First Night

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We got to Sari's Dad's building and I was introduced to her father and then led to the room I was going to use. I sat on my new bed, looking around, I then noticed a large windowsill and approached it, with my iPhone. I looked down on Detroit as it continued its busy life and looked at my phone, which was on albums, and studied the many pictures of my family. The day I first got my guitar, to a month ago. Tears streamed down my face, I really don't want to be here, I wanted to go back home, with my family, I had no friends, and my Mom adored Dillon more then me but I still want to be with them instead of here. I looked at Lucas, who would I be without him, he was my only friend, one that gave me the right attention, was always there when needed, and the best friend I'll probably ever have. I leaned against the wall and slid slowly to the floor, I looked at my phone again and turned to contacts. I found Mom's and hesitantly tapped on it, a text conversation came up immediately, with unread messages.

' Dakota where are you? ' - 1:30pm.

'What happened to the tv?' - 1:35pm.

"Where r u? Please be safe' - 4:59pm.

Reading the last message made me feel worse, and yet better, to know she cared. I text back.

'Sorry about tv I'm ok.I love and miss u.'

And I hoped it sent. I looked out the window again, feeling something warm and soft brush against my arm, I turned to find Lucas standing there and I latched on to him, hugging him tightly, he was my comfort, I petted his back and he sat down.

"I'm glad you're here, Lucas, I would of tried to kill myself if you weren't here." He nuzzled my neck, I continued to pet him. "I love you Lucas."

He barked, quietly. I let go of his neck and stood up, wiping the tears away, I walked back over to the and turned the lamp off, then laid down covering myself. Lucas jumped up on the bed and laid next to me, and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Night, boy."

(Thanks for reading sorry its short)

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