Where Am I?

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I jumped awake and sat up, finding Lucas on my lap..... wind blew at my long black hair. Wind? I was inside....wasn't I? I looked around, no I wasn't I was outside on a bench, with a big white German shepherd, a guitar, and a bag. Where the frag am I.....wait was I in a.....city? As I studied my surroundings I noticed many, stupid looking robots walking around the streets with people who I did not know. Suddenly Lucas' weight was pulled off me, I snapped my neck to my dog direction, finding a robot trying to get him on a leash.

"Hey what the heck are you doing that's my dog!" I yelled at the drone it looked up at me as I stood up, glaring down at it.

"It is a priority for all pets to be on a leash."

"Well you could of told me rather then doing what you did." It just stared at me and then walked away with other dogs.

I grunted and grabbed my bag. "Come here Lucas."

I pulled out his leash and grabbed his collar, clipping it on. As I stood up and got my bag on my shoulder, just as I was going to grab my guitar case, something turquoise was right in front of me. I looked up finding a yellow visor staring down at me, I picked up my guitar and stood to my full height, 5'7 finding the bot was the same size.


It only stared at me I stared back, confused. Lucas barked at it, catching it's attention, it looked down at him and I tightened my grip on the leash. But as I watched the bot I realized something....I didn't watch Transformers Animated but I've seen glimpses of the characters and recognized this one....but that meant, awww frag I'm somehow in the Transformers Animated series. Why couldn't it be Prime? Why is it the generation I absolutely hate?

"There you are!" I heard a young girl's voice call behind the robot, it turned around and I backed away from it, but I bumped into something, I looked up behind me finding a ugly, creepy, tall, big, green bot with the Autobot symbol on the chest...


"H-h-hi." I stuttered backing up from it, caught in the middle of two robots....nice.

"Bulkhead I found him." A girl that I think was what my brother said was named Sari. She had brown eyes, red hair, and she wore a yellow dress....typical anime. She spotted me.

"Ohhh, uh..hi." I waved at her, she then spotted Lucas, and ran over to him. "You have a dog? What's it's name?"

"His name is Lucas, nice to meet you." I lied clenching my jaw, I really didn't want to be here, honestly, at all.

"I'm Sari , that's Bulkhead. What's your name?" She asked standing up.

"Dakota Addams."

"Dakota.....isn't that a boy's name?" I resisted to roll my eyes and groan, so instead I smiled innocently.

"Yes, but it can be a girl's name too."

"Ohhh....hey wanna come to the park with us.....it's my birthday." She asked me suddenly, I looked around for anything to get me out of this situation. No luck.

I sighed. "Sure, and happy birthday."

"Thanks...what's that?" She asked another question, I looked at my guitar case. She seriously didn't know what a guitar was.....wow.

"Its my guitar, it's a instrument."

"Ohhh....I haven't seen one like that before."

I looked up at her, seriously? I raised an eyebrow.

"You have pretty cool eyes." She said suddenly, smiling that stupid smile that made it so tempting to just slap the slaggin' smile off her face and run.

".....thanks...." I said awkwardly, then suddenly she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the park. This wasn't weird at all, note my sarcasm, by now I just wanted to die, alone with Lucas, but I think that's not gonna make me feel better about this.

I just let her drag me till we got to what looked like a park, and she let go, making me almost run into the small, turquoise, black, and yellow, drone. I heard her giggle, as the drone looked at me and I smiled, a shield to my embarrassment and annoyance. I looked away rolling my eyes, and glared at Sari.

"Watch it Dakota, I don't want you to run into Soundwave." She teased me and I stared at her, THAT was Soundwave?....holy shit. I scoffed and sat down in the grass, Lucas sat beside me and I got into my bag, I heard them walk away and I quickly got my guitar and hid behind a tree and got comfortable, I petted Lucas and stared to play, singing the lyrics, quietly.

I looked at Lucas, smiling sadly, as I realized I might be stuck here, at least I had him, I scratched his head, ruffling his fur. "You're a good boy, Lucas, I don't know what I would do without you." He barked lolling his tongue, I chuckled and hugged him. I looked down at my guitar, staring at the photos of my family, I began to cry at the thought of never talking to them, and the last conversation we had was a argument. I looked up at Lucas and he whined, I put my guitar away and sat there.

After awhile I got into my bag, curious of what I had, my iPhone, kindle fire, ear buds, charger, and Lucas' brush, and....I grabbed a scrapbook it was a family scrapbook my Dad gave me before he left for the military a year ago, sadly he was killed in a bombing. I carried this with me no matter where I was....and I'm glad I did.

"Dakota..." I jumped, shoving the book in my bag, as I heard someone call my name. I looked up spotting Sari approaching me.


"You should join us....over there." She said pointing to a large group of robots and people surrounding Soundwave as he played music, horrible music that is.

I scooted closer to the tree. "I'm good."

"Come it's not that bad."

"No I'm perfectly fine here." I assured nodding.

"Please?" She asked and before I could answer she pulled me to my feet, she started ushering me towards the group. I planted my heels into the ground, stopping us, she tried again, didn't budge.

"Come on Dakota....why are you not moving?"

"Because I don't want to go."


"I don't do large groups...." I said, containing my laughter at how perverted it sounded, I watched too much Ridiculousness. (Never thought Ridiculousness would ever be mentioned in a Transformers fanfic).

" Please for me, or I'll have Soundwave move over here."

My eyes widened, and I picked up my stuff, and sped walked over there. I tied Lucas to a bench and placed my guitar beside him.

"YES! I knew that would work."

I glared at her and she dragged me to the group. I looked around and watched as they danced, but didn't join, they were awful dancers...

"Come on Dakota have fun." Sari said, stomping her feet on the ground and jerking her head, like she was having a seizer.

"I'm good." I said watching her, a little bit freaked out at how she 'danced'.

"Seriously, dance."

"Nah I'm good. I don't dance anyway."

"Then do somethin'" I looked around, thinking that Soundwave was so lucky that he just had to stand there and do nothing....so lucky. Something shiny caught my eye, and I looked over in the direction it was coming from. My jaw dropped. I saw a purple, black, and silver electric guitar in the front of a music store, it looked awesome, for an animated guitar that is. Sari noticed, and looked at the guitar. What I didn't know was that she was smiling.

"You want that guitar?"


"How well do you play?" She asked looking up at me. I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Wanna see?" She asked, before I could answer, she once again dragging me somewhere, but I fought back.

"Ohh no, no, no."

"Why?" She asked not stopping, getting closer to the store.

"Because..." I answered pulling backward, tearing up the ground with my combat boots.

"Because why?" She asked as we hit cement and I had nothing left to slow me down and keep me back. She opened the door and dragged me inside. I stood there, wide eyed...I'll admit this was heaven.

"Hey Sari?" I asked.


"Am I dead?" I asked as a lady came from the back.

"Hello, can I help you."

"She wants to look at that guitar." Sari said pointing to the guitar.

"Oh sure, ok." She grabbed the guitar out of the window and handed it to me. I put the neck strap on and checked it out.

"Well....play it." Sari said I looked at her and I glanced at the woman.

"Ok...." I said and started to play the guitar part of Monster, from Skillet. Sari's mouth dropped immediately.

I finished by cutting off the last note, like it was suppose to.

"Whoa! That was amazing!" Sari said going frantic.

I shrugged, plucking at the cords. "Thanks....I guess. How much is this?"

"$85.95." I looked at the lady and took the guitar's neck strap off, handing it back.

"Thank you for letting me play it but, I can't afford that."

She nodded. "Ok, your welcome, come again and have a nice day."

I left the store, Sari though stayed a few minutes longer. I waited for her and when she finally came out I looked down at her.

"You better not of bought that guitar for me."

"I didn't, I don't have the money too." She answered and walked back to the park. I followed. I sat down on the bench by Lucas grabbing my guitar case putting it in between my legs, and leaning back, Lucas jumped onto the bench, resting his chin on my lap. I watched the group continue to dance, but soon enough it broke up and by the time the sun started to set it was over. I sat up hugging and leaning on the neck of the guitar case. Well today was a total bust, not the best I had, but I survived it, kinda wish I didn't, all I wanted was to go back home. I looked up at the sky and sighed I'm gonna probably commit suicide by the end of the week, or tomorrow, either way I'm probably gonna be dead one of these days.

"Dakota!" I turned my gaze toward the caller, and of course Sari was approaching me, with Soundwave.

"What?" I asked, boredom and tiredness evident in my voice.

"You have anywhere to stay?"

I shook my head slowly. "No."

"Want to come home with us?" She asked. I shrugged.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't care....it's up to you....that is what it means" I answered, Lucas sat up and he jumped off the bench, stretching. I slightly glared at him as I untied him from the bench, and stood up.

"Now I know that's a 'yes'." Sari said and I tilled my head cracking it, she flinched at the loud popping noise. "Ahh....doesn't that hurt?"

I shrugged. "Not much....can we just go now?" I asked doing the other side of my neck.

She cringed. "Stop that, it's inhuman."

I chuckled tiredly. "Sorry," I apologized, although I really wasn't, I'm so nice.

"Once again can we go?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

I rolled by eyes as she turned around and grabbed my guitar case.

As we walked I got bored and started to mutter the lyrics to All of Me, and as I did I noticed Soundwave staring at me, I only glanced at him and sung softer than before.

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