The Fate Of The World Rests On My Shoulders

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A/N: The Fate Of The World Rests On My Shoulders
By Fall Out Boy
Sorry, I had to. So here's your long awaited update!

I lunge at Gazelle, her sword feet dangling dangerously close. Weapon.... Weapon... BOOBS! I reach into my bra and pull out two knives. Gazelle gives me a look.
"What bitch? Upset you don't have enough bra space for weaponry?!"
"OOOOH SHIT JUST GOT RAWR!" Eggsy shouts from his own battle, which he appeared to be winning. That's my boy. I slash at the crazy weapon footed lady with my knives, but she soon disarms me. I move on to guns, as well as throwing the baby bombs on my necklace. She easily stops all my attacks.


Eggsy's POV:
I pry at Valentine's arms, trying to pull them off of the control panel for his stupid microchips. It's no use, I'm unable to pull him away. It has begun.

3rd person POV:

The world is in chaos. While Eggsy and Adrienne fight two battles that could end in the worlds salvation or the end of everything. But meanwhile, back at the Unwin residence, shit is getting all too real.

Eggsy's mother is standing in the kitchen when the chip is activated, talking to Roxy on the phone.
"Mam, I need you to take your little girl, lock her in the bathroom and get rid of the key."
"How do you know about my child?! Who are you?!"
"Mam, that is not important, your son Eggsy gave me specific instructions. Just do it before it's too late."
Ms Unwin puts Eggsy's little sister in her stroller, pushing her into the bathroom and locking it. She pushes the key under the door.

A few moments later, the waves are emitted from the chip in her phone. The violence floods her brain, takes over her system and shuts her down.

She grabs a kitchen knife and begins attacking the door to the bathroom, cutting it and scratching it. Her child is crying. She grabs a much larger knife and the door starts to buckle and crack. Soon it will be too late to stop her.


Gazelle leaps at me, extending her leg in what can only be described as a classic ninja jump kick... Thing. I mimic her, clicking my heels mid jump, a small knife popping out of my shoe. She misses, but I don't. I leave a small cut on her arms, but it's enough for the neurotoxin to kick in. Her veins start turning green, very slowly of course, and she soon collapses, dead. I've won. I notice Eggsy's not having the same luck... But the window to the control room is broken. I grab one of Gazelle's sword legs and throw it through the window. It pierces Valentine's heart.

Game over for you, douche.

He, being squeamish, throws up everywhere. Ew. His hand slides off the panel and all the fighting in the world stops.

And everything is at a standstill.

My prince comes down from the control room and pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly.
"I love you so, so much, and I'm so happy that your okay," he whispers. I kiss him gently.
"Well thank god for me cause I," I wave my finger around the room, "killed everyone. And you did nothing." He smacks me lightly on the arm.
"Hey! That's not fair!" We walk out hand in hand and stop at the prison cells, releasing everyone, stopping at the princess.
"Do you still want that kiss from a princess?" She asks in her thick accent, eyeing me as she speaks. Rude, don't be a bitch.
"No," Eggsy smiles down at me and plants a kiss on my forehead.
"I've got my princess right here."


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