Chapter 16

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Ashton wheeled me through the different streets along the sidewalk. After a short while, Ashton, Shadow, and I were going through the front door. Ashton shut the door behind me, and wheeled me the rest of the way into the house. I hate to admit it, but I don't think that I would have been able to push myself. Exhaustion was claiming every single part of my body. I honestly felt too weak to do anything. "Hey everyone, look who I brought back." Ashton announced as he wheeled me into the family room. All attention was soon diverted towards me. I cracked a half smile before all the guys practically rushed me and gave me a group hug. They profusely apologized to me.

When they were done with their apologies, I looked over in the direction of mikey. Our eyes met, and in that shared glance, I knew he understood what I wanted. Mikey got up from his spot on the couch, and very kindly gathered me up in his arms. I nestled my head into his neck as I gave out a long yawn. "Well it seems like a certain someone is tired. What do you say, we head up to your room, and watch a movie together?" It didn't take me long to make a drowsy and muffled reply "that... sounds great"

With that being said, Mikey carried me all the way to my room. He kindly helped me out of my clothes and into my pajamas. By this point, I was way too tired to dress myself, or really care that Mikey was dressing me, and that moments ago we had been arguing. That was in the past, and I was too tired to hold a grudge. Once I was dressed for bed, Mikey helped me maneuver myself under the blankets on my bed, where he snuggled up behind me, and turned on the tv. "What do you say to watching Cinderella?" Mikey asked. "I think that would be a lovely idea." I replied whilst yawning.

As Cinderella played, I snuggled closer to mikey and he in turn gently wrapped his arms around me. He held me close to his body, and I felt safe. I let out another big yawn as Cinderella's ugly step sisters came into view.

Boy was I ever glad that I had mikey! I don't think I could handle being Cinderella. As that thought crossed my mind, I drowsily said to mikey "Promise me you won't leave me." It took mikey a good minute to reply "You know I would never leave you Livy. I love you for crying out loud." He said. "Good.."

Mikey pov

"Good.." she said I couldn't help the smile that crept up onto my lips. Was I ever the luckiest guy to have found this kid.

Minutes later, I felt livy full relax into my arms. "Good night Livy. Sleep well love." I said as I dropped a small kiss onto her forehead and wriggled my self out of her bed without waking her. I clicked off the tv, and made my way across her room and back down to the guys.

"Alright she is out like a light. No body disturb her, she needs all the rest she can get." Everyone nodded their heads. "Alright good. Now what are we gonna do about not being hover dads?" I said to the room at large. "Well we could let her ask us for help." Ashton spoke out. "Good, Good. What else can we do." I asked "Well we can definitely try to give the girl her privacy. I can imagine that a teenage girl doesn't honestly want us in the bathroom with her every time she has to you know go." Luke said.  "Ok then, we need to start implementing these suggestions. I don't ever want her to have to feel the need to run away again."

Once again everyone agreed. So starting tomorrow, no more hover dads....

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