Chapter 9

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Livy finally bombed out again. It had been one rough day for her. I pulled the blankets up so they would cover more of Livy. Once I was satisfied, I allowed myself to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up to someone tapping me on the shoulder. "Wake up sleepy head" I heard ash saying. "I'm awake" I whispered back. "So mikey today we are gonna get Liv a cast!" Ash said. "Awesome! Liv is going to be so excited. Let me wake her and tell her though, would that be okay ash?" "Yeah that's fine mikey". I rubbed liv's shoulders gently trying to stir her from her sleep but all I got was some hums, so I brought out the big guns. "Hey Liv I guess since you won't wake up I'm gonna have to tickle you till you do!" I reached for her grabbing her stomach and gently began tickling her. I got just the reaction I was looking for! "IM AWAKE" Liv laughed/ shouted as I continued tickling her. "Please stop" she begged. "Oh fine I will give you mercy this once" I replied back. "So what's up with waking me Mikey? I was having such a nice dream!" "Oh well don't mind me then go back to dreaming, I just guess the best news ever will have to wait." I teased. "No, No, don't do this to me mikey! You gotta tell me!! PLEASE!!! Pretty please!!!" I tilted my head slightly as if considering her words before I finally let the cat out of the bag "YOUR GETTING A CAST TODAY!!!" I exclaimed. "Really? I'm finally getting out of this cage?" "Yes, you are Livy!" Ashton soon walked in and somewhat spoiled the moment.

"Well Liv, are you ready for surgery?" Ashton asked. "Surgery? What surgery ash, I'm not having surgery! You must be terribly sleep deprived to get me mixed up with someone else." I watched the scene unfold between ash and Liv "Liv, it's no mistake. Your having surgery today to get your cage off." I heard Liv gulp " today? Surgery today? Can't you just take it off here and put the cast on here?" Liv asked almost sounding scared. I reached for her hand and answered for Ashton. " Liv, baby. We have to take your cage off in the OR so you don't get an infection. And so it won't be too painful. You will be completely out and I'll be in the OR holding your hand while Ashton does his thing. Ok?" I watch livy ponder the question before she finally took a deep breathe and replied "ok. As long as you promise you will be with me Mikey!" I nodded back and Ashton spoke "alrighty then! Surgery is scheduled for 12 noon. We will see you in the OR in 2 hours Liv." We both nodded and Ashton turned around and walked out of Liv's room as the order was given to begin prepping Liv.

As promised. I stayed by liv's side while the nurses flooded in prepping my sweet baby girl for surgery.

Liv pov

I held tightly to Mikey's hand as the nurses kept coming in and out in waves. Soon it was time. The brakes on my bed were unlocked and I was being pushed down the halls. I felt something cold go in through my IV, but I didn't pay it much mind. The only concern I had was holding onto my Mikey.

Finally we arrived at the OR. "Can you slip over to this bed?" Mikey asked me. I replied "Lemme try." I got up on shaky hands and I was almost able to do it but my arms gave out. Mikey then came over to me and gently lifted me bridal style onto a slightly less comfortable bed, aka the operating table. Once he laid me down he grabbed my hand again. I held onto it tightly. "I love you Mikey" I said as I felt another cold rush of liquid flowing in from my IV. "Alright Liv. Your gonna start getting sleepy. We'll see you in a few hours ok?" Ash said to me as I nodded my head. "I love you too Liv" was the last thing I heard before my eyes drooped and I fell into a different sort of a sleep.

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