Chapter 5

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Mikey's pov

Where are they? I thought to myself as I rushed Livy into the trauma room. I began a full blown work up while the nurses placed new leads on Livy, and hooked her up to the monitor. I pulled out my stethoscope and placed it on her heart. I listened carefully, when I heard "Mikey, what's going on?" I let out a sigh of relief  as I looked and saw my three best friends walking in. "Ok, guys this is Livy, 17 year old female involved in a car crash.

She was t-boned by another driver, after someone hit her from behind... the car flipped. I just about lost her once in the field." "Ok Mikey, calm down. "We are here to help." Luke said. "Ashton, can you work on her leg?" "You got it Luke!" Ashton replied. "Calum start doing the full trauma work up." "got it Luke!" "Michael your gonna help me put in a chest tube, and lets see if we can't get her conscious again. and I will check her heart lungs etc.. Now lets get to work boys!" we broke up from our meeting and began working on Livy. Ashton was checking out her leg seeing if it would need surgery, or if he could just pop it back into place. Calum was running in with a portable x-ray machine. We all had to put our vests on to protect ourselves from the radiation. Calum took several x-rays, and went to go get them printed so we could see them. I was at Livy's head opening her eyes and shining a pen light on them. "Guys, we have a problem." They all looked up from what they were doing, and looked directly at me." "What is it?" they all said in unison. "She has a bad concussion. We need to get her awake. She should not be asleep. I can see it in the way her eyes are reacting to the light." Calum came in and saw us just standing there. "What's going on?" "She has a bad concussion Calum. We need to wake her, but she is gonna be in extreme pain. I'm gonna need all of you guys help to hold her down." "Ok, Mikey just do what you need to do. We are here to help!" Luke said. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the medication I needed, and inserted it into her IV. "Alright boy, get ready." Just as I said that, her eyes flew open and she began to cry.

Olivia's Pov

I was loving this blissful peaceful darkness. There was no pain, there were no stupid drivers, and there was no school! It was amazing, I could stay here forever I thought to myself. But just as I thought that, the darkness began to fade away, and my eyes flew open. I was lying down facing the celling. I looked around panicked when I saw that face. "Mikey!" I croaked. He smiled a bit. "How are you feeling there Olivia?" that's when I began to feel the pain, then there were hands holding me down, and I struggled to find a comfortable position. Now, the pain had intensified within two seconds, and I was screaming bloody murder as tears streamed down my face. "Hey there Livy" Mikey said "Listen to my voice, focus on it, ok?" I tried to move my head but was restrained by the C-collar. "Ok, good. I need you to try to calm down for me Livy, can you do that?" again I gave my light nod and began to follow the motions of Mikey breathing. Before I knew it, my heart wasn't pounding as fast, but my breathing was shallow. "Mikey" I said in almost a whisper. "What is it?" he  asked "Who are these people? and why can't I breathe right?" I said as I began to feel pain spreading through my abdominal area. I moved a hand over to it and clutched at my stomach.

Mikey Pov

I finally got Livy to calm down. "This is Ashton, Luke, and Calum" I said.  She grimaced a bit as she began to clutch at her stomach. "Livy, does it hurt?" She gave her slight nod. I signaled for Calum to feel her stomach. "Ok we have free fluid.... I need a chest tube and stat!" Calum said. Livy's eyes flicked to me. I could see the panic in her eyes. "Livy, it's ok. I promise. Calum is just gonna put a chest tube in. It's gonna hurt but it will make you feel better. Ok?" She nodded again, and I held her hand and Calum came around to her side and put the chest tube in, and that is when she screamed loud enough to break glass (luckily none broke). Crap!!!! I thought as I saw the blood begin to spill out of the chest tube. "Ok guys, I'm not loving how much blood is coming out of this..." "It's your call" I said to Calum. "Ok let's book an OR and prep her, and get a move on." We all began to move into action just as the screaming stopped. I looked over to see the Livy had fallen unconscious yet again. "She's out guys, we don't have time to prep, we need to get her to the OR like now." We all rushed out of the room running down hall yelling "Move, we got an emergency". Within a couple of minuets, we were fast tracking down the hall and bursting into the open OR. "On the count of three we are gonna lift her to the Operating table Ok?" Calum said, "Ok" we all replied. "1,2,3" Calum said and we all quick and swiftly set Livy down on the table as the anesthesiologist put Livy under, Ashton and I worked on Livy's leg and Luke and Calum teamed up and worked on finding the source of the bleeding.

~ 3 hours later~

We found the source of the bleeding and put it to a stop, ashton and I managed to fix her leg, but she was gonna be in a hell of a lot of pain when she woke up. We currently had her leg in a Ilizarvov apparatus (metal cage screwed into leg). Her fracture was too complex to be able to just use screws and rods for now. We would eventually have to take her back to the OR and fix it with some screws and rod, but for now she would be like this for a couple of weeks. We needed to get her better before we took her back down there.

Livy POV

I woke up later, feeling much more relaxed and practically weightless. I couldn't help but let a giggle slip from my mouth. "Look whose awake" I heard. I moved my head to the side and saw Mikey standing there looking at me. I couldn't help it, I let out yet another giggle. "What's so funny?" he asked. I just laid there looking up at him and probably smiling like a dork. "Why do I feel high" I asked. "Your on a really high dose of pain killers right now, that's why." I giggled again and said "It feels funny to be high!" Michael's voice along with three others joined in laughing. "You know Livy, you ought to get some sleep, you have been through hell today." I nodded my head but proclaimed "I'm not sleepy Mikey!" "Calum, get the relaxer" I heard Mikey say. "Calum came over to the side of the bed and pushed the fluid through my IV. I felt it glide through my veins, it stung, and I let out a little whimper. "That hurt Cal!" I said as my eyes began to feel heavy. I fought against the urge to fall asleep until I heard Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton begin to sing a nice soothing Lullaby, and I found my self no longer able to hold my eyes open. The blissful sleep took over me, and I let it.

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