Chapter 22

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"Have a wonderful day Mrs. Hughs, I'll send the nurse in with your discharge papers." I said to the kind old woman that I had been caring for in the hospital for the past few months.

The poor dear could never seem to catch a break. If it wasn't one thing it was another.

Just as I was about to reach the nurse station to request Mrs. Hughs discharge papers, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I quickly grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID Livy ❤️

I immediately picked up the call hoping that everything was alright. But I was quickly told it was not, as I heard Liv's voice rasping and cracking on the phone. Tears evident even in her voice.

"Where are you Liv" I quickly asked concern and worry taking hold deep in my heart.

"I'll be right there Liv stay on the phone with me." I said, trying to keep my voice even. Trying not to worry her any further. I paced walked out towards the doors when I ran into Ashton motioning frantically for him to follow me.

Thank God he did so without questioning me. With Ashton now in tow, I ran towards my car and sped to Liv's school.

I didn't bother parking, I just pulled up in the front of the school drive abandoning my car in its place as I ran through the school to the bathroom that Liv said she was in.

I quickly burst through the door. I took a sharp intake of breathe as my eyes were met with the most heartbreaking scene.

There she was, tears steadily flowing down her face, leaving salty tracks in their wake. Shadow ever the good dog was sitting in Liv's lap, holding close contact, trying to calm her. But I could tell she was too far gone. Her breathe were coming in fast, short and shallow. It took me all of one second to notice the meatballs and spaghetti that laid in her hair and on her clothes. It immediately clicked, and I registered that this was her first breaking point.


I saw Luke and Ashton burst through the bathroom door. My saving graces.

Ashton and Luke were soon upon me, moving shadow off my lab. Luke carefully grabbed my face.

My thoughts were going 100 miles an hour. A non stop pool of different thoughts swirling and crashing like the waves of an ocean at the beginning of a storm, warning all who dare to linger that danger is steadily approaching.

"Liv, sweetie, I know this is bad, but just focus on me for a second. Let's see if we can't get you down from this just a little, till we can get you to the hospital." Luke said calmly.

I felt hands on my shoulders shortly after giving me a steady massage, trying to soothe the tension away.

I felt little relief, but I found some, in the eyes of the men who loved me with their whole hearts.

"P-please t-take me a-away from here" I managed to say in a very breathless and cracked voice.

Both men agreed, but first Ashton made sure that he got the majority of the spaghetti and meatballs out of my hair and off my clothes, so that I could be more comfortable.

As the world continued to swirl around me, one thing I knew was constant, the love and admiration I felt for my uncles.

I made my usual grabby hands, finding myself all to weak to try to push myself in the chair. Soon I found myself comfortably situated in Luke's arms, as he and Ashton along with shadow and my wheelchair pace walked to our car.

Ashton drove as Luke cradled me in the backseat. At this point, I was feeling much better, or as much better as I could.

I decided at that moment to look up to the front of the car, to find ourselves stopped at a red light. I watched the light turn a beautiful emerald green, before I felt the most horrid thing.

An impact to the side of our car has me thrown against my seat belt, my head colliding with the back of ashton's chair, and then to the drivers side window.

If I thought I couldn't breathe before, I really couldn't breathe now. My world tilted and swirled, red coating my vision, as I groggily looked around.

Though my body reeled at the impact, my brain was sluggish in response. I glanced over at Luke, to see him passed out unconscious leaning against the passenger side window. Blood coming from somewhere I couldn't determine.

I quickly glanced over to Ashton, the sudden move to causing my vision to tilt and whirl, as a small cry of pain escaped my lips.

I scanned over what little I could see of Ashton's body. He was slumped against the steering wheel. Blood gushing from a laceration on his head.

At that moment, my heart broke as panic took well a hold of my soul. I thought for sure that they would die. They both looked soo beat up and pale.

That was the last thought I had as my thoughts were interrupted by shouting and screaming, and the sound of an approaching ambulance.

I tried to stay focused, but my vision faded in and out, my ears were ringing and worst of all I still couldn't catch a breathe.

Before long, there were hands around my neck, and people asking me questions. I could barely discern them, but soon a pair of familiar hands were taking my face gently in their hands. I carefully turned my head towards them, and saw Calum. Relief washed over me. I knew the guys would be ok now that Calum was here.

"C-Calum?" I managed to rasp out. My voice close to giving out entirely

"Yes princess, what is it?" He asked, nothing but calmness filling his voice, as Luke and Ashton were taken from the car.

"C-can't b-breathe, chest t-tight.... s-shadow?!"

My thoughts immediately went straight to my dog shadow, as I remembered that he was in the car with us.

"He's fine Liv, I'm most worried about you though right now. We need to get you all fixed up." Calum said, the perfect picture of calm, cool, and collected.

Calum soon dropped his hands from my face, as it took up my hand to catch a pulse. I saw a look of shock register on his face before he schooled his features back into a mask of calm.

He slowly walked away from me, coming back with two paramedics and a firefighter in tow.

" I need her out now!" He said

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