Car Jacking

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A/N: the smokin guy in the cover? That's Eggsy. And he's British. Yeah.

My long, dark ponytail swings from side to side as I walk into the pub. I smile at the bartender and he slides a martini my way. I take it off of the counter, and walk over to my table, where my friends are waiting for me.
"Adrienne! You made it!" My buddy Eggsy grins over enthusiastically. I smack him on the side of the head.
"How are you already drunk?" I laugh. He shakes his head, grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm not. Jared probably is, but I'm not," he laughs. I look at Jared, who's wiggling his eyebrows at every person that walks past. I laugh. Jared never had any self control when it came to alcohol.
"So, congrats on the big twentieth birthday," Eggsy shouts, slapping my back. I blush. His grin grows wider. We live in England, so we can drink on our own at eighteen, but with an adult we can drink at sixteen and seventeen. I've known Eggsy since I was five and he was seven, and we met Jared two years later. The three of us are known as the Musketeers, except we cause more problems then we solve. When Eggsy turned eighteen, and I was sixteen, he would start going to bars, and I would come and have a beer or two. Jared breaks my train of thought, shouting at a random guy,
"Hey pansy. You look like a weakling." I look up, and recognize the guy as the bully that constantly attacks Eggsy. Crap. He's part of a gang lead by Eggsy's abusive step-dad. I hate to see Eggsy with a bruised cheek or a swollen nose.
"Oh, so you think you're tough? You hang out with a girl," he sneers. I stand up.
"Hey, I could kill you seven different ways with just my martini," I growl. Eggsy places his hand on my arm, sending butterflies through my stomach.
"Calm down. He's not worth it," he sighs. I sit down. What he says, goes. He stands up, gesturing for me to grab Jared. I guess we're leaving. The bully pushes Eggsy on the way out, but I notice something no one else does. Eggsy snagged his car keys. I wink at him, a gesture that means I noted his antics and fully support him. We walk out and find the guy's sports car. Eggsy opens the driver's side door, Jared climbs into the backseat behind him and I crawl into the passenger's side as the engine starts. I grab the roof handle thing as Eggsy sets us off in doughnuts, and we laugh as the bully walks out, scowling and shouting at us. We drive around a corner, and almost smash into a cop car. Eggsy tosses the vehicle into reverse and we speed through traffic backwards, which is just normal for us. Eggsy's eyes flick back and forth from the cop to the road we're driving on, expertly avoiding cars and trucks. But then comes our fatal mistake. Happens every time. Eggsy darts into a dead end alley. The cop corners us.
"Guys, get out of the car," Eggsy growls. Jared quickly obliges, hopping out and running, jumping a fence and escaping. I, however, stay put.
"Adrienne, I said get out!" He screams, his voice raw from all the shouting and whooping. But he's not taking the blame alone, not again.
"There is nothing you can do to get me out of this freaking car!" I scream back.
"GET OUT!" He roars.
"YOU CAN'T TAKE THE BLAME ALONE AGAIN!" I thunder back. He stares at me in defeat.
"Fine. But you may want to hold on to something," he growls softly. I grab on to the door, screaming in terror as Eggsy drives forward at top speed, crashing into the police car.

"Look, I'll say this one. More. Time. You tell me who the other boy is, or get the girls to speak, and I'll let you go!" The officer shouts at Eggsy. I sit still and refuse to speak.
"No!" Eggsy shouts, shaking his head.
"Fine. I guess we'll just have to throw you both in jail," the cop grumbles.
"I want to exercise my right to a phone call," Eggsy states calmly.
"Good idea. You can let your mom know that you're gonna be eighteen months late for dinner," the grumpy officer sneers as he walks out. Eggsy takes out his medal, that he wears everywhere, and flips it over. He dials a number and begins to speak.
"Hi, my name is Eggsy, I'm in jail and I need some help," he grumbles. I have excellent hearing, so I can hear the other side of the call.
"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number," the woman on the other end states, beginning to hang up.
"No, wait! Oxfords, not brogues!" He shouts. There is silence.
"Your complaint has been filed," the woman says. Then she hangs up. I place my hand on Eggsy's shoulder. I notice tears in his eyes.
"We really screwed up this time, huh?" I whisper. Next thing I know, he's crushing me in his strong arms.
"Adj, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have stolen the car, shouldn't have let you stick around, shouldn't have even taken you to the pub!" He sobs into my hair. It's so unlike him to cry. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest. I'm not very tall, and he is quite the opposite.
"Eggsy, if you hadn't, then I probably would have," I whisper.
"Ya, but you would've given it back without completely destroying it," he sobs quietly.
"No. I would've let you drive," I smile. He slowly pulls away, looking down at me. He looks like he's about to do something, but hesitates and walks over to the other side of the room instead. The cops come back in and drag us out, pushing us out of the station. I glance at Eggsy with a curious look, but he just shrugs.
"Hello, Eggsy. Hello Adrienne," a man leaning on the wall calls out.
"Who are you?" Eggsy shouts. That is an excellent question. I squeeze his hand to signal that something here isn't quite right. Something about this guy is wrong.

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