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I woke up with the sun in my eyes and moaned closing them tighter, covering my face. But I felt something start to pull the covers off, I yanked them back over me, they tugged again, successfully pulling the covers off this time and instantly I curled up in to a ball.

I grunted and sat up, opening my eyes glaring at the culprit, tiredly. I was surprised to see who it was, I thought it'd be Lucas, but no it was Soundwave. Seriously Soundwave? Why?

"Girl get up." The small turquoise drone ordered. I stared at him trying to contain my amusement, his voice was so high to the other Soundwaves I've watched. I felt one end of my mouth twitch upwards and I looked away from him, forcing the smile to disappear.

"Ok." I answered frankly, with some difficulties, and looked at him again. "And it's Dakota" I added standing up, Lucas by my feet. He walked out of the room. "Well that was rude."

I continued to get ready, but once done I never left the room, I made sure the door was locked and no one could get in, as I played my guitar.

"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted

No silent prayer for the faith-departed

I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd

You're gonna hear my voice

When I shout it out loud

It's my life

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

(It's my life)

The song was a little loud, but I didn't mind if anyone heard me, they wouldn't be able to get in here, I never know in animation..

I suddenly heard a knock on the door before it burst open, see what did I say? I jumped and made a ungrateful noise with my guitar, I flinched.

"What the-?"

"Dakota what are you doing up here? I want you to meet the Autobots!" Sari's annoying, young voice, called behind me.

"I swear I locked that door."

"My key card can unlock anything."

"Well that sucks..." I muttered looking away from the kid as Soundwave walked in.

"What'd you say?"

"Nothing." I said louder, rolling my eyes as I put my guitar away.


I'm so glad people in animation are dumb, it's so easy to get away with stuff.

"Anyway I want you to meet the Autobots."

I looked up at the two with a raised eyebrow. I don't do large bots at the moment, since I hate my life right now, I glanced at Lucas, he barked lolling his tongue, I sighed clamping the two clamps on my guitar case shut, with a fake smile. "Ok why not."


I hate hyper people.

Sari was about to drag me down stairs again when I dodged her. "I can walk."

" better hurry though."

"Ok." I said as she rushed out of the room, I followed more slowly walking pass Soundwave through the door and down the hall, Lucas at my side, all I thought was I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate- ohh the Autobots. I stared at the Autobots as we approached them, ok already know Bulkhead, now who's the gold and black ninja, red and white fat, old one that had a five o'clock shadow, I could guess the red and blue one was Optimus, and probably the small yellow and black stripped one with horns was I think Bumblebee.

I stopped at the doorway with Lucas, but I felt Sari push me into the room.

"Go on they won't hurt you." I rolled my eyes I knew that, it was just because they were so fraggin' ugly, well they didn't look that bad but still.

"Hi guys, I want you to meet someone." She said, catching their attention, they all looked at me, I tensed and started to blush, I hate attention. I waved shyly. "Hi."

"Hello." The ninja bot greeted first.

"Hi." Yellow said happily in a high pitched voice, I almost thought that it was feminine.


"Nice to meet you."

"Guys this is Dakota, Dakota this is Optimus," Sari gestured to the blue and red mech." Ratchet," she gestured to the white and red one, "Prowl." The black and gold ninja, "and I think you remember Bulkhead."

I nodded.

"And finally this is Bumblebee." Sari said gesturing towards the yellow one.

I waved again.

"Nice to met you all...." not really. I want out of here.

"I can sense that you are uncomfortable, why?" Prowl asked. I looked up at him and shrugged.

"Just am." Like hell I was going to tell him....geez I just met him and I like his G1 counterpart better.


"Huh?" I looked down at Sari.

"Can I call you 'Kota?"

I froze, no one has call me that in a long time, I think my Dad was the last one too, and he's dead. "Um, sure, I guess, why you ask?"

"'Cause you're my friend, right?"

"Um, we just met," and I hate you already, you annoy me, "I barely know you, but I guess." Dear Primus I hate myself. I'm too nice.

"Yay" she jumped up and down, clapping. I seriously wanted to slap her.

Then suddenly I was picked up, I squeaked, surprised. "Can I call you that too?" A high pitched, annoying voice asked. I suppressed a growl and nodded, grinding my teeth. "Sure Bee, now can you put me down.....please?" Before I commit suicide, or an 'accidental' fall to my death.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He said lowering me down back to the ground. I jumped from his hands and swallowed my hatred that was growing towards the yellow mech, telling myself repeatedly in my head he's just trying to be friendly, just trying to be nice, and walked back to Lucas.

"What's the white thing?" Bee asked again. Pointing to my white German shepherd.

"It's a he, and he's my dog, his name is Lucas."

"Dogs have names?"

I forced myself not to facepalm, biting my bottom lip, clutching my fists, how stupid are they? "Yes dogs have names."

Someone kill me and put me out of my misery, please, where's the Decepticons when you need to die?

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