Chapter 13

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I was right, Mikey definitely had something up his sleeve. After finishing our ice age movie marathon, Mikey put me back in my chair and pushed me outdoors. "where are we going Mikey?!" I asked. " it's a surprise Livy." Was the only response I got. I looked to all the other guys and they just gave me shoulder shrugs and small smiles.

Welp I guess the guys don't know what's going on either. Once we were outside, Mikey proceeded to push me out to the driveway and pull my wheelchair up to the truck. Mikey helped me transfer into the front passenger seat while all the other guys crammed into the back. Mikey got into the drivers seat, and started up the truck.

After about 10 minuets I just couldn't help my self. "Are we there yet?!" I asked with a smile on my face. "Don't ask us, we don't know what's happening. We are just along for the ride" Ash replied "we are almost there Liv, I promise. Now just be a bit patient with me, I promise it will be worth it." Mikey said

Truth be told every second that passed by felt like an eternity. I was excited and nervous at the same time. My heart had a bit of a staccato beat going on in my chest. I couldn't wait to arrive at our destination!

Finally after another 10-15 minuets, we arrived at a building. I didn't see any signs that would give me any idea of where we were. The guys all filed out of the car while I waited for someone to help me transfer back to my chair. Finally ash came over with my chair and helped me into it.

I looked up at Mikey once I was out of the truck and said "ok I'm dying to know what the heck is going on." Mikey answered " first off, no dying. Second just follow me and you will be able to see for yourself." "Mikey, I'm honestly not sure how much longer my heart is going to be able to take the suspense." "Liv, just trust me. It will be all worth it in a minute. Just follow me." "Ugh I give up" I replied , throwing my hands up in mock surrender. "Good. Now come with me." Mikey said whilst smirking.

I did as told. I followed mikey into the building, with the guys close in tow behind me. Once we were inside the building, I heard barking. "Dogs!" "Yes dogs but not just any kind of dogs" a lady responded before anyone else had the chance. "Hi! You must be Olivia and Michael." "Yes. This is Olivia, I'm Michael, and these are my roommates/ best friends Ashton, Calum, and Luke." "Nice to meet you all. I'm kelly, and I will be helping Olivia here partner up with one of our service dogs." "Whoa whoa, put on the brakes. I get a frickin service dog?!" I questioned/ exclaimed. Mikey bent down to my level and said "SURPRISE!!!!" I couldn't help myself I threw myself against Mikey and wrapped my arms around him, engulfing him in a ginormous bear hug. "Ok now this really is the best day ever!" "See I told you your day could get better!!!"

"Alright so let's go get started on finding your perfect match." Kelly said. I followed Kelly.

Time skip

By the end of the dog matching process I was tired and ready to go home. My arms were hurting, and my leg was starting to flare up. But at least I wouldn't be going home alone empty handed. After the long process of matching me with a dog that fit my needs and personality, I found a dog whose name was shadow. A 4 year old golden retriever. "Alright so here is the service animal vest for shadow. Now don't forget to give me a call in a week. I want to check up on you guys and make sure that shadow is still a good fit." Kelly said as we made our way out of the building.

Due to me being absolutely drained and in pain, I was thankfully pushed out to the parking lot to the truck and loaded into the back seat with shadow sitting on the floor of the truck in between my legs.

20 minuets later

We were back home. We all unloaded from the truck. Calum pushing me inside while luke walked shadow into the house. "Welcome home shadow" I yawned out. "Alright little missy, lets get you your meds and then you and shadow can head up to bed. What do you say?" Mikey asked. I didn't feel like giving a verbal response so I just nodded my head. Mikey handed me my pills and a cup of water. I took the pills and water all in one fell swoop. I then put the cup on the counter and stretched out my arms to Mikey signaling for him to pick me up.

"Aww someone's needy when they are tired." Ashton laughed out. I glanced over to him too tired to retaliate so I just snuggled my head into Mikey. "Come on shadow." Mikey said as he carried me up to my room. Once we were up in my room, Mikey helped me into something more comfy and settled me and shadow into my bed. "Goodnight livy. I love you." Mikey said as he gave me several forehead kisses. "I love you too mikey." I managed to mumble out before sleep just took over my body.

Mikey POV

"I love you too mikey" she mumbled out before she just bombed out. I looked over to her and shadow curled up together before I turned to walk out of her room.

I made my way back downstairs saying goodnight to all the guys before heading to the shower and going to bed myself.

It was about 4 am when I heard a scratching and whining at my door. "Shadow?" I got up out of my bed opening the door to see shadow outside my door. As soon as I was out, he ran into Liv's room. I followed him in there. He jumped up onto Liv's bed whining. "What is it shadow?" Of course I got no real answer because dogs can't talk. But he did lick her face, almost like he was trying to wake her up.

I placed my hand on her forehead and felt it was hot. Damn she is running a fever. "Shadow boy, can you get Calum?" The dog took of running moments later coming in with a sleepy Calum in tow.

Calum, I need your help.

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