Chapter Nine

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Okay okay fine ...thanks for the DM's

Here you go .... next chapter ... no more ....

I sit on the ledge beside an open window and stare outside.

I take in the beauty of the gardens and the smell of the crisp fresh morning air.

I had started my heat at two am this morning and couldn't sleep afterwards.

My head was pounding from me fainting a few nights before, along with my heart which was empty now.

All I did was cry and cry where no one will find me, in the bathroom, in the shower, in the gardens, even in the enormous library that was in the palace.

I was tired and broken hearted, I could never be with Omkara again.

He's bonded with Riddima and their bond will only get stronger and impossible to break.

I sigh covering my face with my hands...why would he do this to me? It's like hell staying here. Now my body was in a hazed state, burning and yearning for his touch.

Any males touch for that matter. But my wolf only wanted him, even if he did break our hearts.

My body aches at the thought of Omkara touching me.

I quickly snap out of it as someone coughs.

Queen Jhanvi stands in front of me, her hand soon touching my head. "Your burning hot Gauri ! You should be resting..the doctor told you to take it easy on yourself for a few days." She scolded.

"I know....but I can't...I'm in heat..." I say softly and turn away. Jhanvi sighs placing her hand on my shoulder,

"Oh darling...I'm sorry....this whole situation is a chaotic mess isn't it? I warned my son not to get a new mate yet because I knew you'd be back,you're stronger than any girl I've seen Gauri , and I am still upset at Omkara for being so cruel to you in the ballroom."

She snarled before pulling me close, "Men." She sighed.

I smile hugging her back, "Thank you." She nods pulling away, "You're welcome my dear, now chin up my most beautiful flower, things will clear up soon. That's if my son makes the right decision."

I nod to her and watch her walk away before walking to the palace doors. I was gonna go outside today and hopefully cool my aching body.

Once outside I walk around the gardens, pain riots in my body as I bite back a snarl. I try to focus on the beautiful flowers and fight the increasing pain growing all over.

A cry slips out as I drop and lean against a nearby bench. I clutch my stomach and growl. I whimper squeezing my eyes shut, I had to fight this. Why was the heat so strong, it's only the first day?

I soon shift into my silver and white wolf. Racing away from the palace I run deep into the woods.

I wanted to get lost and never be found. A pained howl left my mouth as I stumble, rolling forward, the pain growing until I barely could breathe.

I scream and scream hoping the pain would just vanish. But against my will it became stronger, so strong I was practically begging for someone, anyone to take it away.

Suddenly a scent hit my nose, testosterone was all I dared to smell. Just the male wolfs scent had made me whine loudly.

Soon a nose had touched my neck and began to sniff me all over. Still in wolf form I whimper and stand.

My tongue licks his cheek as I plead for the black male wolf to please my heat.

The large male wolf growls nipping my shoulder to show he was dominant.

Immediately, I lowered myself to the ground and submitted.

He was the most enormous wolf I've ever seen, even I as a dire wolf was two times smaller than him.

He then brushed his fur against mine causing my wolf to purr.

My head then nuzzles his shoulder, me then whimpering impatiently.

He growls telling me to shift to human form. I shrink back and soon curl up in a ball in human form, my eyes glaze over and blurry so I could barely see anything.

All I knew was my body was in extreme pain.
The male wolf then shifted back to human form and hovered above me.

He growled in alpha tone as I slowly uncurled my body.

He licked his lips in appreciation before trailing featherlight kisses down my neck and began to nip at my collar bone.

His fangs scraped along my skin causing me to moan loudly. He then bit down, not hard enough to mark me but hard enough to cause a hickey to appear.

I leaned up and whimpered, "Please help..." I didn't even have to finish the sentence, he seemed to already catch on.


Gauri's awoke her body trembling from being satisfied by the mysterious alpha. She turned to her side only to come face to face with..."Omkara ?"

She gasped and jumped up pulling back on her sort of torn dress and began to run. "Damn it! I can't believe this..?!" She snarled to herself.

Omkara thrown on his pants and long sleeved white business shirt and ran after her "Gauri !"
She stopped and faced him, "Tell me we didn't? Oh god...this was a huge mistake I should've fought the pain and never gave in so easily!" She frantically said tears in her eyes.

Omkara frowned "I'm sorry...I just was on patrol and smelled your heat scent... Gauri you were in so much pain...I just couldn't stand there and watch you scream. Gauri I'm sorry. It's my fault alright." He growled out grasping her arm.

She sighed, "This was a big mistake I refuse to repeat...please...please just stay away from me." She hissed out pulling her arm out of his grip and fled back to the palace.

She rushed inside and had accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry.." She whimpered only to see that it was Riddima .

Riddima glanced dove over seeing her hair a mess and her clothes slightly shredded. Tears were in her eyes as Gauri then ran past her after apologizing again.

Gauri ran as fast as she could to her room. Once she got inside, she shut and locked the door. "Oh god!What have I done?" She cried into her her pillow as she laid on her bed.

The next few weeks Gauri steered clear away from Omkara and especially Riddima who had figured out what had happened and would currently send her a glare from time to time.

Gauri walked down the halls hearing laughter.

Peeking around the corner she spotted Omkara who sat speaking to Riddima who was smiling as she leaned her head against his shoulder .

A frown formed on Gauri's lips as she quickly ran.

She cursed as her heels clicked against the marble floor. "Gauri ?" She could hear Omkara say, he was running after her.

Today she couldn't escape from him. He had her soon trapped in a corner, her eyes wide as she struggled against him before lowering her head "We are done! We can never work Omkara's useless..."

Her voice filled with hurt, she refused to look at him. "You can be happy with guys can't ever kills me everyday to have to watch you fall in love with someone else...I can't stay here Omkara . I'm tired of crying over someone I can no longer have."

She whimpered a tear drop sliding down her cheek. He watched as the single tear dropped to the floor.

"It's not useless, the only thing that's making me have feelings for Riddima is the blood bond. I can't ever love her , Gauri . I promised you that I'd try to fix this...." He responded and slowly lifted her chin up so that her beautiful golden eyes would meet his.

She hugged him tightly as if she'd never see him again. "...I'm going to see my mother for a little while...I just need time to think......I can't take all of this all at once anymore. I just need to get away for a few days maybe weeks. I refuse to stand about and just watch you love someone else......I don't want to cry or hurt anymore..."

She sobbed quietly and pulled away before she felt a stab in her stomach. Gauri dropped to her knees in pain. She clutched her stomach and winced. What was wrong with her?

Omkara swift kneeled down beside her as she leaned against him for support. Her body trembling as a cry tore from her throat.

"Is she alright?" A females voice quickly asked. Omkara turned seeing Riddima walking towards them.

"Get the doctor!" He growled out making Riddima jump and swiftly run down the hall to find the doctor.

"It hurts...I don't feel so good Omkara..." Gauri whispered out, her body limp as she closed her eyes. "It's gonna be okay..stay with me Gauri ...stay with me." Omkara snarled holding her close to his chest before standing and carrying her bridal style in his arms.

If the doctor wasn't here soon, he'd have to run her to him. He wasn't gonna let anything happen to his Gauri.

Gauri groaned her body aching everywhere. Her head was pounding against her temple, her skin hot.

She went to sit up but was pinned down, her eyes flickering open only to stare up into electrifying blue ones. "What're you doing? Where am I?" She hissed struggling to push him off.

"The doctor said you need to stay in bed, too much stress was put on our you need to relax..." Omkara calmly told her. Gauri rolled her eyes "I'll relax when your far far away from get off I have to pee!!"

He hesitantly let her go, she stood and regretted getting up so quickly as nausea soon overcame her. "What?! Baby ? Did you say baby?" She gasped and soon ran into the bathroom.

She vomitted repeatedly into the toilet and cried, "Baby???...Omkara ..please don't tell me I'm pregnant.....oh god..!" She shouted before throwing up again.

He rushed to her side and held her hair up for her while rubbing her back.

Surprisingly, it felt good, he was loosening up all the tense muscles in her back.

She closed her eyes and just sat there and purred as he continued to soothe and massage her back.

"You're pregnant with my pup Gauri.." He spoke quietly.

Her eyes flew open at the word pregnant.

She scrambled back up and vomitted again.

Slowly, she then stood flushing the toilet before rinsing her mouth.

"Omkara! You bloody bastard! You got me pregnant! That was your whole plan wasn't it?! To knock me up and think that that will make me stay! Well it won't!" She hissed before shoving her toothbrush into her mouth and sat on the toilet to pee not at all conscious that he was in the bathroom with her.

She just found out she was pregnant with his baby, she didn't care about anything else at the moment.

She sighed as her bladder emptied and saw Omkara smiling at her.

Her toes curled as she blushed and angrily glared at him, "What?!"
"You know yoou're so adorable when you're pregnant my little chirraya ." He laughed under his breath.

Gauri finished doing her business and flushed the toilet before washing her hands and brushing her teeth.

She then huffed passing him with a growl, "Baby, Your dad is an asshole." She spoke to her barely showing stomach before heading towards the room door.

Omkara swiftly blocked her path, "No Gauri , get back in bed right now!" He growled out.

She raised a brow and crossed her arms, next thing you know he was on the ground clutching his groin area in pain.

"That should teach you not to get a woman pregnant without her consent!" She then stepped over him and went down the staircase and into the kitchen.

"Well at least I can eat as much as I want without needing an excuse this time." She sighed and settled for a bowl of ice cream and a bowl of whip cream chocolate covered strawberries.

Gauri then got a spoon and sat down on the couch. She watched Tom and Jerry cartoon while stuffing her mouth with ice cream.

She was actually quite happy that she was pregnant, now she'd have something that's part of Omkara that she wouldn't have to share with anyone else.

She was gonna love and protect her baby with all she had.

Omkara rushed downstairs shirtless, a tie hanging from his neck.

Gauri looked at him with wide eyes, she tried to keep her eyes on his face. But every three seconds her eyes would travel down his masculine body.

She snorted as he blocked the tv and turned it off before scooping her up.

She squealed holding tightly to her ice cream tub as he carried her all the way back upstairs and into his room.

He then laid her gently on top his king sized bed.

"Gauri ,Stay here, there's a tv in here so you can still watch your cartoons and whatever, an if you need food just mind link one of the maids, Ishani and the others want to see you too...that's only if you want their company. But I want you to rest Gauri . I'm serious, if you're not..." He paused glaring at her as she laughed loudly at him.

"Why are you laughing?" He growled out, she laughed louder.

" Omkara !!!!" He glanced down noticing he was wearing no shirt and had his suit tie on.

"Ahahan...try not to drool Gauri ." He smirked. "But If you want I can put on a little show for you." He wiggled his eyebrows at her as she laughed and swiftly shook her head.

"You look like you came out of some kind of magic show . Come here duffer." She smiled.

He moved towards her, and watched as her small hands reached up and undid his tie gently.

She then helped him out on his white business shirt before re putting back on his tie and fixing it.

He gazed down at her lips the whole time that is until she looked up at him.

He couldn't help but stare into her golden eyes.

Her smile faltered as she quickly looked away, "Um...thanks're probably running late..." She stuttered out staring down at the ice cream tub in her lap.

"Uh yea thanks with the tie and all...I guess I'll see you later then?" He asked adjusting his watch.

She nods with a genuine smile, "I guess."
"See you later baby.." Omkara then whispered leaning down to her stomach.

She swatted his hand away with a small laugh.

"Whatever happens he or she is not gonna be a daddy's girl or boy. I'm gonna make sure of it." Gauri said proudly.

"Is that a challenge?" Omkara questions and Gauri soon nods

"I believe it is.....may the best parent win."

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