Chapter 10

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Those who are fasting , I suggest don't read now .

Gauri  screamed awake, her claws dug deep into the bed.

Her fangs out as if she was trying to defend herself from something or someone.

Sweat coated her now hot skinned body, her night gown sticking to her. Her eyes then closed as she sat up and covered her face in her hands. "It was just a dream...just a dream..." She repeated to herself.

Only darkness surrounded her, sighing she got up and pulled back the large drapes covering the Windows. She could see the sun barely starting to rise.

Running a hand through her hair she checked the alarm clock on the bed stand only to see that it was 4 o'clock in the morning.

Stepping out of Omkara's large room she peeked out and quietly padded down the palace stairs.

She then entered the kitchen which was now gonna be her new second favorite spot in the world.

Her first was the garden because it held so many memories.

Opening up the fridge, she grabbed out a fruit bowl that was left by Omkara .

It had a sticky note saying 'eat this.' As she closed the fridge she saw another sticky note saying 'Sorry Gauri , I got stuck having to catch up with work. I'll be home soon around you.'

She smiles, "Cute...he's earning romantic points and baby daddy points. Well Omkara I can eat whatever I want, I'll eat this fruit bowl though but then I'm eating all the marshmallows and chocolate and...snacks in this whole kitchen."

She grabs the marshmallow bags and chocolate, then grabs chip bags and some pickles, then she grabs an ice cream tub and popcorn.

Grinning, she plops down onto the couch after making herself a cup of hot chocolate. She then turns on the tv and starts to plow through all the food.

By the time she heard footsteps she already had chips all in her mouth along with marshmallows and pickles. "Gauri what're you doing up so early?" A familiar voice asked as she perked her head up and looked over the couch to look at none other than Riddima whose eyes widened at all the food scattered on the coffee table and couch.

"...Oh......hey......" Gauri stammered blushing embarassed as she spoke through a mouthful of food. Riddima walked in front of the tv and grabbed the chocolate and marshmallow bags, Gauri  quickly latched her hands onto the opposite end of the bags and pulled.

"These aren't good for you!" Riddima hissed trying to yank the bags away but Gauri  held onto them tightly "They're good for me!!! I need them! They're mine!!!!!" Gauri growled loudly.

"Let go!!!" Gauri shouted after yanking the bags towards her. Riddima yanked back, "You let go!!!"

"No! It's mine!!!" Gauri  roared out lunging at the female werewolf.

Riddima's eyes widened thinking Gauri  was going to attack her but instead Gauri  fully attached herself to the bags of goodies.

"Please don't take it away....I'll die craving it and starve to death!" Gauri sobbed uncontrollably, tears filling her eyes as she gave Riddima the puppy dog eyes.

"...No....your not supposed to be eating this junk......don't cry......Oh god you're crying!" Riddima said and handed the bags to Gauri who quickly wiped her tears and snatched the bags away and cuddled back into her spot on the couch. "...So...good..." Gauri  moaned stuffing the marshmallows and chocolate into her mouth, her eyes rolling back in pleasure from the food.

Gauri  crossed her arms and began to throw away the half eaten kebab and pickle jar.

"No!!!" Gauri shouted but it was too late the food was dumped into the trash can.

Riddima shrugged, "What you weren't gonna eat that were you?"

Gauri growled in rage and dashed towards Riddima . "I was gonna eat that!!!!"

"That's disgusting! You like pickles?" Riddima winced in disgust. Gauri panted and slowed down, her face scrunched up with anger "Yes!!!"

"What's going on here?!" A growl caused both of them to freeze.

Gauri  gasped with wide eyes her face going pale as she ran to the trash can and hurled.

Swiftly, a warm, large hand rubbed her back, "..You ate everything again didn't you?" Omkara's deep voice asked with a sigh.

Gauri  quickly nodded and hurled again "I was soooo...hungry and...and I was craving all that food.....I couldn't help myself it was so delicious...totally worth it..." She then murmured spitting out the remaining of the food.

"I told you that junk food wasn't good for you." Riddima said.

Gauri growled "I told you I was craving it!!! It's not my fault!" She then cried.

"What is wrong with her? She's so hormonal...and super bipolar..." Riddima raised a brow crossing her arms.

Omkara growled his blue eyes looking straight into Riddima's deep brown ones. "She's pregnant..Riddima ."

Riddima face blanked as she responded her voice shaking slightly "Whose..the father.?"
"..Obviously I am.."

"What?...!" Riddima shouted not believing him.
"You can't be serious?!!!" She snarled incredulously with confused eyes.

Omkara sighs running a hand through his hair before sending her an apologetic look "..I'm dead serious Riddima . Gauri is pregnant with my pup.."

Gauri  sat hearing Riddima and Omkara fight and uncomfortably picked at the edge of her night gown.

"I'm....just gonna go back to bed...." Gauri stammers quietly before getting up and heading upstairs back into the room.

She wasn't tired but she wanted so badly to get away from all that tension in the air.

Laying back down she tossed and turned for 30 minutes trying desperately to get comfortable.

To no luck she gave up and stared up at the ceiling with a sigh.

"Look Riddima ..I'm sorry..but she has my baby in her....I'm wont get rid of her." He growled out to the raging she-wolf.

Riddima glared "Why?! Why would you pick me and knock up your ex mate at the same time Omkara ?!!!!! Tell me!"

He could feel her hurt and sorrow and frowned. "I'm really sorry Riddima ...I didn't know if she was coming back or not....I was really out of my mind when I chose you during the mating ceremony when I should've just not chosen anyone. I thought if I choose a new mate I would able to come out from the pain and sufferings that I was going through . I thought I able to move but I was wrong . There is no one could ever replace her . I can't feel anything for you beyond friendship Riddima and you know it very well . Trust me I would have tried if She didn't return but now she is here and there is no way I'm going to let her go especially now . I'm sorry again and I'll get us unbonded alright..."

"Hmph....fine once we are unbonded I'm out of here!" She hissed before grasping his face down and pressed her lips to his swiftly.

He stood frozen and quickly pulled away, "Riddima I..can't ...I'm sorry . I can never be with you. I love my her ..I really love her Riddima .." He spoke firmly and pushed Riddima aside, "...Now I'm gonna see if she and my pup are okay..."

He headed upstairs leaving Riddima stunned, he entered his bedroom silently only to see Gauri curled on her side.

Quietly, he undid his tie and headed into the walk in closet.

He changed into sweatpants before climbing into bed beside Gauri .

The sound of her breathing was loud and heavy as she frustratedly tossed and turned wiggling around to get comfortable.

He chuckled softly as she huffed irritated and he then wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close.

She tensed slightly before turning so her face was facing his bare chest.

She then cuddled her body against his sighing as she found instant comfort.

He could feel her warm breath on his chest and pulled Gauri even closer, "Finally ,You're mine forever and for little chirraya ."


Thunder boomed in the sky as the enormous black wolf ran swiftly just a blur in the night.

Lightning striked trees and cackled in the dark cloudy sky, the moon shining brightly down onto the woods.

The dire wolf gained speed, it's nostrils flaring as it continued to follow a supernaturals scent.

The wolf growled catching sight of a running woman. It swiftly leapt tackling the woman down.

She let out a hiss as the creature pinned her down harshly, its claws digging into her back.

She tried desperately to get out of its grip but it kept her pressed against the ground.

The dire wolf roared out shifting to its human form before gripping the woman by her neck as he pulled her up to keep her from running.

"I heard you're the only witch that can undo I correct?" He growled out to the blonde woman.

She nodded with a gulp, "Now let me go!!"
He only growled louder and dragged her along, "You're coming back with me, you are gonna undo a bond for me whether you like it or not."

"Ugh!!!!Let me go! I refuse to do it for you!!" She screeched trying to yank away. "You are gonna if not I'll just have to kill you slowly....with this..." He replied showing her a rare ancient dagger covered in his loves blood.

Witches hated love, they despised and were against it.

Especially if his love for his girl was incredibly strong it will torture the life out of a witch.

Her pale green eyes widened and she stayed silent watching the dagger fearfully as he tugged her back towards his home.


Gauri P.O.V

I awoke with a yawn and stretched before opening my eyes.

I glance seeing a bandage wrapped around my arm and sighed shaking my head.

The doctor had taken blood samples from me to see if my pregnancy was going steady.

Standing up, I wrap my arms around my growing stomach and smile softly.

I then shrug on a flowy long dress, a maid helping me put it on.

I thank her before walking down the palace stairs and into the kitchen to eat.

Thank goodness the morning sickness had left already, now I was able to eat anything and everything.

As well as keep it from coming up.

I hum picking a sticky note off the counter and read it. 'Gone out, I'll be back soon my little chirraya' from Omkara .

Eating another fruit bowl, I sigh sitting down and look down at my small round belly, "I can't wait to see you my baby...."

I jump feeling strong protective arms wrap around my stomach from behind me.

Hot breath fanning my ear making me shiver slightly. "...Our baby Gauri ...." He whispered before softly kissing my neck.

I smile turning around to face Omkara's who looked like he had no sleep at all.

I raise an eyebrow and shake my head caressing his face with my fingers.

"Omkara .....where have you been? You look exhausted..." I murmur softly and gasp when his lips crashed down on mine.

His mouth moved hungrily on mine, his fangs scraping my lips.

I moan melting into the kiss that caused fireworks to erupt all over my body.

"I did it finally my little chirraya ....."

"Huh ?What're you talking about Om? That's impossible....."

"Does this feel impossible Gauri?" He then asked his mouth moving to my neck where he kissed gently.

Familiar tingles spread through my body as his fangs then latched out piercing into my neck.

I yelp clenching his arm tightly then moan exposing my neck even more allowing him more access.

His fangs dug deeper, then finally his fangs retreated. A mark then appeared, I look up at him with dark eyes and smile kissing him, "Oh god Om! You really did it!!"

He smiled kissing me back, "Yes Gauri , you're now my mate again . I told you I would fix it .I love you my little chirraya."

"I love you too Om ..."

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