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I looked up when I heard Sari's voice, and for once was glad to hear it and stood up, finding the kid and walked out from the shadows.

She immediately saw me and gasped. "Dakota! Why are you here?"

"I was captured." I stopped behind, little bit to the left, of Soundwave's pede I glared up at him as I hesitantly continued to Sari. When I was in front of her, she hugged me tightly around the waist.

I froze, blinking, arms out, hoisted up over her red head. This was new.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention. "Uh, Sari? Could you, uh, perhaps let go?"

She let go immediately and I blinked once more before I walked past her and down to the sewer, where Bulkhead would be coming from soon.

Sari asked where I was going but I didn't answer.

Once I was far away from them I transformed and activated my new jetpack, feeling my wings splay out and I took off and flew until I found a lid.

Busting it open I flew out of it and landed on the roof of a building, watching the Autobots battle the drones that Soundwave enslaved, I watched as they were overwhelmed.

They needed help.

My help.

Activating my jetpack once again I made sure that a battle mask covered my face then descended back onto the street. Transforming my hand into a gun I rapidly and repeatedly shot the drones, flying by as a blue and purple blur. As I turned back around one of the flying drones attacked me, I lost control and tumbled into the street, breaking the asphalt, leaving a trail of it broken behind me.

I laid there stunned, for one the force of the crash and that I was helping Autobots. I sat up. Literally peeling my body off the road.

"Are you alright?"

I jumped as heard Prowl's voice behind me, I turned the gold and black ninja and nodded.

"Who are you?" He asked as I stood, brushing the drone and debris off me. I stared at him.

"You know me." I finally said then turned, getting ready to fly off.


I glanced back, battle mask sliding back, I gave him a sad smile and nodded.


I turned back around, dodging a drone. "Yes?"

"How?" He asked protecting me from most of the drones as he spoke.

A tear slid down my cheek as I watched. "Soundwave."

He looked at me, almost surprised. "Soundwave? He did this to you?"

I nodded. "I'll explain later, Prowl, right now isn't the time. I promise I'll explain later." With that said and a nod from the ninja I took off, shooting the drones off him as I past overhead.

So, I am not a techno organic, and I'm definitely going to sever the Autobots....

When Sari and Bulkhead came out of the sewers I knew Soundwave was destroyed, for now, I knew he'd come back.

I landed on the ground, wings returning to their original position. Sari noticed me immediately.

"Who are you?"

I sighed, retracting my armor, she gasped. "Whoa I didn't know you could do that."

"I couldn't...."

"How can you now?"

"Soundwave.....done this." I glanced at the ground then back up at the girl.

"Wow...." she came up at touch me, I took a step back, armor sliding back on. "Dakota what are you doing?" She took a step forward.

I took another step back. I didn't like the stares I was getting and with Sari reaching out to me like I was a foreign alien. I didn't like it. "Don't touch me."


"Just don't, please just, leave me alone." I said and turned, taking off swiftly, back to the tower, I wanted Lucas.

When I got back to my balcony I opened the glass doors, without taking my armor off, and slowly, clumsily, walked in before I collapsed at the side of the bed and cried into the covers.

I heard a whine and a wet nose nudge me. I looked to my right, spotting Lucas I hugged him around his neck, he nuzzled mine and took my phone out and went to my mom's number and called her, seeing if it would work.

To my surprise it did.

"Dakota?" My mother's worried voice answered.

I covered my mouth slightly with a shaky hand and cried. "M-mom?"

She knew I was crying right then and I could tell she was starting to as well."Sweetie I'm so sorry! Please come home, please. I miss you so much please."

Hearing her plead made me feel guilty. "I would if I could, Mom, but I don't know how..."

"I know, I saw you in Transformers, your brother's jealous."

I smiled weakly. "He can gladly switch with me. I want....I w-want to c-c-come h-h-home." I cried and buried my face in Lucas's white scruff. He whined.

I then heard my door open. "Dakota?"

I looked up. "H-hey Mom, put Dillon on the phone."

"Ok Sweetheart, hold on." I heard her yell for my brother and a few seconds later there was the shuffling sounds of the phone being handed to someone then a "hello?"

I smiled. "Hey, you can take my place here, I miss ya."

"Dakota! You're so lucky!"

I scoffed. "I know right. Well, I want you to meet someone." I waved Sari over and turned the phone so my bro couldn't hear me. "Please talk to him, he's a good kid, he just wants to talk to you."

She nodded and took the phone. "Hello?"

I could hear Dillon's screams of utter joy and excitement through the phone, I chuckled as the eight year old winced and took it way from her ear a little.

"Put it on speaker."

She did.

"Oh my gosh! Sari! This is so cool, thank you Dakota!"

I laughed quietly. "No problem. Sari this is my little brother, Dillon. Dillon.....this is-"



I closed my eyes as my brother rambled on about stuff a small, crooked, smirk on my face it was good to hear his voice again.

I soon fell asleep.

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