Chapter 4

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Crash Boom..... That's all I heard as my life was literally turned upside down. Someone hit me from behind, and I was thrown into the middle of the busy intersection, and to add the cherry on top, someone T-boned me crashing into my side of the car. I felt the car flip and I was thrown against my seat belt like a rag doll, and was left hanging upside down, thankful that I had always listened to my parents and wore my seat belt. When my parents told me about car wrecks, I never truly believed that it would ever happen to me, but here I am.

I hung upside down in my car restrained by nothing but a seat belt. I looked around, not fully aware of everything that was happening. I felt no pain.... I was in shock. It's the classic sign of very traumatic events and injuries. Things happen so fast that your brain can't fully process what happened. It's the thing that happens in all those medical dramas. The thing that everyone wishes would stay because its way better than any painkillers.

As I sat/hung there in my car, I looked up at the bottom of my car taking in my body and any possible injuries I could have. I wish I hadn't though.... As I looked up I saw my bone sticking out of my leg. For some reason, I had the impulsion to move, to look away but someone or something stopped me. I felt hands go around my neck and a C-collar placed around my neck. It was snapped into place, and voices started to register in my ears. I tried to look to the side but was stopped, "please stay looking straight ahead. It is imperative that you not move." I tried to let out some sort of acknowledgement, but I couldn't. I soon realized why, blood was sputtering out of my mouth, and I went into full on panic mode, and that's when the shock wore off.

The pain, it was so intense, it rushed up from the deep dark abyss and found its way up, and before I knew it I was screaming bloody fricking murder. "Hey, hey, its ok." I heard the voice say. "I need you to stay calm. your door is jammed, we are going to have to cut it open to get you out. My heart rate picked up kicking into 4th gear. I was scared. I was so freakin scared! I coughed up another bit of blood, and said "I'm scared and it hurts! don't leave me, please" I said as tears began to stream down my face causing my vision to blur slightly, "hey its ok" the voice said again. "just stay calm, I'm not gonna go very far but I need you to stay still very very still. I'm gonna place this blanket over you. The firemen are going to cut you out of the car now." "ok, but you promise you won't go very far?" "Yes, I promise I won't go very far." "ok" I said as a blanket was thrown over me and it went dark inside. I heard the screeching of the saw blade against metal. The sounds, the sounds were horrible, I began to cry, feeling overwhelmed. "How are you doing in there?"I heard the voice say over the battle of saw vs metal. "are you almost done?" I asked "nearly there, just hang tight" I swallowed hard, maybe a little too hard, and a coughing fit over took my body, and blood started to sputter out of my mouth once again.

I felt the heavy presence of the blanket being taken off of my bruised and battered body, the light flooded in. My senses were dulled, I vaguely felt my self being unbuckled and lowered onto a backboard. "Can you hear me?" I looked around for the source of that familiar voice and was met with the most stunning green-grey eyes. I locked onto those eyes, as I was lifted with the backboard onto the gurney and loaded into the back of the ambulance.

Once inside the ambulance, I lost track of those eyes, I panicked. I looked around trying to find those eyes, they were the only thing keeping me anchored to this body. "I need an IV in NOW!" I heard someone shout. I felt the needle glide in under my skin, but I didn't mind it much. I felt a cold rush of liquid flow through that IV and into my veins coursing, and pumping into my blood stream.

I continued my frantic search of those green- grey eyes, when I heard someone say "I need Michael in here Stat!" "Switch with me" I heard the voice say. "I'm losing her, Clifford Now!" My vision began to get spotty, I began to hyperventilate, when that pair of beautiful green- grey eyes came into my view. "Hey there love, what's your name?" I took a deep breath ( a little too deep) and winced but managed a light reply, "My name is Olivia, and I'm 17" "well hi there Olivia, I'm Michael Clifford. I'm gonna be coming with you to the hospital, I promise I will take great care of you, but I need you to hold on for me, ok?" "mmk" I hummed.

I felt an oxygen mask being placed over my face, and my vision began fading in and out, and an overwhelming sense of drowsiness came along too. "Mmm---III----Chael" "whatcha feeling darling?" "can't....." I couldn't finish my sentence, "SATS dropping!!!! How far out are we?" Michael asked "we are nearly there, get her to hold on for like 2 more minuets." another voice said "livy, can you grab my hand?" I reached my hand to his and I squeezed as hard as I could which wasn't much. I held onto his hand, but my eyes began to feel quite heavy, "Mikey" I managed to utter under my breath, "what is it?" "tired..." "hang on livy we are almost there we are pulling in...." I didn't hear the rest of his sentence. My eyes closed, and the world around me faded.

Mikey Pov

I heard Olivia mumble my name "Mikey" I turned to look down at her and then back up at her vitals, it wasn't looking too good. It was amazing that she stayed with me for this long. "what is it?" I asked, she replied very weakly "tired...." I looked into her eyes and noticed her eyelids slowly going shut. "hang on livy we are almost there, we are pulling in now." I felt the ambulance come to a hault, and I threw open the doors as the machine went off signaling that her sats were falling. I rolled her out of the back of the ambulance and wheeled her into the hospital. " I need someone to page Irwin, Hood, and Hemmings!!!! Tell them it's 911!!! We will be in Trauma 1"

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