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I walked down the street, Lucas beside me, my, custom made, guitar on my back with my bag in my hand, my guitar had family photos lamented on it with stenciled was cool.

I had just finished band practice, even though I could play more than the guitar, I could play drums, and keyboard, I can also sing....but I preferred not in public, but everyone that's heard me say that I'm great, I don't believe them.

I walked into the house finding it empty....Mom and Dillon left again without me, they always go somewhere without me, was I unimportant to be with them? Or do they hate me? I sighed and looked down at Lucas.

"Well just you and me, boy.....again." Lucas whined and he rubbed against my leg. I smiled at him and went into the living room, when suddenly a large tumor shook the house I crashed into the tv, turning it on and Transformers Animated was still on....

"Lucas! Come here boy!" I called the safety of my dog a immediate priority for me and he ran over as electricity zapped around me, I grabbed his collar and screamed in pain before I fell unconscious.

(Sorry its short I'm tired and please leave comments thanks for reading)

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