a Special Move."

"Fair enough. So where shall we head?"

"Training Ground Gamma. Everyone else will lead the way." Aizawa walked out of the room and gave everyone the green light to head down to the field. Once leaving, Saeko noticed Izuku reaching out for him to hold her.

"Aww. Do you want to be held by your daddy?"

"C'mere, sweetie." Ochako passed Saeko off to Izuku with the small fox infant to wrap herself in a ball and sleep in Izuku's arms.

"Isn't that a defensive position that humans shouldn't be in naturally?" Hagakure asked, for Ochako to explain.

"It's her fox nature. Foxes do sleep in this way just like most other animals. It's a way to regulate their heat and keep them at their body temp." Ochako smelled something in the air before staring at Izuku. "She also just went if you wanna change her."

"She knows who to go to when she needs to go. Alright, tell Mr. Aizawa I'll be running a little behind because of a certain someone." Izuku stared down and a joking look at Saeko who was happily trying to gum her hand and showed a shocked face.

Everyone laughed with Izuku leaving the room and the girls circling together. "You gotta love how dependable Mido is. Parenthood does him good." Mina smirks before looking at Ochako. "Any chance you might have a brother or someone your age that's looking for a wife? If your stamina is a family trait, then-"

"I'm not setting you up with a member of the Inari bloodline just because you want a good sex life. Get your mind out of the gutter." Ochako walks off somewhat annoyed by the suggestion with Mina shrugging her shoulders.

On Field Gamma

Ochako began stretching with her kimono pulling a little to show off her body a little. She cracked her neck a bit as Ectoplasm's clone stood in front of her. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. I have something I'd like to try and see if it's possible to do something long distance for me." Upon saying this, Ochako holds out her tails and lights the tips with fox fire. This intrigues everyone as the flames slowly grow brighter and the temperature is felt by the class, several feet away from her. Soon enough, Ochako sends the attack to the clone with a massive blast of fire happening immediately after as well as a blinding light. When the flash dulls down, the image of a completely incinerated area where Ectoplasm's clone was is noticed for everyone to be a little creeped out by it. "Well...I guess I should've held back a little." She laughs at this with nobody being fond at all with what just happened. Soon enough, Bakugou walks up to the front of the crowd to stare at Ochako. "Are you going to give me some sassy comment about you being the best now, Bakugou? I'm pretty sure my husband can put you in your place where the gap should be known."

"Fight me. And when I say this, fight me seriously."

Everyone was a little confused by this as Ochako said once again what she just did. "You do realize you're far weaker than me where the gap between us is beyond anything you can comprehend."

"I know, but I want to see that gap."


"So I have a sight of what I should reach for." This remark raised an eyebrow to everyone in the room. "To make matters simple, I know you're stronger than me whether I want to admit to that or not. However, knowing where you are and where I stand compared to your position right now is something I want to know myself. I know I'm going to get my ass kicked, and I don't care. I need to know where I stand in strength to you so I can be strong enough to beat those I need to in the future."

Seeing the determination in his eyes, Ochako smirked before answering. "You have yourself a fight, Bakugou."

"Ochako. You don't have to appease his desires for a fight." Izuku tried to get Ochako to reconsider for her to ignore it and smile.

"I'm not appeasing him. I just wanna see what he can do with a little training under his belt." Everyone cleared the area to give the two plenty of room. The air around the two made it known that this wasn't their normal fights. This was serious and both were willing to take it as such.

"When one of you isn't able to continue, it's over. We'll also stop it if things get out of hand. And in Midoriya's case, you'll have your husband stop you." Aizawa proclaims with Izuku staring at him. "Don't give me that. You honestly think any of us have a shot at stopping her outside of you?" Izuku wanted to argue, but stopped knowing his teacher was right to some degree.

Ectoplasm spoke up for them to start with the fight immediately going underway. Bakugou came directly at Ochako to start with her rolling her eyes. "Is that honestly the best you've got?" With her one tail, she tried to smack Bakugou away like she normally does for him to evade it. 'Ok. You gained some evasiveness and speed.' She attacked with two more of her tails for Bakugou to pull out of her range and aim with his one hand covering an almost enclosed fist of his other's opening near him.

"AP SHOT!" A barrage of small blasts came to Ochako with her immediately dodging them and readjusting her footing. "I'VE GOT MORE FOR YA! AP RAPID FIRE!" The attacks came much faster now with Ochako holding her five tails out.

"FIVE TAIL FOX INFERNO!" The balls of fox fire came at the attack for them to collide and create a massive smokescreen around to make the result a stalemate. "Alright. That's not bad, Baku-"

"I GOT YOU NOW!" Bakugou came at Ochako with an explosion for her to pull to the side, but not fast enough to have a small cut happen on her cheek. The two pulled away from one another for Ochako to wipe her cheek and see a small bit of blood.

"I don't know if I should be impressed or angered that you are the second to draw blood on me. First obviously being Izuku." Everyone looked at Izuku for a moment before Ochako explained. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what I meant by that. Also, it isn't a complicated picture since Saeko's in his arms. Now, where were we?" A dark smile came on Ochako's face as she began letting loose a massive presence able to make some of the class scared to get any closer.

"Guess it's all or nothing now." Bakugou went up into the air and began creating explosions around with his quirk to spin. As he spun, he kept adding momentum with his explosions to go faster and faster until all that was seen was a tornado of fire coming right at Ochako.

"Now this looks fun. I think I'll use a trick from Izuku's book." Ochako pulled her arm back with fox fire engulfing it. To add a little help counterbalancing the spiraling flames around Bakugou, the fox woman moved the flames in a rotation to the left. "TIME TO SEE WHAT YOU'RE REALLY MADE OF! FOX FIRE SMASH!"

'HOWITZER IMPACT!" The two collided to make a massive explosion of energy with a blinding light, preventing all present to see the final attack's result.


"Just how powerful is Ochako!?" Izuku stared calmly at the attack with Saeko's face being covered so she wouldn't have something hit her in the eyes. As the attacks stopped, the only image left among the two was Ochako in a position showing she threw a punch with the entire arm of her hero costume singed off and her arm looking a little pink as if it was a little burned.

"Ok, there's one. Where'd Bakugou go?" A sound of something crumbling gained everyone's attention for them to look up and see Bakugou indented into the ceiling before falling down on the ground to make a hard thud. Most winced in pain with Kirishima a little surprised. "I'm kinda shocked he's in one piece. That was definitely not a good hit."

Walking to where he wasn, Ochako knelt down to try and talk to Bakugou face to face. She noticed the indent on his cheek from where she hit and the partially conscious state to know he'd barely have any energy to fight back. "I'll admit, that attack was quite impressive. I may have to watch out for it next time if you keep honing it to something admirable."

Bakugou stared at Ochako for a moment before flipping her off. "F-fuck bitch." He passed out after saying this for Ochako to scowl a little.

"You can't take a compliment, can you? Fair enough. I showed you my respect, so that settles that." Ochako stood up and walked towards Izuku who had Saeko try to reach for her mother.

"Nice job."

"That was nothing. Personally, I think you could've handled that if anything, so don't think he's amazing to do that." Ochako bluntly states for everyone to know what happened was without a doubt amazing on either side you look. Nobody could actually scratch Ochako and Bakugou had felt the force of Ochako fighting when they didn't know her true limits. "Now then, why don't we enjoy some time at the dorms after picking up Eri?" Ochako walked off with Izuku in tow for Aizawa to stare at the destruction that was caused.

"If her stamina's as good as this damage, then I give Midoriya too little credit." As they spoke, Vlad King and the rest of class B came in to see the destruction. Upon asking, Aizawa only said they have now some form of a max with Ochako to have the blood manipulating quirk user shiver a bit seeing how much chaos she could make if she was angered. "This field's now class B's. Let's get out of their hair." Class A agreed with some of the students going to pick up Bakugou and bring him to the infirmary as everyone was still shaken to question how strong their classmate really is.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and Ochako. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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