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A little bonus chappy for all my beautiful readers who always never failed to leave me beautiful comments.

Quite busy with Aryan ...

So here it goes....

Omkara POV

There she stood ,lined up with other humans girls but none of them can be compared to My Gauri's beauty . There is a specific spark to her , a beautiful glow which others lacked . It was what had drawn me to her despite the reason she being my destined mate .

She had really matured in those 2 years which he was away , all her features were long longer girlish . Now it had a hint of demure and womanly beauty . Which can attract anyone . While I thought she was beautiful when she was in sixteen , but when i saw her now , i would like to go back in time and smack my head for thinking that her beauty won't flourish more than that . I was totally wrong .

I was indeed lucky to have found her in time and even more blessed to have been granted with such a beautiful mate by the moon goddess.  I couldn't thank her enough in this lifetime . I bet  all males would jump at the chance to have what i has so i have warned my brother before hand on who I would be choosing making them grunt in response at how straight forward I could be when it comes my woman . Yes she is my woman , my only woman . I won't deny , I had my own fair share of woman but she was different .

She was the one and the only one .

Ranveer knew this and teased him earlier that day , saying that he wasn't really low key about leaving to run errands . He already found out years ago that he was secretly escaping off to visit one of village girls ,but ranveer just didn't know which girl was he was into .

"So which one is your girl?" Ranveer asked , clamping his hand on my shoulder as we leaned against the stairwell railing , looking down at the array of young girls .

Speak of the devil .

Omkara stayed silent and kept his gaze focused on his mate , deep inside he was wondering if she able to recognise him . It's was unlikely since he always visiting her village with black hood one to hide his identity . With a growl, he was trying to figure a way to make her recognise him but he would have to play along if she didn't because it doesn't matter since either way she will become his and his only .

"Well , suit yourself" Ranveer begin to say , his tone was becoming all familiar . Omkara snapped his gaze away and raised a brow , knowing that Ranveer was about lead up to something. His brother smiled and shrugged "how else we will know brother , who to keep our hands off to?" Ranveer said with a smirk.

"He is right , accidentally we might sweep that Cinderella of your off her feet" Arijit piped in , strolling towards them while he adjusted his tux out of habit . His eyes swept over the many young girls as he let out a small whistle . Though he could feel his older brothers eyes shooting dagger to him .

"I hate to admit , but I'm curios too , which is the lucky girl who managed to capture my cold hearted brother heart ?" To top of it , Rithvik joined , leaning against the railing beside the playful trio . Although Omkara looked far from playful , his gaze was darkening as he ignored them but then hesitantly pointed towards his beautiful mate . "Petite .Amber Eyes. Black and Blue Dress." He didn't want their complete attention on his mate so he kept the description short but what he has failed to mention was she was curvy despite her tiny stature , milk white skin and had something about her that drove him crazy . And he didn't want to get started on her scent , sweet like vanilla. She was an interesting yet entirely feminine combination.

When his brothers leaned forward and finally spotted his beloved mate , a growl erupted out of his throat , a strict warning for them to indicate that she belong to him . "There she is , happy now ? Since you 3 three of you know who she is , so keep your eyes and hands off" Omkara muttered , glaring at them when they all back away and waved their hand back and forth in submission. "She is a diamond in rough for sure but we get it brother , she is yours" Arijit decided to make a terrible pun , since she is wearing a few diamonds , making Omkara give him an unamused look . His brother obeyed his command and seek their own mates in the swarms of females .

Thankfully they had chosen their own woman by the time when they were summoned by their parents to come down and choose their own personal slaves .
Even though he hated to call her that but he found it amusing to see her reaction . He might as well tease her , at lest until she remembered him . But who knows how long it gonna take . He wanted to groan in frustration but he felt little relief as he reminded himself , no matter what she will be all his.

Omkara fixed his bow and stepped into ballroom with his 3 brothers , feeling the gaze of all the girls ,but he could sniff off and know where his beloved is . It's thrilled him , because he finally got to meet her again but would she like him ? He had everything, everything but except her . What wouldn't she like about him ? Normally girls love man with everything right ?

Annoyed , he waited and watched Ranveer stop before his mate before moving on . He would have small "chat" with ranveer later on but his focus returned when it was his turn to choose . He pass over many girls and when she was close,  he stopped in front other girl nearest to her , plucking the crying girl in the crowd . He wanted to see her reaction , knowing that she was braver than she even know and not forgetting her kindness.

But the next what his mate did took him off guard , she bravely traded her spot with the crying girl ; offering herself instead . Not only that , she went as far as touching him . She doesn't know her action lead his wolf ecstatic and intrigued but the man of him was confused and little mad . So if one of his brother were to pluck of the crying girl from the crowd , would herself easily to them also ? He growled  as he grew angry at even the thought of it ! He released the crying girl and take his mate instead . He dragged her out of the ballroom but he also was making sure that he wasn't gripping her wrist too roughly and tried to stay calm . Thankfully his brothers got his message and he had warned the earlier or else who know what might have happened . Man, he wanted to claim her , all of her by himself . He wanted her to be his once and for all.

But when those beautiful amber eyes looked up at him , he held it back knowing it wasn't the time yet . Not until she truly like him , and not even until she truly love him .

Growling hard , he ran a hand through his hair but couldn't help but admire her beautiful features since she is much more closer now . His eyes meet hers and then the button nose of her, along with her rosey lips . God , he admit that she was the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen in all those centuries of his entire life . No one could stand close to her .

His wolf inside gave a small rumble of appreciation as he smelled that she was still untouched and was attracted to him as well. (Wolf can sense that)

Well that was a start , he guessed and arrogantly answered her questions but secretly he was indeed mesmerised by her , he couldn't keep up . Not only that , the thought of she was willingly to give up herself so easily for someone else , that too for a stranger still ticked him off .

She was his .

Only his .

Only problem he have is , his pretty rough exterior , with terrible temper , often impassive look, egoistical attitude and little to no patience . He was pretty sure that his journey gonna be pretty long one , much to his displeasure but if she could set pass that . Then they're all set .

His brother on the other hand thought he had no chance but either way she was still fated to be with him . His only prayers was hoped she'd stay and be the one who willing to spend eternity with him despite him being a monster .

He was dying to love her , to touch her , to hug her kiss her ...

But he know if he got impatient , he would end up risking everything and there is chance that he might never see her again  . He would definitely won't let it happen , especially not if he couldn't help it at least .

While this is what he felt as man but his wolf was a whole different story .

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
