Chapter 12

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"AHHHHHHH!" I scream out in pain nearly falling to the floor but my maidens caught me. "Get the doctor! Na!" I couldn't stop screaming I was in so much pain one of them ran out to get the doctor as the other led me to bed.

"Should I call for the master too, My lady?" She asked and I shook my head no. "But he deserves to be here,"

"No, he doesn't, He had business to take care of. Now get some hot water and call the guards here so one can get Zianna for me." I said breathing I felt dizzy, "Do this quickly! and grab more blankets!"

I didn't mean to yell at them I never raised my voice at them but I was in pain I didn't know what to do. I was more scared than ever in my life, I never did this before I just pray that my baby is okay.

~Zanes POV~

I just got done with my business with Jefferee, he is no longer a problem for me or my wife. She needed to be protected but I forgive her for cheating on me with him, though she will be punished for it. As I get closer to the house I see what is happening, a lot of guards were around my house with my mother coming out. "Zane," She said looking at me happily, "Where were you? (Y/n) went into labor and you took forever! The doctor was called, but I was by her side, she's doing alright."

"Why wasn't I called over? Why didn't she call for me?" I asked and mother shook her head.

"She knew you were busy and didn't want to disturb you, but her water broke as soon as she got home. Zane, she is week right now and it would be best if you don't start anything, do you understand?" She asked and I nodded my head. "You both have grown up so fast I'm proud of the man you become, A good man."

I wasn't as good as she thought I was, but I just wanted to see (Y/n) and our baby. "Was it a boy or girl?" I asked as my mother leads me through the house. "And is it alright?"

"It was a girl and boy, twins Zane, you had twins. Your Father is on his way to meet the young ones." She said letting me in the room. "(Y/n), Zane is here,"

"Zane," She said a little week but sounding tired. "Meet your son, Ethan James Ro'meave," she said and the doctor handed me the boy, he was so small but I was happy, I took off my mask so they could see my face. "And this is your daughter, Alice Lee Ro'meave," she said holding the girl in her arms feeding her.

"They are beautiful my love," I told her giving her a kiss on the head. "Absolutely beautiful,"

"Ill get the crib they might have to share for one night," Mother said but (Y/n) stopped her.

"Zianna no, they will stay in the bed where I know they are safe." She said and sounded like she meant it. Then my father walked in, he brought gifts for them and smiled as if it was the best thing to happen to this family were my children.

"What nonsense (Y/n) they must stay in the crib, we will have the maidens I brought over to help you."

"Thank you, Father, but I think me and (Y/n) can handle this," I told him as he waked up to me. "And if (Y/n) wants them to be by her side for the night then it will be okay,"

"Nonsense dear boy!" His voice boomed waking up the baby. "Oh sorry," he said lower this time. "But it is custom for you to lay with her as she is still fertile, you both must have more children."

"NO!" This time it was (Y/n) who spoke first before me and that upset my father. "I'm sorry but I am not really ecstatic to have another child when I have two beautiful ones here, Your grandchildren you thought I would never provide, I get this I just gave birth and quite frankly all I want is to hold my children and have a nice cup of tea with milk. Or is that too much for a mother to ask?" She was incredible for standing up to my dad like that and being weak for doing it. "Zane hand the baby to your mother and change. I would like to rest and if you want you can join me but I also must feed both the children."

"(Y/n) your acting crazy, Alice Lee is already sleeping so lay her by your side, then feed Ethan and I will join you soon, but you three must get your rest, Ill have everyone come back in the morning along with the baby clothing and we will keep them safe from all harm," I told her as mother hands her Ethan but she looked annoyed with me. "Everyone leaves so that (Y/n) may rest, guards stand your post outside the house no one is allowed in beside the four handmaidens I have hired to help her."

And just like that everyone left but my Father, "Son a word," He told me before we both went outside to talk I knew it was about (Y/n)'s behavior.

"Yes, father?" I asked as we were a good distance away.

"That wor you want to start, your wife just gave birth you have to hold it off! We can not risk her losing a child with a war going on, and if you leave them fatherless what are they gonna do? She cannot raise them by her self? Are you mad dear boy!"

"Do you want your eldest sone back or no!" I yelled back and he nodded. "Then that's why I'm doing this, to get him back to get us more power, if I leave her with out me I know she can take care of  them, the king promise he wouldn't harm them."

"And what if she moves on?"

"I killed the man she loved my own guard Jeffery is gone at my had because of they where lovers."

"We were not lovers, Zane." I heard (Y/n) say as she walks out. "Where did you get that idea from? I've stayed nothing but true to you and he conferred me when I was in pain most nights, I would never do anything like that to you,"

"Go to bed (Y/n) now, I will deal with you in the morning," I told her.

"No, I want to deal with this now. He was just a friend to me and assured me of the plan you had in place, coming over and marking different routes we could take In case there was wor on another path. He was just a friend! And he never did anything to dissononer your he was your guard who took an oth to protect you and those you love-"

"Enough woman,"

"I will not stop till what you see was wrong! You don't get to decide the facts of others! What is-"

"I said enough!" I yelled and struck her across the face. "Get to bed and look after my children,"

"They are not yours," she said running inside locking the doors and telling me to stay out.

I tried to get in to apologize to her, I tried to tell her he deserved to die but she wouldn't listen. I cared but she saw me as a monster again, then if that's what she saw I would give it to here. "Fine don't listen to me but I love you, think of me as the monster and don't look at me but remember you made me do this and I know you have been traveling a lot lately but you won't tell me where. You think your so perfect but understand that you're not! You cant change the thing you've become, you use to fight for your right but now you've grown soft becoming a mother who is soft, knowing you need a big strong man in your life because you never had that in your life. You fell for me cause I have power and I control everything but if you don't talk to me then your just a waste of my time, I shouldn't have married you and you will rot My Lady, you will rot and when the time comes my children will learn to hate you too." 

"They will not be yours, they will hate you not me. The wor you bring inside you is the reason you hate yourself, you know to your father you are nothing but second, chose and Garroth is his favorite even if he ran off he is loved more than you. You don't see the fact that even if you manage to bring him back nothing will change you won't get the power Zane, you are just stuck as the middle child. I never loved you, I married you to save myself before I died at such a young age, I am still young and have children! If anything I should just kill you so no one else gets hurt." 

"(Y/n) I didn't want to hurt you but you forced my hand," 

"You have a chose but you are just a lap dog doing what everyone else tells you," 

"I will give you three months, that's when the king will come and wor will start, but if something happens to you-" 

"Youll what? You just said you didn't want me so what makes you think I'll wait three months, what makes you think I won't run off to my safe haven without you, what makes you think you can control me?" 

"Because there is a spell on this house now. You and the children can not leave this house till month 4,  Only I can enter and my mother too, but you are under my control. Women don't have a say and shouldn't have power otherwise they go mad like you,"

And with that I left her there to tend to the children. 

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