Chapter 15

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Michael's Pov

"She's presenting with paralysis Michael." Calum spoke to me. Though I heard his words, I didn't quite believe what I was hearing. In the many years I had known Calum, he had never once lied to me, but none of it made sense to me. I mean I had known that Liv was having a bit of weakness in her legs but nothing ever clicked. "what do you think could have caused it Cal" I finally asked. "Honestly Michael, I'm not 100% sure. It could be anything from swelling that's pressing just right on the spinal cord which would mean temporary paralysis, but it could also be something we missed when we were doing her initial work up after the accident." I nodded my head, but in all honesty I wasn't thinking right. All I could think about was Liv, and how I would break the news to her. So I stood up leaving Calum sitting by himself while I aimlessly wandered the halls of the hospital till I landed straight in front of Livy's door.

I cautiously walked in, not totally sure how to break the news to Liv about the recent turn of events.

Liv's Pov

I turned my head around when I heard someone's foot steps. When I looked towards the door I saw Mikey, my favorite human being in the world well one of four. But I noticed something was up, he wasn't his normal happy, perky self. "Mikey, what's wrong?" I asked. It took him a good few minutes to register that anyone had even said anything to him. Finally he responded with a sigh. "Mikey please tell me what the hell is going on. You're not acting like your normal self." "To be perfectly honest Liv, there is no easy way to tell you this." I was so confused at this point, was I missing something.... "easy way to tell me what?" I questioned. "Liv..... this isn't easy for me to tell you this, but for some unknown reason that Cal is currently looking into, you are paralyzed from the waist down." 

"......" I had no words, I knew something was up when I couldn't move away from Cal earlier but this, this just seriously turned my world around. I thought the car accident was bad, but this just made everything worse. I got so caught up in my emotions that I didn't hear Mikey talking to me and I certainly didn't hear the other guys come into my room. This news was just so much for me to take in all at once. "Sorry what were you saying Mikey" I managed to squeeze out before the waterworks started. I couldn't stop the tears from pouring down my face. "baby, don't worry, you don't have to go through this alone, we all have your back, and with any luck, this is just temporary." the words temporary caught my attention so I decided to say something. "Do you mean that this whole situation could just be temporary?" I asked cautiously "Yes baby girl, there is a possibility that it could just be some random swelling from your accident." That whole sentence just made my outlook on life turn from grim to hopeful. 

"But for now Liv, cal has told me that you can come home, but until your 100% back to your normal self your gonna have to stay around us. Meaning that there is going to be a new learning curve for all of us and that you will have to come to the hospital with us when we have to work. Is this doable for you?" Michael asked me I honestly didn't see any other options, but spending time with the guys wouldn't be so bad. "alright. I'm down for bonding time with a learning curve." 

Little did I know that that agreement would get on my nerves.

1 week later

I had been home from the hospital for 5 days and the boys stayed true to their word, I went in with them to work having to use my new wheels as my way of roaming around the hospital. Really it was my method of entertaining myself. The boys were always busy with stuff, you know being doctors and all and having like 100 emergencies come through the doors on a daily basis certainly takes a toll on any person. And when I wasn't at the hospital, I was at home with 4 hover dads.  I couldn't go to the bathroom without them having to help me transfer myself from my wheel chair to the toilet. It was so embarrassing. It seemed like I couldn't do anything. It was so irritating, and finally one day I snapped.

"liv let me help you put your shirt on." mikey fussed at me. "I got this mikey, I can do it." I said slightly flustered. "no, let me help you liv." finally I broke "NO! I AM NOT SOME INVALID WHO CANT DO ANYTHING FOR THEMSELVES!!! I AM A TEENAGER WHO IS LEARNING TO COPE WITH BEING PARALYZED!!!!! I AM NOT SOME TODDLER THAT NEEDS TO BE CONSTANTLY MONITERED AND CHECKED ON EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR!!!! I CAN DO STUFF FOR MYSELF!" I shouted at Michael "WHY CANT YOU GUYS GRASP THAT!!!" I threw my hands up and pushed my self out of my room and towards the front door. "AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" Michael yelled back at me. "NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS" I exclaimed as I wheeled myself and shadow out the front door slamming it behind me.

I wheeled my self around the neighborhood wandering aimlessly through our gigantic neighborhood. Finally I made it to a random park. I parked my wheel chair on the side walk facing the park, admiring the kids playing, running and jumping.

I was so glad to be at the park. I was just so frustrated with the guys. Couldn't they just understand that I needed to figure things out on my own. And that I didn't need to be monitored 24/7. I mean it was bad enough that I was still figuring out how to deal with being paralyzed, even if it was only going to be temporary. I still needed to have some semblance of a normal ish life. I mean I am a teenager for crying out loud.

Before long, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly but then I heard " You ok there Liv?" Ashton asked me. I relaxed and replied.

"Yeah I will be ok ash, I just needed some air, I was suffocating in our house."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Liv, it was never our intention to suffocate you, we just wanted to make things easier on you. I guess in our attempt to make things easier for you, we kinda went overbored. I'm really sorry Liv."

"Its ok ash. I know you guys want to make things easier for me and I appreciate that, I really do, but I need to be able to have some privacy and be allowed the chance to learn things on my own. Kinda like trial and error. I need to have the chance to try things on my own and learn my limits, and when I reach my limit be able to ask for help."

" I see where you are coming from Liv, I really do. Why don't you and shadow come home and we can figure things out together. Just remember to cut us some slack, just like we are cutting you some slack. We are all on a learning curve. Even if they may be slightly different learning curves." 

I couldn't argue with him there. We most certainly were dealing with a learning curve. I decided to give in and let Ash wheel me home. 

After all, everyone deserves a second chance.

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