The Challenge

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The elevator finally stops. We get off, Eggsy still holding onto my shaky hand. We sit in a strange pod thing that zooms off. As it begins to move, Harry begins talking about the history of the Kingsmen. I wasn't lying when I said I needed a nap, so I rest my head on Eggsy's shoulder and doze off. I wake up to him gently nudging me, and blink a couple times.
"We're here," he whispers. I get up and exit the pod. We walk into a small room, similar to an army dorm, where there are about nine other kids.
"Fall in!" A man shouts as he walks in. We group ourselves into two lines asap.
"Welcome to the deadliest job interview you will ever experience. There are two things I need to alert you of: number one, we are short a bed. Is anyone willing to share with an acquaintance or friend?" I look at Eggsy. When we were little, my dad would go out on Friday nights. I didn't like being all alone so Eggsy would come over and stay with me. We had shared a bed at the time, but when we turned thirteen, my dad made me tell Eggsy that he couldn't come over anymore. Eggsy is clearly thinking the same thing I am. I raise a hand, as does he.
"We can share, sir. It won't be a problem," I state. The man nods and tosses me a sack.
"Now, number two. Does anyone know what these are?" He asks. A girl next to us answers.
"Body bags, sir," she says.
"Good. Each of you get a body bag. On it, you will write your age, phone number and next of kin. If you tell anyone about us, I can assure you that you will find yourself and your next of kin in that bag! Got it? Good. Get ready for bed. You have a big day tomorrow," the man states. We nod, write down the information, then proceed to get ready for bed. Eggsy takes off his shirt. I gasp because damn. He's got abs. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" He asks. I stutter some unintelligible.
"Like the view?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. I snap out of my mini-trance.
"Ew, no!" I squeal. He climbs into the bed, facing me. I lie down as well, looking at him. Eggsy falls asleep easily and quickly, leaning over and letting his arm flop over my waist. I scoot over closer to him, resting my head on his chest. His heartbeat is strong and steady. The sound tires me, but I don't fall asleep. After a while, I notice that water is rapidly filling the room. I shake Eggsy, waking him up and start screaming at everyone else. They all Rush over to the toilets and proceed to shove shower tubes down them. The room completely and Eggsy and I take a last breath, ducking under and swimming to the door, trying to pry it open. It won't budge, so we rush over to the others, who are breathing out of the toilet tubes. A girl who had introduced herself to us as Roxy lets us use hers. We each take a breath, then Eggsy nods towards the mirror, which I quickly recognize as a two way. We swim over and pound on it, creating a few small cracks. We continue to pound on it, when Eggsy pulls me off, backs up and slams full force into the mirror, shattering it completely. We all go spilling out, taking deep breaths.
"Good job," the man we met last night says.
"Roxy, Charlie, good job with the shower heads. If you jam a tube through the U-bend of a toilet, you'll have an endless air supply. It's basic physics. And Eggsy, Adrienne, good job recognizing that the mirror was a two way."
"Probably seen a ton of them in there lifetimes," the boy, Charlie scoffs.
"Isn't that right, Eggy?" He taunts. I walk up and swiftly round house him. He plummets to the ground and lands flat on his back.
"Let this be a lesson," I state smacking my hands together and walking in front of the other candidates.
"Never, I repeat never, cross me," I growl. A few of them raise their hands in surrender.
"Good," I snarl. I return to Eggsy's side.
"I'm kinda scared of you now," he whispers softly. I grin at him.

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