The Walk Gone Wrong

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WARNING : This part of the story is actually cringy and full of hatred and it also contains some cuss words. I will surely censor those words. Remember that this part of my life wasn't full of happiness so if you are here searching for something really enjoyable then this may not be for you. If you are still gonna read it then Go Ahead and do so, I won't stop you.

Last Year, when I was 14, I was kinda tensed as my exams were coming up. To relax a bit, I went on a walk with my friend.

I invited my friend and we left our houses and met each other near the school. It was around 8 at night, so the school was closed. We left for another friend's house which was situated in a deep area where you would find a lot of jerks who think they can do anything cause that particular area belongs to them as they live there.

We were passing through an alleyway while talking to each other when I asked my friend a question. Before he could answer it, a voice said from nearby, "I don't know man". Hearing that I instinctively replied, "I wasn't asking you, bro".

After that, the man that voice belonged to suddenly came up to me and grabbed me by my wrist. I recognized him at once.

 He was an ex-student of our school who was kicked out due to usage of bad language and he even slapped a teacher once. After leaving school, it didn't took him long to become the leader of that area's gang. 

He grabbed me by my wrist and punched me in the stomach which left me with a lot of pain. He looked at "How dare you call me an ***hole, you piece of sh*t!

My friend tried to defend me "He didn't say anything like that. he was saying—". That man released my hand and punched my friend in the face.

I knew that he didn't misunderstood me. these jerks are just hungry to pick on people weaker than them, and I admit that I was surely weak at that time.

After that, he didn't pay any heed to me and started beating my friend up. My friend was afraid and started to run. Seeing that, the man picked up a rock, around 1 foot long, to throw it at my friend.

I immediately grabbed his hand from the back making him drop the rock by the sudden movement. once he dropped it, I began to run. I used to be a pretty fast runner, one of the top 10 in my school, so I knew he wouldn't catch up to me.

Once I started running, he picked the rock again and threw it at me. He missed but it still hit my leg, injuring it pretty badly. I didn't had any time to scream in pain, so I just kept on running till I caught up with my friend.

After that, I went to my house and my friend went to his. Fortunately, I was home alone as my other family members had left just before I went for the walk.

I entered my house and sat down on the floor, groaning in pain. I got up after a few minutes and used the First-Aid Kit to treat my injured leg.

When my family came home and asked how my leg got injured,not wanting to make them concerned, I told them that I met with a small accident on the way home. My leg became better after a month.

I hope you guys never get in such trouble cause it affected my life at a great level, not in a good way. Keep calm and be safe and I will meet you in the next chapter of my life with the aftermath/effect of this incident on me, which I would be writing right after publishing this.

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