Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning, happy and warm, but sorely in need of the bathroom.... I tried to move my legs, having a  brain fart. When I realized my legs weren't of any use to me, I began to shake Mikey. "Mikey!" I got a groan out of him, before he turned around, and pulled me tighter, putting more pressure on my bladder. I began to panic slightly. "Shadow, get one of the boys" I whisper yelled at shadow. Thankfully shadow left the room, and came back with a sleepy Luke in tow. One look at my face, and Luke was wide awake. Luke knelt next to the bed, "Liv what's wrong?" I tried to gather my thoughts, but between me having to go to the restroom, and me panicking I was having a hard time focusing on anything. "Can't breathe, restroom" I managed to put those three words together. Luke seemed to understand can't breathe, so he moved me out of Michael's arms, and picked me up. "Liv lay your head against my chest. Listen to my heart." I laid my head against his chest just like he instructed, and was able to get my breathes straightened out enough to tell him "Restroom now!" With that Luke was kind enough to carry me across the room to the restroom, where he left me to do my business.

When I had finished, I foolishly tried to stand like any normal person would, but instead, I faceplanted into the tub and fell against the cold ass floor. Tears began falling freely, as the pain of what just happened caught up with me. After a few seconds of Luke hearing me fall, he was knocking on the door "Liv are you ok?" I wasn't able to reply, the only thing that was able to come out, was a wail of pain as I held my head in my hands, as I lay sprawled out across the bathroom floor. When Luke didn't get a timely response, he opened the door, and saw me laying on the floor.

"Oh dear... oh my gosh Liv, let's get you out of here." Nothing else was said, as Luke scooped me up and carried me out of the bathroom, found my wheelchair and sat me down in it. He put the brakes on, just as Michael came out, and took in the pitiful state I was in. Both Luke and Mikey now knelt I'm front of me. Mikey was holding my hands, as Luke shined a bright frickin light in my eyes, making me quickly close my eyes, letting out a loud whine as my brain was flooded with pain. I removed my hands from Mikey's, as I brought them up and cradled my head in my hands.

Michael Pov

I was awoken by a loud thump, and the faint sound of Liv crying. I got up rubbing my eyes. I followed the sound of her crying, and saw Luke carrying her bridal style to her wheelchair. I was so confused, but I knew something was really wrong when Luke started to shine a pen light in her eyes, and Liv immediately burst out into tears, and shrink away from the light that Luke was shining in her eyes. I knelt down beside Liv, trying to comfort her, but it was of no use. It broke my heart to see my Liv in this much pain. I finally looked over to Luke and asked him "What the heck happened man?" I said as nicely as I could. Trying to stay calm cool and collected in this situation was definitely a struggle. "Well I was sleeping up until shadow came rushing into my room, and woke me up and brought me to Liv. She was in your arms panicking. So, I got her out of your arms straightened out her breathing, and she told me that she needed to go to the bathroom. I got her in there, and she was fine up until I heard a crash, and she wouldn't respond. Then I heard her crying, so I walked in there, and saw her holding her head." Luke finished filling in the other details for me. Now that I was up to speed, the first thing that came into my mind was to make sure that she didn't fall asleep. We needed to keep a close eye on her, and make sure that she didn't get worse. "Liv, what happened love?" I asked as I was at about eye level with Liv. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Your gonna think I'm silly." she said. "No Liv honey, we aren't gonna think you are silly." I said to Liv. "Ok, I had a big brain fart, and I forgot that I was paralyzed, and tried to stand up on my own.... and you can fill in the rest." She said. I immediately grabbed Liv, and pulled her in to a giant bear hug. "Sweetie, its ok. We all have brain fart moments. Its a big adjustment to get used to. You have to give yourself more time to get use to the idea that your paralyzed from the waist down at least for now." She looked up at me and then a looked crossed her face. One that I didn't recognize, and then she vomitted right in front of me. The vomit landed right in front of my feet. Now I was worried.


Michael was talking to me, and I really wasn't feeling very good at all. All of a sudden, I felt that I needed to throw up.  Before I could say anything, I puked right at Michael's feet. I felt like absolute crap. "Liv, sweetie you ok?" Michael asked concern lacing his voice. "No, I feel like crap. And can we please get some water so I can get this pukey taste out of my mouth please?" "Hey Luke, would you go get our angel a cup of water so she can rinse out her mouth, and a wet rag, so I can clean her up?" Michael asked very nicely. "Alright, I'll be right back." Luke said. Just as Luke left, Liv started to cry again.  "No, no, sweetie don't start crying. Its alright love." Michael said as he tried to comfort me. I finally collected myself, and just then, Luke walked back in with a water bottle and a wet rag. Michael and Luke both worked to clean up me and my mess. Thankfully they got done quickly. As they were finishing up, I was getting super tired. "Mikey" I whined out a bit. "Yes sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked me. "I'm feeling sweepy." I managed to whine out. Michael looked up at me and smiled. "Why don't you me and shadow go downstairs and go lay on the couch and watch a movie?" he asked me. I thought about it for a minute, and then shadow licking my hand got me to agree. "Ok, I guess that sounds good."

So with that, Michael pushed me in my wheelchair, because I was just not feeling 100%. We managed to make it to the couch, and Mikey, Shadow and I curled up on the couch as we flipped through our movies on our tv. We finally stopped on one. It was beauty and the beast, one of my all time favorite movies. Michael and I cuddled on the couch, watching the movie. As the movie progressed, I felt my self starting to get drowsy. So I shut my eyes, and just a few minutes later, I felt a tongue licking my face. I opened my eyes, and saw shadow. "I'm awake!" I yelled at shadow. Just then I burst into tears. I couldn't do it. I felt like crap, I hadn't eaten. I wasn't even able to fall asleep. I felt so frustrated, like I couldn't do anything right! Like my life was just falling apart right before my eyes. 

It took Mikey a minute to distinguish what was going on in my brain, but I could tell that he was worried about me. Finally, he just scooped me up in his arms, checked my eyes real fast, and finally told me "Liv, sweetie, just give yourself a little break. Go ahead fall asleep. I'll be right here, I won't leave you. I promise." and just as Mikey finished those words, I curled back up in his arms, and fell asleep.

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