Plan B

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A/N: I haven't updated in a while. Sorry. :( I've been busy with music and archery and planning my summer and school and life and stuff. And sooo much writers block....

Charlie began to babble about some stupid crap, when Merlin's voice crackled through our earpieces.
"Eggsy, Adrienne, you've got to listen! We don't have much time anymore. Valentine is moving another satellite into place! Get back here, asap!!" We pushed past Charlie and ran back to the jet. Merlin hands Eggsy a gun.
"Whatever you do, don't let him activate that device! Got it? Good." Eggsy and I race around a corner, just as some guards rush towards the hanger. We make it to the abandoned cell block.
"Hey!! Help!!" A voice calls out from a cell. I'm to short to see inside, but Eggsy peers through.
"Hello. Um, who are you?"
"I'm the princess of Poland. Now get me out of here!" Eggsy smirks.
"If you let me out, can I kiss you?" I glare and he glances at me.
"I've always wanted to kiss a princess," he states in explanation. I nod. Static crackles in the ear pieces again.
"He's activated the device! Eggsy, Adrienne, hurry!!" Eggsy looks in at the princess again.
"Sorry, gotta save the world," he smirks.
"If you save the world, we can do it in the butt hole." I glare and stand on tiptoe, pushing Eggsy.
"Yeah, hi your Majesty. I'm his girlfriend. STEP OFF!" I grab Eggsy by the tie.
"Let's go, Gary." He flinches.
I drag him around the corner, into a massive group of guards. Keep in mind, we're both carrying guns and are clearly Kingsman.
"Shit!" We turn to run, only to bump into a second group of guards.
"Merlin, we need back up!!" I state.
"I'm in a bit of trouble myself..." Merlin responds.
"Hey Merlin?" Eggsy asks.
"Yes, Eggsy?"
"You remember those chips you said would be of no use to us?"
"Already on it." Suddenly, all the guards heads EXPLODE.
"OH OKAY," I state. Eggsy grins and gives me a gentle kiss.
"Let's go." We break into the main room of the bunker, to find everyone there is dead as well, except Gazelle and Valentine.
"You little sons of bitches!!" He lisps.
"I got the girl, you get him," I whisper. He nods.
"One, two, three GO!"

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