Chapter 3

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"Whatever I ask, you'll do , Gauri"

"I rather die!" She yelled backing away from Omkara who growled angrily , his eyes were dark and murderous.

He gripped the chain that locked into metal collar he had put around her neck and pulled her back with a strong yank , causing her fly backwards straight to him.  She doesn't want to test his strength again ,as just one yank made her neck burn and made her entire body fallback as if she were light as feather . No doubt that , he is incredibly strong . He succeed in scaring me and not to forget that he pissed me even more . My back hit his hard chest as his hand snaked around my wrist , gripping them.

"Wrong answer" he snarled into her ears before turning her around to face him . His breathing continued to unsteady as his nostril continued to flare . Those beautiful blue eyes was no where to be seen and this managed to scare her . She know that he was so close to losing it as his body began to shook and his grip was tightened. Omkara snarled at her , as his sharp fangs revealed as she began tremble in his grasp . He then roared out with an impatient temper when she failed to respond causing the room to shake as if an earthquake just grew angry and decided to take all out on the place , guess he is showing big tantrum . Being a crown prince , this is least you should expect . He is the man who used to get whatever he wanted .

"You're going all with the engagement whether you like or not , slave! And you're attending the gathering tonight!" He loosened his grip on her grip and hesitant to leave for a second . His eyes become pained . Finally he let go and left the room in just few strides while she lowered onto the floor , tears building up her eyes . She had no choice, she would eventually have to marry him whether she like it or not. She stayed seated on the floor as her body is shaking with full blown anxiety. She clutched her hand tightly to stop the shaking and squeezed her eyes shut. Flashes of fire and her family pierced through her head . Winding , she clutched her and screamed out in pain and that alone tore her apart from the inside out . This is her reality now . Even if she escaped from here , she have no home to return to . She has no one to turn too . Anger began to take over as it boiled op in her and she slowly stood after screaming her pain out . He definitely will for the death of my family .

"I hate you" she shouted with all her might and slammed her fist against the hard wall , narrowing her blurry eyes . She squeezed them shit again as a fresh set of tears made their way down to she cheeks and she hugged her hand to her chest when it's started to burn but luckily it didn't feel broken , just brushed . She just wanted her family back , that's all she wanted but she knew deep down she would never see them again . No matter how much she wins her and creamed for them . They weren't coming back .


I held Ishani's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as we sat at the large dining table . The queen and king sat at the ends , while unfortunately the princes sat opposite us . Ranveer arose from his seat and made way around the table where me and Ishani sat. Once he stood near enough to Ishana , he offered his hand and gave a low growl when  she didn't take it . She look terrified to death , her face palming as she then reached out , shakily take his hand . She knew she shouldn't disobey a direwolf , especially when they growled . We all learned that the hard way , sadly . I watched them dance silently stood . I felt pointless being here. He didn't even offered to dance with me but I guess that was a good thing since that gave me a good chance to leave .

Luckily Omkara didn't seems to notice , he was all busy being surrounded by flustered servant girls . Trust me , it's like watching vultures circling your catch . I ignored the thought of him being mine and made my way towards the exit . Well , at least I was free for a little while though I know this freedom won't last long. . Grasping my wine glasses , I hurried out of the ball room right as they announced the royal fire wolf family to dance with their beloved partners .


Maybe if I quicken my pace , I'll make it far enough from the ball so that Omkara wouldn't find me in time for the stupid dance . Quickly walking down the dark hall , I made my way around the corridor only to pass a guy who began to stagger after me . The strong smell of alcohol hit my nose , so instantly picked up my pace , hoping that he would give up and return to drinking whatever nasty alcohol that he was gotten drunken off . Turning my head , I looked over my shoulder to see if he was still following me but I grew confused and frightened when he was no where to be found . Then slowly , I turned my head back around and was met by his pitch black gaze . A startled cry left me and I stumbled backwards after instinctively hitting him on the head with the wine glass as the shards of the glass shattered against his head , I watched the smirk on his face grow.

"Feisty huh? I like feisty"

His eyes the practically raped my body , the look on his face was gross and unmistakably lecherous . He made his way towards me and smirked , even though blood trickled down his head .

"What's the matter baby girl ? Wanna play?"
His voice was hoarder and turned into a deep growl , causing a shivers run up my spine and they weren't good kind either .  Suddenly with in human speed , he gripped my arms tightly and shoved me against the wall , his mouth going straight got my neck . I sobbed aloud as he began to nip and such . He was able to make a small cut on my neck with each scrape of his fangs while his hand romanced my body . My cried echoed down the hall as I writhed against him but I was no match for his mighty strength . He growled , clamping his hand over my mouth when he realised I was making too much of nose .

"Shut up!"

I continued to squirm and kick despite my actions being rendered and useless against this beast . "You're so beautiful love , Well don't worry you'll become mine soon" He slurred out and chuckled as he flashed his rands and ready to bite down on my neck boy he could a bite of me , a deadly roar stoped him just in time before he was going to land the fatal blow . The power radiating off a furious fighter that approached cause the man to scramble away from me , sobering him up immediately as fear overcome him . I stiffen at the noise and slowly glanced at the person who made the Norse , and there stood none other than a furious Omkara . His eyes were a pitch black , his fangs bared and his fist clenched . All
Of which was a good sign . Within a matter of a second he had the guy held up against the wall by the throat "she's mine!!" He growled out loudly causing a scene as a few guest from the ball peeked out from behind a wall to see what's was going on .

The mans feet dangled above the floor as Omkara held him up and kept him pinned against the wall . He began to beg as Omkara let him slump down to the floor , before he didn't hesitate to grasp both side of his skull and snap his neck , leaving him to fall limp on the floor . I guess he's paying the price of touch a direwolf slave of mate was instant death but I hadn't know this and watched in fear as Omkara killed the man with his bare hand . He did it so easily as if taking a lift meant nothing to him . Like he was accustomed to do it everyday , which was probably true . His eyes soon returned to the normal blue as he sent a glance , his fingers snapping which sent a few men to enter the hall and and carry the limp body out . A few slave woman followed them in and began cleaning the mess like this was a normal routine for them . Isn't it ? I questioned fearfully to one but myself after realising how quickly and robotically the group worked . Without saying a thing , Omkara fixed the cuff on his suit and grasped my hand , taking me back into the ball room where  his brother and my friends danced . He acted as if nothing happened as if he hadn't just killed someone .  I earned only a harsh growl , not an explanation .

"You shouldn't have never left the room , Gauri"

Was all he said as he groped my waist , while our right hand joined together,my left on the other hand trembled against his chest . It rested there because I was too short and couldn't reach his shoulder even with heels on . He seemed to notice , his lips forming a teasing smirk , despite my frown and trembling body . I didn't know whether to hit him or thank him got saving me . He did technically save me but also commuter murder in the process . So I was drifting between throwing up , screaming and showing my so called "gratitude" . I hated that he was right in the first place , I shouldn't have left . Now that whole intense scenario was practically all my fault. I managed to glare at him , despite my heart beating wildly in my chest and dark thoughts but a sudden gasp left me as I felt his hand snake down from my waist to bottom . He then leaned forward , satisfied by my reaction but what whispered to my ears made my eyes widened .

"You're in deep trouble , my little chirraiya"

Wait a minute , I felt like I have heard this some where but before I try to process it on my mind he dragged me to his room .

His voice had a coldness to it that left chills running up my spine yet the feel
Of his warm breath near my ear set fire to my skin . The woman in me screamed out , I had no clue whether it was because I was surprising turned on at this moment or it was because I was tied to his bed blindfolded. My body went rigid agains as I felt his fingertip glide up my ankle and the rest on my thigh . I gulped from the sudden intimate gesture . I could particularly felt he smirked in satisfaction due to my nervous reaction , just like he had done earlier in the ballroom . I hadn't been touched by any man this way before so I guess he just figured that out and was amused by it . I know .Much to my embarrassment , I squeezed my leg shut as warmth spread into my cheeks and flooded into a place that was unfamiliar with the rippling sensations.

"So Gauri , tell me are you going to obey me or must I" he paused , his fingertip trailing further up my thigh in slow and tantalising way . "Make you..." his voice responded once more after gaining a gasp from me. Somehow the feel of his finger on my skin made me go crazy , it was most likely because I was blindfolded or maybe because I was thrilled by him overall. No ..not it couldn't be , I hate him . Remember?"

"Om..Omkara....I'm sorry...I really am" I lied through my teeth not wanting to debate against my own consciousness anymore , as well as just wanted to be let out of the tropes that binds my wrist to the headboard of his bed . I got a dark chuckle in return , then followed by a reply that made me tremble . I could feel the bed dip as he leaned closer to me , his finger move off my thigh , much to my relief , to lift up my chin . He slowly dipped down , whispering against my skin as his lips smoothed over the length of my bare neck .

"You're such a bad liar, Gauri"

My cheeks were probably as red as tomato by now but I still had anger brewing in me , just waiting to bubble up and scorch him. I scramble back , tearing my chin out of his grasp though I was secretly turned on but I still remembered why I'm here at the first place . I was taken and My family were killed .

Now disgust has replaced the arousal .

"So what if I am? Tell me why I should obey to you?"

The word spilled out of mouth like hot lava , dying to engulf him and burn him entirely till he become nothing but ash . A bitterness was clearly on my tone as my back hit the bead board and sound of an inhuman growl catch my ears .

"You dare to question me and defy me still?" Little Chirraya , you should learn to watch your tongue" his remark was too quickly lashing out back at my words , causing me to gobble them up and swallow them whole . I sink back as I was shaking , I could feel his intense gaze and dark aura on me .  He is not fool but smart and dangerous . He could kill me in spilt second if he wants too . I winced a second later , imagining what he will do if I talk back . Though I couldn't refrain myself in the second before that picture and shouted back at him . The anger in me was roaring out ,it was impossible to stop .

"Why can't I ? You're a monster !! And thanks to you I have no family now !!! I've no place to return too !! All because of you !! If you want to kill me also , then just do it!" My throats began to burn as I screamed the words out . I know I'm such an idiot. He definitely going to kill me now .

I flinched when I feel his finger harshly move out under my chin and I could feel he move off the bed the mattress beneath me lifted again , I was relieved to have heavy figure off it . The man indeed large ,with not an inch of fat on him ,he was all muscle . He is very much stronger , I don't know if someone stronger than him exist .

"A monster ? I'm a monster huh?" Omkara spoke , this time quiet as suddenly undid the rope then forced me up into a sitting position. The room was in pin drop silence and the air was filled with smell of my fear . My body shaking more now as I sat there awaiting my death call but nothing came . Nothing expect light touch . He brought a hand up and I flinched slightly until his finger caressed one side of my face . The beast stayed silent , his touch was gentler this time . Its was too gentle . I was breathing in out rapidly . I was afraid . I was scared if moved , he would use my words against me and kill me without hesitation.

A small growl finally broke the silence when his fingertip graced my jaw , then my nose and then brushed against my lips . "You know I've been called that a lot"he murmured leaning so close , so close till my breathing hitched on my throat . My eyes become wide behind the blindfold .

"So this is the best retort that you've got? You might as well give up" Omkara continued ,his fingertips then traced the outline of the blindfold , before he tucked my strands of hair behind my ears causing me to shudder again . Not in fear but because of something else . It's was an unfamiliar feeling .
He pulled his finger away suddenly , as if realising again that I was a flame that would get him badly burned . I secretly expected him to touch again but grew disappointed when his finger failed to trail of my skin again . He moved away , his presence leaving me along with his warmth . I shivered and sat there in shock , only to fall against the bed . Sighing in relief  that I was alive .

My hand hesitatingly reached up and took of the blindfold and finally I could see again. I glanced wildly around and aware that he still hadn't left the room as I could still feel his powerful presence along with the tension that often clung thick in the air between us .Then I caught the sight of him as he stayed far from me , sitting on a green couch in the corner of the spacious bedroom though his blue gaze  still bore into me , mix emotion were hiding deep within their depth . I steady my breath and pull the cover of myself seeking the shelter from the blanket and also to hide from his piercing gaze . Turning to my side , I kept my back to him and rest my head on one of the pillow .

I could hear his growl but I choose to ignore it and close my eyes , wishing that he would leave but to my very displeasure, he stayed there. In that very spot ,making sure I wouldn't go anywhere . Yet he didn't come closer again that night . It was as if he was holding himself back . It never ceased to make me feel that I was watched by a predator and I know I'm his prey but for some reason he didn't pounce me yet, which was perfectly fine for me .

Soon I was taken by the darkness , that come with sleep and drifted to a deep slumber almost forgetting about the predator that was waiting to snatch me up and make me to pay for what I've said to him .

Dream time

Blue eyes glowed in the darkness ,haunting me . I looked around and realised that I was safely at home again . My mother was asleep in the rocking chair while my brother went to work . I stayed glued infront of the kitchen window that overlooked our small garden and the forest nearby . Our house was nearby the dark forest . This was frightened me and Intrigued me at the same time .

My eyes drifted back to those blue orbs that seems fascinated by me and I felt the twinge of familiarness.  I stared back at those eyes which darker then color of ocean itself .  An ocean that was threatening to sweep me up and take me down into unexplored abyss. So dark yet so beautiful.

The eyes came closer and closer , never leaving mine as I stayed fixated on them .As if in a trance I reached out my hand , wanting to touch the dark shadow that crept close to the window . It's huge paws trampling the flower beds that lay beneath it . I finally realised that it was a wolf as it's dark features came into a view and then within a blink of a eye , it's jaw wide open . Threatening to eat me , like the monster it was . I screamed in surprise and shrunk back in fears . My eyes were wide as my chest heaved up and down . Then when I looked up again the monster was gone and so do that magnifying blue eyes .

Damn that was very long , okay that's all for today . My hand paining . You may any question you want .
Good night people

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