Chapter 10

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Liv Pov

I groaned slightly as I felt myself slowly starting to come out of the anesthesia. I blinked several times trying to clear my vision. After a few minuets the haze in front of my eyes cleared. I looked around slightly trying not to do any sudden movements. As I checked my surroundings, I noticed that Mikey wasn't with me and that I was totally and utterly alone. I began to panic slightly. I felt tears falling as I cried out for Mikey. "Mikey" I yelled/cried out. "Mikey! Where are you." no one came in. I heard the monitor next to me cry out alerting anyone who was listening that my heart rate was elevating. The noise the monitors were making just made me panic more. I began hyperventilating a lot and perhaps beginning to feel a slight panic attack setting in. I finally took a giant breathe and screamed bloody murder "MIKEY!!!!" finally some random nurse whom I didn't recognize come in. "sweetie what's wrong?" she asked me, clearly seeing that I was in distress. I continued to wheeze while still having my full blown panic attack, I managed to say between tears "Where is Mikey, and Ashton?" The nurse looked at me for a moment before she finally replied "Oh you mean Dr.Clifford and Dr.Irwin?" I took another wheezing breathe and said "yes. Now can you please tell me where Mikey is?" the nurse ran out without a word and left me on my own again. The tears continued to stream down my face, the panic was setting in again, all the while I never noticed the slight pain in my leg or the new cast on my leg. Finally after about 5 minuets more of me continuing to panic, Mikey finally runs in and pulls me close to him as I sob. "Where were you? You promised to stay with me!?" I managed to say in a stern but hiccupping voice. Mikey came up on the bed and gathered me more into his arms and began stroking my hair as I pulled my face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Livy. I had to step out for an emergency. I was hoping you wouldn't wake up before I was back. I'm so sorry Livy" he mumbled to me. I hiccupped but said "It's ok Mikey. I'm just glad your here with me now. But NEVER leave me AGAIN!"

After a good 10 minuets of Mikey and I talking I calmed down. "So what do you think of your new cast Livy?" It took me a moment to realize what he was talking about when I finally turned my gaze onto the leg that once was in the cage. I noticed that it was no longer in the cage and was in a stunning blue cast. (Pic below)

"How did you know that this was my favorite color?" "Oh well you know, I have my sources." Mikey replied. I wasn't utterly convinced that he had "sources" I was more convinced that he just hit a stroke of luck. But no matter. I was super happy with his color choice. "Do you mind if I sign your cast?" Mikey asked while brandishing a black sharpie marker. "I wouldn't mind at all dad" I replied back with a slight laugh.

The next few days were absolute hell! I was beginning to get weaned off of my pain medicine so that I could adapt to the amount that I would be receiving in pill form at my new home with my new dad. But despite being in pain, Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Mikey made me get out of my hospital bed and try to walk. Although, the walking, was more of me being carried. I wasn't strong enough to be able to use crutches to crutch around the building. It was quite frustrating no matter how many times they reassured me that it was "normal". So one day while I was sitting in my hospital bed in some basketball shorts , a t-shirt, and a stolen hoodie from mikey, I was surprised by a knock at my door. "come in" I said in a slightly sad voice. "I have something that will cheer you up" I heard mikey say from the door. "What is it?" I questioned, feeling my self give way to curiosity. "well we have something that will make life a bit easier for you." "Ok, what is it?" I questioned again. "well-" Mikey was cut off by Calum "Mikey for heaven's sake just tel Liv what we all got her" putting special emphasis on the WE. "ash bring it in" Luke said. To my surprise and amazement, a wheel chair in my favorite shade of blue was rolled in. As Ash brought it closer to my bed I saw a pair of black leather fingerless gloves sitting on top of the seat, along with a brand new pair of black high top converse. I sat in my bed with what I am pretty sure was a giant ass smile on my face. I teared up a little and said " awwww you guys didn't have to do that for me." (wheel chair and gloves below)

"Your right we didn't have to do this, but we wanted to do this." Ashton said. "Do you wanna go for a spin?" Luke asked "ummm sure, but you guys are gonna have to help me." I replied. So with that the boys carried me bridal style out of my bed and into the chair. I sat comfortably in it. I pulled on my fingerless gloves and set my hands on the push ring and pushed my self forward. I squealed a bit at my successfulness, thrilled to finally be able to do something productive. "This is so much fun" I laughed "Oh wait till your arms are sore tomorrow." calum teased.

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