Chapter 23

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Calum's POV

Liv's heart was racing, well above the normal. She was already paralyzed, and just from one glance at her, I could tell that she was in none too good of shape to begin with. Now a frickin dumb driver had to ram into the side of their car, carrying Michael's adopted daughter, and what was essentially my niece, and two of my very best friends.

"S-shadow?!" Liv exclaimed

"He's fine Liv, just relax, we need to focus on you baby girl." I said to her

She didn't respond, and when she didn't, I looked over at her, and her eyes weren't focusing on anything. She had this glazed look on her face. I started panicking just a little, but I quickly schooled my features, and walked back over to Liv's side.

"Liv, sweetie, can you look at me?"

"Hmm, what was that?" Liv replied back, her words slurring on every other syllable.

In my head I was freaking the flip out. Slurring words meant a possible serve concussion, or even worse a brain bleed.. and combined with the rate at which her heart was going, I was very worried about her.

"Alright Liv, we are gonna load you up into the ambulance ok princess?" I said very calmly, trying not to worry Liv too much.

I didn't get much of a response out of her, till we started trying to get her out of the car. We cut her seat belt off, and a c-collar was secured around her neck. But when we started to lower her onto the back board, she screamed in pain. It was a scream I would never forget, because it tore my heart to pieces.

As soon as she was out of the car and on the back board, her screams stopped and Liv went limp.

Crap! I thought to myself. This isn't good at all.

I was so worried that she would bleed out or possibly stroke out if she had a brain bleed.

There were endless possibilities of what could happen before we got to the hospital. I didn't even have time at the scene to fully asses the damage that had been done to our poor Liv.

I was freaking the crap out, and that's when my medical training kicked in. I had to find someone who wasn't as attached to Liv as me or any of the guys were, if we were gonna get our baby girl healthy and back into our arms.

So I made the decision then that I was gonna turn her care over to the only other person I would ever trust with my life or Liv's.

As we loaded into the ambulance, I pulled out my phone and called up my best friend from back in the day who just so happened to be a world renowned doctor. I tapped on Jacob's contact and waited as the phone rang.

Finally he picked up

Jacob - "hey Calum, it's been a long time! How's everything going? "

Calum- "hey Jacob, I'm sorry to cut the pleasantries short, but I've got a case for you." I said in all seriousness

Jacob- "sure what's up man, tell me about the case"

Calum - " well Jacob, this isn't just any ordinary case... this is my niece, michaels adopted daughter, who is paralyzed from the waist down. She was just in a bad wreck.. I'm afraid that she is gonna stroke out. She went limp after we got her out of the wreck, but before that she was slurring her words, and she had a real bad glazed look in her eyes. I'm also worried about other internal injuries. she was so dang pale, but I hadn't been able to get a full work up"

Jacob- "alright man, say no more. I'll meet you guys at the hospital right away. I'll take good care of her Calum, don't you worry!"

I hung up the phone, sighing a breathe of relief. At least I knew that she would be in good hands.

Soon we arrived at the hospital unloading Liv and rushing her into a trauma bay. Not long after that, one of my best frickin friends was rolled in, but he gave me a look telling me not to worry about him. Liv was our priority right now.

Soon, Jacob ran into the trauma room she was in. He immediately dominated the room ushering me out.

Once I was out in the hall, I lost it. I full on started sobbing. 

I needed to try to retain some of my cool, but it was just so dang hard! I loved Liv like she was my own, and I was so worried that something bad was going to happen to her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a call on my phone. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyway.


"hello Dr.Hood, this is the redwood veterinary hospital. Im calling in regards to shadow, your dog that was involved in the car crash."

"oh yes, how is shadow? Please tell me he will be alright..."

"Well Dr. Hood, the damage to his leg was pretty extensive, but after his successful surgery, we are positive that shadow will make a full recovery. He will need to be kept overnight for observation, but he should be able to go back home with you tomorrow, as long as you make sure that shadow takes it easy."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God Shadow would be ok, that's one less thing that I'll have to worry about. Plus, it will make Liv so happy. She has become so attached to shadow. He was her lifeline these days.

"Thank you so much!" I said to the kind woman.

" you are very welcome Dr. Hood, you have a wonderful day. We will see you tomorrow when you come by to pick up Shadow"

with that I kindly hung up the phone, and looked up to see Jacob.

"Thank God you are here man!" I said feeling relief flood through my body.

"Of course man, I'm happy that you trust me with her. I promise we will make sure she is good as new for ya man. She will have nothing but the best of care with me Calum, you have nothing to worry about."

I nodded my head and letting a small smile come onto my lips. 

"Now I better get in there and get your little princess into surgery and get her back to normal for ya." Jacob said as he gave me a quick hug before he walked into Liv's trauma room.

Now that liv was taken care of, I went to the nurses desk, hoping to get some information on my best friends.

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