Chapter 2

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A couple of days later..

I just drove up to the orthodontists office from school. I walked up to my dad's car and grabbed him, and we walked into the orthodontists office.

"Olivia right?" the lady said from behind the counter. "Yes" I replied. "Dr.Brad will be right out to see you. Just wait in this room right here" she said as she pointed to the small room with my pictures from my last appointment including a full blown head x-ray. My dad and I noticed this and we laughed a little. My dad and I waited for about a minute conversing with each other, when Dr.Brad finally came in and greeted us. He got straight into business and told us my treatment plan and what would be going on today. "So we are going to have to get those Wisdom teeth of yours pulled out and then one of your front teeth, preferably the one with the gum damage to be extracted." Now this was not news to me, I already kinda knew this was going to happen, but still.... I didn't want to have surgery. I don't like needles and I am terrible with pain. I quickly jumped out of my thoughts as Dr.Brad said "Do you have any questions for me?" my dad and I both looked at each other and replied "No, I think we are good." "Alright then! Olivia if you will please follow me, we can get your braces put on today." So I followed behind Dr.Brad and sat in the chair that he pointed at. I waited for a little while in the dental chair, because I was waiting for one of Dr.Brad's assistants to come and get me prepared for Dr.Brad to clean my teeth. Finally after about maybe 10 minutes a lady walked up, the same one that had done my molds and x-rays. "Hi again! I'm Candy! You remember me from last time right?" I replied "Yes, I do remember you!" "We had a lot of fun last week didn't we?" she said "Yeah, we did" both of us meaning the exact opposite (lol). So Candy leaned back the chair and placed the check retractor in my mouth and began the long process of preparing my teeth for Dr.Brad. She started out by cleaning out my mouth and brushing my teeth. Next she added some green sour tasting stuff to my teeth. She left that on for a little while, then rinsed my mouth out. I was so happy to be rid of that sour tasting stuff. Finally Dr.Brad came over and began filing my teeth down and making them all smooth. He called it the Hollywood treatment. Once he finished this he began drying my mouth out with this powder stuff. Once my mouth was all dried out I was told to place my tongue toward the back of my mouth so that it was touching the roof of my mouth. Then Dr.Brad began placing the bonding glue on my teeth and placed the different brackets on my teeth. After about 20 minutes Dr.Brad  announced "Olivia all of your bottom brackets are on!" I let a bit of a "yeah",although that was pretty hard considering I had the cheek retractor in my mouth. Another 20 minuets went by with me just staring up at candy and Dr.Brad. "Alright Miss.Olivia you have all of your brackets on! "yeah" but candy does have to finish drying the bonding glue with the little blue light. Finally after Candy finished I was able to have the cheek retractor pulled out. "Alright Olivia now we just have to get your top wire in. Alright. "How do the braces feel so far?" Candy asked. I moved my lips around the brackets a bit and replied "It feels kind of weird." Candy just kind of laughed a bit as she placed my top wire in and cut the excess wire. Once she popped the wire in, she announced "Your all done!" Now let's go get your dad so we can get you set up to go home." so I followed Candy out to the lobby and grabbed my dad and showed him my new braces. "Come on Dad follow me" I said as I led him into the room we originally started in. Candy showed me how to care for my new braces, gave me a packet filled with travel sized things I would need in order to keep up good dental hygiene. Once she finished her teaching lesson of how to brush with braces, how to floss with them and what to and not to eat. Then she gave me a sonicare toothbrush and gave my dad a heat changing mug. Once Candy was done giving us our stuff, I ran to the bathroom to take off the excess powder that was on my teeth. I set my stuff down in the bathroom and grabbed a paper towel, and wetted it with water and wiped my face off. Before leaving, I checked my reflection in the mirror, nodded to myself, picked up my stuff and walked out of the bathroom and out to my dad to the lobby to check out. "Do you need an excuse for school?" a lady asked from behind the counter. "Yes please" I replied. The lady handed me a slip, turned on my heel and walked out the door, started up my car and headed back to school.

Little did I know that soon I would figure out what all my friends that had had braces warned me about.

The beginning of the PAIN!

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