Chapter 14

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"Yeah what's up" Calum responded. "She's got a bad fever Calum, and I don't know what caused it!" I watched as Calum reached down using hand and touched her forehead. "You weren't kidding, she is hot. We need to get her to the hospital and NOW." "Alright Calum. Let's do it." I picked Livy up and got a low moan from her as I carried her down the stairs with shadow and Calum in tow." We both loaded into the car Calum taking the backseat with Liv and shadow.

After about a 10 min drive we arrived at the hospital all of us running into the ER. I checked for an empty room while Calum stood waiting with Liv and shadow. "Room 12 is open Cal" once we got into the room, we hooked Liv up to all the necessary monitors before starting an IV with a saline drip running it wide open. Calum grabbed a syringe and plunged the contents into the IV. "Ok I gave her a mild relaxer combined with a fever reducer. Hopefully that will do the trick" Calum said "what do you think caused all this Cal?" Cal looked up from Liv and said "honestly I have no idea. I need to run some tests." I nodded to Calum giving him all the agreement he needed. I sat down in a chair and looked at Liv curled up with shadow, it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life.

About 10 minutes later, Liv woke up some what.

Liv pov

"Mmmmmmm, why do I feel so strange?" I said to no one in particular. "Hey there Liv, how are you feeling?" Michael asked me. "I feel really weird mikey." "What do you mean baby, what are you feeling?" It took me a minute to figure out how to describe exactly what I was feeling.  "I'm feeling a bit weak, numb, cold, and drugged." I responded "ok so as far as cold and drugged go, you were running a severe fever a little while ago, hints why your in the hospital. As a result, Calum gave you a mild relaxer and a giant fever reducer- " I cut mikey off and said "but that doesn't explain why I'm feeling numb Mikey! It's freaking me out!!" Mikey grabbed my hand squeezing it tight and said "everything will be alright baby let me just go get Calum" I nodded my head feeling very weak and cold. Shadow snuggled up next to me as Mikey went to find Calum.

I woke up sometime later to fingers around my wrist. I freaked out slightly trying to pull away but realized that I couldn't. I opened my eyes and thankfully saw Calum, but that didn't relive all of my concerns. I cleared my throat a bit and in a very groggy voice said "Cal." "Yes sweetie what's up?" "I think we have a problem Cal." I watched as his demeanor changed. There was no worry evident in his eyes. "What do you mean sweet girl?" "I- I- I- can't move away Cal." A confused look ran across cal's face. "What do you mean by move away Liv?" Ugh why can't I just say the right words I thought to myself "I mean that I couldn't move away from you Cal I didn't know it was you and I was scared but I couldn't move away."

Calum's pov

Red flags were starting to pop up all around me. "Ok Liv I need you to do something for me ok?" She nodded her head. "Liv I need you to move your toes on your good leg for me ok?" "Ok Cal" she responded. I pulled the sheet off of her feet and waited for her to move them. " you moving them Liv?" "Of course I am" Liv replied
Shit! This isn't good! Why is she presenting with paralysis?! She had a fricking fever.
Could it have been something I missed?!

Thoughts kept running through my brain, but one thing was clear to me. We needed all the guys in on this.

I picked up my cell and made one of the hardest calls I've made in a while. "Hey guys, I need you all down here at the hospital ASAP! Liv is presenting with paralysis and I can't for the life of me figure out why!
"Alright Cal we are on our way" Ashton's voice spoke through the phone. I ended the call and made my way out to find Michael. I knew he was gonna take this the hardest out of all of us.

I rounded up Michael and we both sat down in the attendings break room. Thank God no one was in there.
"Ok Michael I need you to sit down for me. Ok?" Michael sat down on the sofa the picture of calm. "Mikey we have a problem...." "WHat is it Calum? What's wrong?!" Panic evident in his voice. "Michael Liv is presenting with paralysis....."

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