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When I woke up I had this dull pain in my body, everything seemed to be louder and everything sharper. I sat up, and rubbed my arm, I tensed.

I was metal.

I hesitantly looked down, and my body was covered in metal, blue and purple, I still was my normal size, but robotic, I looked over my shoulder to find wings, I felt my head, it was armored, and I had a visor, I looked at my feet my boots were metal.

I basically looked like Sari but looked different, for one I didn't have a dress. I screamed.


"Gave Dakota upgrade."

I glared up at him, forcing myself to transform back into my original form, working myself up into Megatron mode, I wanted to kill him. "I hate you."


"I....did not ask for this. I did not want this. And you did this to me." I clenched my fists, closing my eyes and heaving a massive sigh. Turning to him I opened my eyes. "I never wanted this. I can't wait until Sari comes....."

"Sari is on her way."

"Good...." I whispered, tears beginning to stream down my face. But I wasn't crying for what he done to me I was crying for what he did to himself. "I like you better as a toy...."

"I am still the same."

I shook my head. "No, you're not. Definitely not in looks."

"I assure you, Dakota, I am the same mech."

I didn't answer, standing and hiding in the corner, muttering stuff to myself. "Wanna go home."

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