Chapter 10

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"How are you alive?" I asked Vylad covering my mouth making sure I was not loud. "How did you find me?" 

"You are not that hard to track (Y/n), and well when you don't want to be followed when I am there," 

"You sound like a stalker," 

"I know but my time in the over would is very limited, my brother will not be back for six months about the time you will give birth, that being said, I need you to do some things," 

"Why not ask your mother for help?" I asked and Vylad just looked down. "I see," 

"My mother can not know about me being a shadow knight it will just make her sad. Anyways, I want you to travel to Phonex Droop and speak with Lady Aphmau, in times to come her village will become your safe town. My brother wants nothing but wor and he will get it one way or another." he said just before he walked off I stopped him.

"Vylad," I said knowing this could be a risk. "If my child is a boy, I wish to name him after you," I said and let go of his cape. All he did was laugh a small bit and told me to stay safe. For someone, Zane seems to hate I don't see why he was kind to me and Vylad does care. 

~ Sometime later~

"Zianna please just let me go, Zane doesn't have to know I've gone and he cants just expect me to stay here the whole time he's gone!" I told her and she just put her book down. 

"(Y/n) if something were to happen to you or the baby, Zane would be destroyed. Why all of a sudden do you want to go to Phoniex Droop?" 

"Because I feel in my heart it would be a good thing to do. I was not there last time and Zane Nearly started a war with them. I want to make peace with the lord if war does break out then this will be my place to run. With my child and raise them to be kind." 

"This is a big risk," she said calling for Jeffery, "Jeffery I would like for you and a dozen other guards to escort lady (Y/n) to Phoniex Droop. Once there you are to come strate back but leave (Y/n) she wants to speak with the lord." 

"Is this to remain under wraps?" Jeffery asked and she nodded. "What will I tell the other jury members?" He asked knowing Ivy and the others would not approve. 

"Tell them Zane wished for this to happen," she said and I smiled. 

"Thank you Ziann!" I said cheerful knowing I would go and speak with this Lord Aphamu. "I will pack state away, I should only be gone for two weeks. But in that time I wish for all of the letters from Zane be keep safe and just write back I am safe and well, He should not question that." I told her and she nodded. 

"(Y/n) it's best to leave at dawn tomorrow that way Lord Aphmau knows you will be coming." Zianna said and I nodded. 

I quickly went to my house seeing as it was already night. I sent a letter out emedently and the guard obeyed to my command. Grabbing only a few dresses and a pair of pants and shirt, along with my weapons and some food. I wrote a letter to my hand mades telling them where I was and to watch after everything. 

I got some rest and by dawn, I was off in a carriage along with Jeffery as my head guard and others. "Its alright little one, ill find you a safe home," I said as the ride would take a few hours and the baby was moving around. 

~The gates of Phoniex droop~

"Who goes there?" a guard said with blue hair and seemed kind. 

"Hi, I sent the letter late last night, please I mean no harm, none of my guards will come in and I am mainly unarmed seeing as I can't fight," I said kind of showing off the baby bump. "May I speak with the lord?" 

"Oh, Lady (Y/n) I apologize, yes you may come in along with one guard and your carriage, we wouldn't want you to walk at your state," he said opening the gate and I take one guard with me but before we go in I talk to the guards. 

"Head back, I will be fine here with him and lady Katelyn is here too, I am safe,"  I said and got in the carriage as the guard hops on and guides the horses. 

As we enter the gate closes, I looked back as Jeffery took everyone back home. Riding through the town we stop in the town square. "My lady you must come out," my one guard said. 

"Thank you," I said getting one bag out of gold. "Where is the lord?" I asked looking around but saw no one. "Please we are not attacking this is a bag of gold, an offering, I can't do harm I'm bloody pregnant." 

"We know Lady (Y/n)," A lady's voice said and I saw the lord of the village in battle armor. "Please forgive my outfit I just got done sparing with some of my guards. Please come to the guard tower you won't be held there it's just where we hold meetings," she said and one of her guards took the gold from me he looked kind actually all of them are kind. 

As we sit down my guard stands behind me to keep me safe. "Don't talk, okay," I told him as I sat down, he nodded. "Well it is lovely to finally meet you Lord Aphmau," I said and she smiled at me. 

"Please call me Aphmau, but I want to know why you came here lady (Y/n)?" 

"I came because there is word going around that my husband, Zane, is planning a war if this is true I need to plan a safe place for my child to be raised, and if possible me as well."

"My brother starting a war?" Garroth said as he walked in the door standing by his lord I wanted to get up and give him a hug but I had to stay professional. "I'm sorry dear sister-in-law but O'kasis does not have the resources to start a war with anyone at the moment." 

"As that may be the true brother I don't think that is why he would of went all the way to Tu'la, is willing to spend time there gaining their trust and not being back till my child is born," I said trying to keep a steady voice. 

"Why do you keep saying your child? A father has just as much right as you?" A mysterious man said that I didn't even realize he was even in there. 

"Because I know Zane better than anyone right now, he is planning wor and if this does happen he will stick here first then move to other places. He won't stop till all the villages are under his control. He wants to strike here first because its one of the major villages and important to you Garroth, he killed off everyone in my town and well Zane is not afraid to destroy to get what he wants. I know you all already had a scare like that before, he changed one of the babies in this town no less than two years ago. Zane is getting Tu'la on his side all the Mafua and their king is going to be under his control. I don't want to raise my child in a world like that but that doesn't mean I can stop Zane." 

"Then why tell us this?" Aphmau asked and I sied.

"Because I don't want there to be fighting, Zane won't be back till the baby is born. What he doesn't know is I'm trying to find us a safe haven. And after this war that is something I will need. Zane may think he has the upper hand but with me telling you this information means I am willing to be an alien and not your enemy." 

"What about your guard that has stayed quiet this whole time?" Laurance asked and I shrugged. 

"Do what you want with him I just needed him to drive the carriage into town. Now that he knows what I'm planning he mustn't stay around much longer." 

"Are you suggesting to kill me Lady (Y/n)?" the guard asked and I nodded. "If that is what it takes, I would gladly die in order to keep this plan secret," he said taking a knee and bowing his head.

"That won't be necessary," Lady Aphmau said and The guard rose. "Tell me your name?" 

"Justin, Lady Aphmau, my name is Justin." 

"Then Justian, since you know of this plan and you seem like a fairly new guard I would like to hire you and when lady (Y/n) comes here as her safe haven you will be her protector. Just remember, if you leak any information out to anyone outside this Village then you will die," She said and I was kind of grateful, Justin was a new guard and just like that was willing to die for me without question.

"Lady (Y/n) is allowed?" he asked and I nodded. "Then I will work for you lady Aphmau," he said and bowed his head towards her. 

"Good, now if that is all the business we have (Y/n) you are welcome to stay in town for a few days. Talk with the locals and just if you do come it would be an honor to have you here," Aphmau said and I smiled. 

"It's nice to know my child will have a safe place to stay," I said and as I got up Aphmau stuck out her hand and I took it. We made a deal that if anything happened it would be easy to come here first. 

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