Chapter 11

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Cal was right, my arms were sore, so sore that mikey had to end up pushing me in the wheelchair out to the car with the promise of going to my new home with Mikey and the boys. "Hey Liv, can you stand and maybe pull yourself up into the truck?" Ash asked me. "Umm maybe" I said not too confident that I could do it. I locked the brakes on the wheelchair and cautiously got my feet off the foot bar, and set them one at a time onto the concrete.

I then proceeded to use the open truck door as a way to pull myself out of my chair. I thought I was doing pretty well but then just as my luck always goes, my good leg gave out, still weak from the weeks that I sat in the hospital bed unable to do anything. As my leg gave out my head connected with the side of the truck and I slid down onto the pavement.


I watched as Livy used the door to pull herself up, mindful of her bad leg, as she stood up all weight on her good leg, her leg gave out. I reached out to grab her, but I was just a little too late. I watched as her head connected with the side of Michael's truck with a loud thud. She then slid on down onto the pavement where she lay tears streaming down her face as she immediately held the side of her head.

"Shit what happened?!" Luke asked seeing that Liv was in a heap on the parking lot pavement holding her head in her hands while sobbing.  I quickly responded "her leg gave out and she hit the side of the truck with her head." "Dang it!" Luke responded as he crouched down to her level. "Hey there Liv, let me see your pretty head for a second, what do you say?" Luke asked in a very calm and relaxed voice. She immediately lowered her hands and allowed Luke to look.

Luke POV

Liv lowered her hands and allowed me to examine her head. It didn't look too bad. "Princess, where exactly does it hurt?" I asked her, and in response she pointed to the left side of her head, very close to the front of the skull where the frontal lobe is housed. I grabbed my pen light out of my pocket and shined it into her eyes checking her pupils and how they reacted to the light whether they were too slow to constrict or not. "Ok so it doesn't look too bad princess, we can all still go home but we need to monitor you. Is that ok?" She didn't speak but she gave a small thumbs up which was slightly concerning to me but not so much so that I wanted to stick her back in the hospital.


Once Luke announced that we could go home I gave a small thumbs up not wanting to talk, just wanting to be cuddled. I reached out my arms towards mikey signaling that I wanted him to pick me up, which thankfully he kindly did. He set me inside the truck as the boys took their rightful spots in the truck. Luke and Ash sat on either side of me in the back seat, Cal sat in the front in the passenger seat and Mikey was just getting into the drivers seat, when I softly whined. Making all eyes avert their attention to me. "I want mikey!" I pouted almost in a whisper still not feeling up to using 100% of my voice.

"Princess I need to drive." Mikey spoke in response, but I wasn't having it. I wanted my daddy cuddles and I was gonna have them. So I let the tears that I had been holding back come streaming down my face. "Ok, ok, I will come sit with you Liv." Mikey responded. " Ashton, you drive." Mikey spoke towards the back seat as he threw open the driver door and handed Ashton the keys and came and sat in the back with me.

Once we were all comfortable in the back, I laid my head to rest in the comfort of Mikey's lap, my new dad. He sighed, seeming slightly flustered with me but ended up playing with my hair instead of being too miffed at me. I relaxed into the feel of him, allowing the soothing gesture to send me off into dreamland. For once in my life, things seemed to be turning out alright. I was safe, and I had a family that loved me and would take amazing care of me.

Mikey POV

I felt Liv relax into my lap as I continued to play with her hair. Soon we arrived at our house. I was about to get out when I realized that Livy was knocked out cold on my lap. I looked down at her and couldn't help but smile. I was blessed by some unfortunate souls with this beautiful new daughter, and I have to admit even though it had been a rocky start, it was going to be completely worth it in the long run. So with that thought being concluded, I gently unbuckled Liv and carried her bridle style into the house, following the guys inside. Ash made quick work of turning off the alarm as I whispered to the boys "I will be back I'm gonna go put Liv to bed." Calum followed not too far behind. We both walked into what would now be Liv's room, and threw the blankets and sheets to the side. I gently laid her down in the bed. She let out a small groan but then went straight back to dreamland. I pulled the covers over her with Calum's help. I quickly thanked him, then gave Liv a quick kiss goodnight on the forehead, and proceeded to turn off the lights and head back down stairs shutting her door in the process.

"Alright guys lets try not to wake the poor kid up, she has had a rough couple of weeks. She needs all the rest she can get." I got agreements out of all of them.

I made sure to put Livs meds on the kitchen counter and then I made my way into the theatre room and sat myself on the couch, the others following suit. We all agreed upon a movie to watch, which just so happened to be the transformers movie. We sat and ate popcorn, Luke and Cal having a light drink before calling it a night. Leaving me and ash in the theatre room.  We both stayed watching the movie, about an hour in, my eyes got heavy and I gave into sleep.

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