Chapter 20

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Liv Pov

I woke up some time later in the day. I was feeling sooo much better. I was still a little sluggish, but I was 99% better than I was earlier. Just then, Mikey walked in with some food for me to eat. I pulled the blanket that I was wrapped up in, and fixed it, and my legs, so that I was in a better position. Mikey put the food on a tray in front of me, and then sat down on the couch next to me. "alright, so I'm assuming that you're feeling better." Mikey said to me, as I began to eat the food that he pulled out for me. After I finished the food I was chewing, I replied "Yes, I am feeling much better. I think that nap really helped out. I mean I'm still a little sluggish, but I'm definitely better." "well good, I am very happy that you are feeling better. Now, before you start to freak out and shut down, I was hoping that we could talk about school options." Mikey said. I took a deep breath, I knew that this wasn't my favorite subject to talk about, but I had been thinking about it. I was pretty sure that I knew exactly where I wanted to go. "Ok, I have been thinking about this, and I think I would be ok with going to Ravenswood High." I said to Mikey. He thankfully shook his head and said, "if we are being perfectly honest, I was kinda hoping that you would choose that school. It was my favorite, and it seemed pretty accessible, and they allowed you to have shadow with you. Which honestly is the best thing that we could ask for. Because I care about you a lot Liv , and I hate having to leave you, but I don't feel nearly as bad when you have shadow with you."

I kind of was astonished that Mikey was telling me this. I never thought that I would here him say that ever. For him to admit his fear to me, that's major! I felt every tiny crack in my heart just then start to heal. I felt then that maybe I could do this whole school thing. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad!

"Alright Liv, so I just got off the phone with the school, and you start tomorrow, and shadow has been approved for school as well." I nodded, not allowing panic to take hold of me. I was strong, and I could do this!

I went about the rest of my day trying not to think about school. It wouldn't be so bad, I was just overthinking things... or at least I hoped I was. Soon bedtime rolled around, and Luke came to get me and tuck me in, since apparently Mikey had to go to work, which meant he wouldn't be back in time to take me to school. I was very sad but I tried very hard not to let it show. I needed to be strong.

Strong careful hands around around me legs and back, and helped me into bed. I was tucked in and Luke laid a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Good night Liv, see you in the morning." Luke said as he walked towards my door and flipped the lights off. I closed my eyes, and let sleep claim me.

The next morning I was awoken way too early for my liking by Luke who was ushering me out of bed and telling me to get ready. He helped me transfer into my chair, and then let me get ready for the day ahead.

I rolled over to my closest, looking through my various outfits, before I settled on a cute pair of blingy wrangler boot cut jeans, my turquoise and brown boots, and a t-shirt that said I am strong enough. I thought that this would not only be comfortable, but be really cute as well, and show off my tougher side. I started getting ready, and got my shirt on, but realized that I needed help with my jeans. "LUKE" I yelled. I soon heard foot steps and my door open, "what's up liv?" Luke asked scanning me from head to toe. "I need helping changing into my jeans" I said a bit shyly. "Alright, let's get you in those jeans." Luke grabbed the jeans, and carefully laid them on his shoulder, helping me get out of my pj pants. I untied the top and Luke lifted me up a little, so that I could shove my pj pants down a bit. Finally I managed to get them far enough down that Luke was able to pull them off. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have that part taken care of, now just to get a new pair on. Luke helped me to shimmy my jeans up to my thighs, where he then lifted me, and I had to pull the jeans the rest of the way. Once that was done, I was able to button up my jeans, and Luke gently sat me back down in my chair. "All good?" Luke asked. I looked up at him with a nice smile and replied "yes, thank you!"

Luke soon left, and I wheeled over to my bathroom, brushing on just a hint of makeup and brushed my teeth. I wheeled myself to the top of the stairs. "Can someone please help me?" I said down the stairs. Before long, Calum and Ashton we're running up the stairs. "Here let me help ya out there love" Ash said, as he scooped me up and carried me down the stairs, as Calum came behind with my wheelchair. Once we were all at the bottom of the stairs Ash sat me back in my chair, and then zoomed me over to the kitchen to my spot at the table, as Luke set a plate of food in front me, and shadow came in from outside giving me puppy dog eyes. "No Shadow, you can't have Liv's food, you have your own you silly dog." Luke said.

I finished my food, and Luke started getting ready to take me to school. He packed a lunch for me and shadow and placed his service dog harness on. "Come on kiddo, time to pack up into the car." Luke said as he ushered shadow and I toward his car. We loaded up into the car and Luke drove to my new school.

Before long, we arrived. Luke helped me out and into my wheelchair, and got shadow and I situated before he got back into his car and drove off yelling " I'll see you after school Liv, have a good day!"

I sighed, and pushed myself up the wheelchair ramp, shadow at my side, and pushed the automatic door opener. The doors opened up revealing a bustling hallway full of high school students. I pushed my self further down the hallway, shadow by my side. I rolled down the middle of the hall, trying to weave my way through students who didn't seem to give a crap that I was in a wheel chair. 

Finally, I made it through the busy hallway, and to the admins office. "Shadow, push the door please" I said to shadow as I sat in front of the door. He did as said, and I rolled my self in. "Hello dearie, you must be Olivia Clifford." The older lady said from behind the wooden office desk. "Yes ma'am I am" I said to the lady as I rolled closer to the desk. "I am assuming that you are here for your schedule and student ID." I shook my head. "Alright, give me one second, I just need to grab your things." The lady walked away into another room, and came back moments later, my schedule and ID in hand. "Alright Olivia, here are your things. Have a wonderful first day." she said rather cheerfully. With that, shadow and I rolled out of the admin office, and out into the bustling hallway. I took a deep breath, and looked down at shadow and whispered "alright boy, lets go tackle this day."

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