Chapter 3

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Over the next few days, my mouth was super super sore and I was living off of ibuprofen aka Advil which helped a hell of a lot. But it wasn't my teeth that hurt the most, it was the inside of my mouth. By day two of wearing my braces, I was already beginning to get pieces of my inner cheek stuck on my braces (it was gross). My teeth were still kinda of sore though. I couldn't chew food, I had to like gum my food. I was stuck with a "Baby food" diet

A couple of days later, the weekend was here and I was super happy, it was my dad's birthday and we were going to a steak house for his birthday. I was super excited but was seriously worried about how I was going to eat. Luckily for me, my braces were a little more forgiving than usual.  So that morning, I woke up, brushed my teeth, and grabbed a quick breakfast. A few minutes later my mom came down the stairs and said "Olivia don't forget, today we are taking your dad out for his birthday". "I haven't forgotten mom." "Good, we will be leaving in about two hours.". With that my mom left to do whatever my mom does best, and I plopped down in front of the tv, turned Netflix on and chose to watch Grey's anatomy. I was able to watch about two full episodes before my mom and dad came into the living room and announced that our family friend had arrived and that it was time to depart. We all piled into the car and drove off. For about thirty minuets I watched the scenery fly by until finally we arrived at the steak house.

We all walked in took a seat, ordered drinks and began looking at menus to figure out what the heck we were going to eat. I decided on a ribeye steak 10 oz with a baked potato with butter cheese and bacon, and a side of apple sauce. The waitress took all of our orders and left. We waited for about 10 minutes before our food arrived and when it did we all dug in. It was so delicious!!!! I had to take home left overs which I took to school with me the very next day.

Several Hours later

We had been home for a little while happy and content full to the brim. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. I was still quite full from our meal but I was determined to enjoy my time in front of the tv. Before long I realized that it was time to leave for work. I grabbed my keys, purse, and license and headed out the door and into my car. I clicked the button for the garage door and rolled down the drive and made my merry way down the road to my work.

As I made my way down the road, I came to a stop light. I came to a complete stop and was waiting for the light to turn green.  I turned my stereo on and Boom......

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