The Fall Of The King

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We arrive at the Kingsman agency in record time, racing through the halls. We arrive at the conference room, and burst in to find Arthur sitting all alone.
"Harry's dead!" Eggsy wails. "Harry was shot in the head by that asshole!" I pull him into a hug and he sobs on my shoulder.
"I am aware. Let us drink to him," Arthur states. He pours three glasses of whiskey, smiling at something out the window. We turn to look. Eggsy leans in and gives me a series of little kisses on and around my ear, whispering in between.
"Don't drink it. Say you don't drink. Look under his ear." I glance at Arthur and note an implant scar, which I recognized as the scar from the chip Valentine implanted in his associates.
"I'm sorry sir. I don't drink," I mumble.
"Hm. Is that so?"
"It is sir." He nods, a vicious expression flicking across his face for a second.
"Very well." Eggsy nods at the portraits on the wall behind Arthur
"Are those former Kingsman?" He asks. Arthur turns to the wall.
"Indeed they are. Fallen Kingsman leaders." He goes on explaining. I quietly take his glass and put it where Eggsy's was, while Eggsy puts his in the place of Arthur's. Arthur's turns back to us.
"Let us drink for Agent Galahad." Eggsy lifts his glass and takes a sip, as does Arthur.
"I have a question. Why did you join Valentine?" Eggsy asks. Arthur recoils in surprise.
"How'd you figure it out?" He spits.
"You have a scar beneath your ear," Eggsy rebuttals.
"Join us. You can survive, being among the chosen few to live through V-Day. You and your little girlfriend can help repopulate the world, with a brand new, better, stronger, smarter human race." When he mentions repopulation I blush. Cause you know, suggestive themes and such.
"Never," I snarl through gritted teeth.
"Ah. Well, once V-Day begins, you'll die anyways. What do you say, Gary?" Arthur sneers. I glance at Eggsy.
"Gary? Who the hell is Gary?" I question. Eggsy rubs the back of his neck.
"That may or may not be my real name... hehe...." he mumbles.
"How the hell do you get Eggsy out of Gary?" I point out.
"When I was little I couldn't say Gary right, I would say Egg- you know what, this is not the time!" He huffs. I shake my head.
"Well, Gary? Make up your mind," Arthur grins evilly. Like, seriously though, it was a weird look on him.
"No. Never. You make me sick," Eggsy spits.
"Very well. I guess I'll just have to remove you," Arthur states, pulling out a pen resembling the ones we saw in the weapons room, the ones that you use to poison a drink or something- oooh, that's why Eggsy switched the drinks.
"I assume you know how this works?" Arthur says.
"You poisoned me. You click that damn pen and I die in a matter of minutes," Eggsy replies calmly.
"Correct. Ready to watch your boyfriend die?" Arthur sneers. I give Eggsy a kiss, then nod. Arthur clicks the pen, then jolts a little bit.
"Oh shit..." he gurgles.
"You see Arthur, we may not be Kingsmen, and we may not be fancy, but we have one specific skill; slight of hand." Arthur chokes and gasps, trying to overpower the toxin. It's a battle he cannot win. It's impossible. He falls to the table, all life draining from his cruel eyes.
"Traitor," Eggsy snarls, spitting on Arthur's corpse.
"He was probably just scared of dying, but yeah, this is probably for the best. But, you did not need to spit on his corpse. That was childish and unnecessary!" I scold.
"Yeah, whatever," he huffs. I giggle.
"Let's go tell the others everything we've found out," I state. Eggsy nods.
"But first..." he muses. "Shall we take advantage of the privacy of the conference room?" I giggle.
"Sure." I lean in and kiss him passionately, tangling my hands in his hair. He sits down, and I make my way onto his lap, still mashing faces. He suddenly breaks away.
"We should go." He states. I mock pout.
"Yeah, okay."

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