Chapter eight

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I heard a scream echo throughout the halls.

I jump up and quickly flee towards the noise.

My heart pounding in my chest as I freeze spotting Veer forcing himself against a crying young female servant.

A loud snarl leaves my mouth, Veer instantly letting the girl go and landing his gaze on me with a smirk.

"Finally you came, so it's true you're the girl my brother changed. You're the first human female to survive our cursing bite? Blessed with amazingly strong willpower?" He observed circling me.

I shiver under his cold gaze, "What do you want from me?" I ask snapping my head in his direction.

He chuckled, "What a smart girl you are. But....I don't want anything from you Gauri. I want....just you."

His cold hand grasped my chin before removing hair from my neck to gaze at Omkara's marks. "That bastard...he scarred your flawless skin..little angel." He hissed out with disgust.

I tremble with fear as his claws rake against my neck. Blood trickled along my neck, his mouth latching out to taste it as I squirm against him. "Let go of me." I hiss out.

'Omkara !' I scream in my head. His eyes darken if that's even possible and his mouth latches onto my neck preparing to mark me.

His grips tightens, a cry leaving my lips as I feel his fangs press into my skin. A earth shaking roar explodes through the room.

I spot Omkara's enormous black wolf and swiftly knee Veer's in the groin. An angry and pained shout left his lips before he bit harshly down.

A scream left my lips as I then collapse against the ground, Omkara tackling Veer off me.

My neck burned as if on fire as another agonizing scream left my lips. I curl up in a ball of pain, it felt as if someone was stabbing me to death.

My breath knocked out of me as my eyes blur trying to focus on the two black wolves who now clashed against each other. I couldn't breathe.

No words. Not even a cry had left my mouth now. Tears stung my eyes as I try to take a intake of air. My eyes squeeze shut, my hands gripping my pain filled stomach.

Please, I don't want to die.

As if the heavens had heard me I coughed out a whole lot of blood. Every inch of my body shaking as if I was freezing despite me sweating.

Relieved I fell onto my back staring up at the ceiling. But I jinxed myself...the pain came back ten times worse.

I felt like I was being teared apart, piece by piece. My eyes glowing a bright gold as I scream over and over again.

Then suddenly everything stopped.

My body falling limply, I was totally defenseless.

My bond to Omkara completely broken, as if not in control of my own body I stood.

A snarl leaves my mouth as I rush in front of Veer and bare my fangs at Omkara's . My golden eyes glazed over as I glare into Omkara's now confused electrifying blue ones.

Clapping sounds from behind me, I turn seeing Veer back in his human form, a huge grin on his face. "Like what I've done brother? Emotionally and physically she's detached from you now.

Her soul belonging to mine. You see I have a friend...a witch to be exact. She put a spell on my fangs so when I marked your mate she'd obey everything I told her to.

Well her body is in my control anyway, her poor soul is let me trapped in there defenseless." He laughed as Omkara growled lunging towards him.

My body stepping in the way causing Omkara's wolf to instantly halt in front of me.

His blue eyes pained as they search mine for some type of emotion.

I try to scream out to him, but the words wouldn't come out. I was no longer in control.

My emotions blank, but mentally I knew I had belonged to him only him not Veer.

'I'm sorry' is what I want to cry out. Our bond broken so I couldn't reach his mind anymore.

My soul crushed as I thrash against my own body trying to fight it.

While on the outside I have a straight face and am standing still.

Shouting I try with all my might to say something to Omkara .
I pant exhausted as I used all my energy to try.

The words come out as barely a whisper, veer didn't hear but Omkara's ears had twitched slightly. "Come Gauri we shall be going now.

Goodbye brother." Veer smirks as my body walks towards him, he clutches my arm and soon we vanish.

Omkara's black wolf rushing towards us only to see us disappear.

His loud long pained howl tugs at my soul, but I only have a tiny attachment to him mentally, since the spell made me unattached to him physically and emotionally.

I scream this time repeatedly, my wolf giving its last energy as a low howl left my body's lips reaching out to Omkara .

Veer turned chuckling "It's useless to fight against the spell Gauri . Now I think it's time you go to sleep." Soon everything went black, my eyes closing.

"Omkara"I repeated in my head never letting his name go.


A year has passed, me curled up in a small locked room.

I was like a slave again...except more robotic since I had to obey every one of that bastards commands.

We moved place to place, Omkara always hot on our trail.

I had gotten some of my body parts to move but I usually passed out after.

My wolf disappeared over time and soon Omkara had given up searching for me too.

Only one single tear left my eyes that day when Veer had told me Omkara wouldn't be finding us because he's given up on me.

This stupid creepy dungeon like cabin would be my new permanent home.

The blood ritual was tonight, as well as the mating moon where Omkara will have to pick a new mate.....and forget me...move on from me.

My heart wants to be free and back in the safety of his arms but yet again my heart is nothing but a blank sheet of paper now.

No matter how much I try to feel anything....I still feel nothing.

No love for him, no crave for him, all I have is the memory of him.

Tonight Veer and me are to do the blood ritual.

It is where we are in the woods and his witch friend will slice both our palms and then connect our blood. Aka blood bond.

A blood bond is the most powerful link to your mate or in my case a cold deathly Veer.

Not even a witch could break a blood bond, not even the mates themselves could break the forever bond.

Omkara please wait for me. Don't choose anyone yet.

I snap my gaze away from the window and towards the door as Veer steps in. "Good evening little angel..have you been thinking too much about me?" He asked with a smirk.

I want so badly to spit out a hell no. But as always, my controlled body just nods. "Good. Now get dressed...the ceremony is I a few hours. I already picked out a dress for you its on your bed. Saumya will come in and do your makeup."

He smiled wickedly and left. I walk over to my bed and see the white was beautiful don't get me wrong but it was slightly see through.

Of course Veer the creepy pervert would make me wear this.

"Put it on. Hurry I must do your makeup before the ceremony starts." A girl rambled as she glanced at me then started to place makeup kits everywhere.

I head into into the bathroom and change into the dress . I then step out and am instantly ushered to sit down in a chair in front of a big mirror.

I sit and watch as the girl swiftly brushes my hair up into a beautiful bun before sticking little rose buds in the creases.

She then gets to work on my face. "Excuse me if There's not much I can do, your already breathtaking and flawless."

She replied, I am able to cast a small smile to her before stuttering out,"I..I'm..Gauri ..."

She nods then frowns as she realizes my stuttering, "I'm Saumya . Tia put a wicked spell on you huh?" I nod surprised she new of the evil witch and the spell.

" me?" I stutter out with small hope.
Saumya shakes her head "I can't do such a thing...I'm Tia's sister....Veer would kill me if he knew I told you all of this...let alone tried to help you.." She frantically rambled with fear.

An intake of breath leaves my lips, it's supposed to be a gasp.

She slowly nods "I refuse to be like my sister..I can only help you move, the spell would only last 30 minutes."

I nod "....It'll" I say as she hands me a small bottle full of a bright blue liquid.

I then stare at the bottle in my hands. Looks like I'll be escaping.



As nightfall came I stepped out of the room, Saumya standing by my side. "You look so beautiful ....." Her eyes wide as my lips twitch up into a smile.

I nod my thanks as she then leads me out of the dungeon cabin towards outside.

The night air cools my nerves as I take in a deep breath.

My golden eyes aglow as candles flicker leading a path into the woods.

I look to Saumya who nods, I thank her repeatedly after drinking the liquid. The blue potion flooded down my throat, soon that burden feeling is taken off of me. "I'm free!" I say happily before squeezing Saumya, I then run.

I hope it's not too late!

Running through a shortcut in cut in the woods I head over the hills and push myself to go further, faster.

I had to see Omkara . At least one last time.

Not even five minutes later I hear loud howls. Veer found out so soon!

Thrusting all my energy out I burst past the tree and can see the palace from a distant.

Hope ignites in me as I run faster and faster, finally I had reached the palace steps.

The long white see throughish dress I'm wearing is clinging to my body now as sweat beads down my forehead. But I hadn't cared how I looked, I needed to see Omkara .

Rushing up the steps I barge in, the doors slamming wide open. Maids look at me with wide eyes while as I have my nose in the air trying to catch Omkara's scent.

Where was he?
"Gauri ....? Oh my goodness Gauri !!!" Ishani yells hugging me tightly.

I pant "where Is Omkara ?" "He's in the ballroom...but Gauri shouldn't..."
I fled upstairs before she could finish and pushed open the ballroom doors.

Stepping inside I'm greeted by the smell of food and wolf scents I didn't recognize.

Everyone had stopped murmuring and stared at me as I paced happily smelling Omkara .

Oh how I missed him.

My eyes search the crowd before finally I see him.

"Omkara !" I shout racing towards him, my arms wrapping tightly around him as he then stiffened slightly.

I then back away noticing his tense posture, his gaze not on me.

Taking steps back I see a girl who grasp onto his arm and snarl at me.

I look at him tears filling my eyes before I look back at her. "Omkara ? didn't...wait...for me....."

A sorrowful pained cry left my lips as I stumble back.

Pain now tearing my chest apart.

My heart shattering in peices.

"Not didn't...I couldn''re not my Gauri anymore you should go back to Veer." He spoke his electrifying blue gaze harsh as they land on mine.

I whimper "I came back for you........I was so scared Omkara .....I couldn't do anything.....I was trapped in my own body." I defend with confusion.

Why was he acting like this? A sob escapes my throat as tears stream freely down my face.

"It's too late Gauri . I've found a new mate. You could've tried...fought...Gauri ." He snarled walking away with the girl .

I shake my head sobbing uncontrollably now. I stand and lean against the wall for support "I did...I tried....I couldn't speak....I couldn't...move....I couldn't scream....I couldn't even was so cold....I kept you in my head, I couldn't ever forget you Omkara ..." I whimper my head lowered as I close my eyes trying to push through the pain.

"Leave Gauri ." He responded.

My heart breaks entirely as I cry fleeing from the room.

Veer is close. I wasn't going back. I race down the halls and head towards the only place I knew that could calm me down.

The garden .

I push the door open and pass the beautiful flowers I then drop to my knees by the fountain.

My arms covering my face as I lay on the cold concrete of the fountain.

Screams of pain and sorrow, hurt, guilt, loss, it all floods out of me.

It's so I wished I couldn't feel anymore.

Sobs erupted from my throat along with loud cries.

I continued to sob and cry and shout, an scream in heart wrenching agony.

He didn't want me.

"Where are you little angel?...Stop hiding....if you come out then maybe I won't have to kill you." Veer chuckles in my head.

I just continue to cry, "Who cares anymore.. he doesn't want me......"

'Maybe....he didn't even love us from the start....' My wolf says howling in sadness.

Maybe she was right.

Soon a hand had gripped my wrist.

I yanked away thinking it was Veer and stood angrily before turning, my eyes then widening as I realize it was Omkara .

His blank face meeting mine, his hard eyes gazing deeply into mine.

I sob angrily and clutch fistfuls of his tux as I lean into his embrace, his arms wrapping around me.

"You bastard...why?!!!!" I scream into his chest while crying.

My tears could make an ocean right now. "Let me go!!" I snarl shoving away from him as he tried to stroke my cheek with his hand. His firm still tight on my wrist before he let go, "You should leave Gauri . It's what's best for you."

I whip around to face him and snarl, "What happened to not a chance, you're my mate, I won't ever let you go Gauri ?!"

"Tell me!" I shout as the tears cascading down my cheeks. My bun lets loose, my long black hair spilling out and cradling my tear streaked face.

"What...what happened to forever?" My voice cracks as I hold back a cry and look at the beautiful ring on my finger through blurry tear filled eyes.

I then look back up at him.

His jaw clenching as a tear drops down his cheeks.

We stood in silence, before I turn away.

Veer clapping "Awe..sorry to ruin this fantastic entertaining moment but..Gauri is mine. She's coming with me."

"Tia know just what to do."


Tia ran as fast as she could, she could feel her younger sisters pain, she could hear her screams.

She frantically ran towards her sisters screams only to stop in horror at the bloody scene.

There stood Veer black wolf who ripped into her sisters flesh.

Blood pooled around her sisters now limp body, Veer had snapped her sisters neck.

Tia screamed as a pain tore through her chest.

Now she was empty, her sisters soul no longer connected to hers as it vanished away.

Veee shrunk to human form and was covered in blood.

Her sisters blood. Tia rushed over pushing past Veer and slumped down to her knees beside her sister and weeped.

Tia cried in sorrow before screaming at Veer in rage.

Her eyes a fiery brown as she shoved him "this was not part of our deal!!! You promised to not harm my sister!!"

"Well if your sister who helped my Gauri escape stuck to her own business and stayed quiet then I wouldn't of had to kill her." Veer snarled causing Tia to back away and become silent. "You could've spared her life....after all that I've done for you."

Veer rolled his eyes and wiped his bloody hands with a cloth, "Well You can choose either to finish our deal like a smart girl or chose to break off our deal and I kill you then you can be with that pitiful sister of yours." He replied.

Tia eyes glazed over, "Let's finish this, after our deal is completed I want nothing to do with you. I want you out of my life." She hissed out passing him to go towards the palace to recapture the little wolf that had escaped.
Tia stood watching the couple fight. It broke her heart to see them both in such a sad state all because of Veer and her. She glanced at Veer, maybe she could get out of this mess without anyone getting hurt.

"I'm not going back with you!" Gauri snarled at Veer who bared his fangs.

"Tia..what're you waiting for? Do it." Veer growled out at Tia who stepped towards Gauri and Omkara .

She placed her hands out an began to chant quietly, her hands beginning to glow. Her eyes were a fiery red as she looked at Gauri before swiftly turning around and instead aiming at Veer.

Before he could get in her head, the force of energy formed in her hands had blasted him in the gut. Then he flew back and stumbled onto the ground knocking out instantly from the impact.

She then calmed looking at Gauri and Omkara , "Don't think I did this for you. My sister died helping you, you must be someone special in order for her to do that. He'll be in a deep coma forever unless dire wolf blood is poured into his mouth. " Tia replied before vanishing.

Gauri turned and stepped towards the door, her eyes focused on the knob. "Gauri ...wait..."
She turned the knob without hesitation and stepped out, "You expect me to wait, when you couldn't even wait for me...?"

Omkara came towards her a growl sounding from his mouth, "I don't want to love ever again Gauri . After I lost you that ripped my life apart, you were my world, you were my everything and then you were snatched away from me.."

Gauri shook her head glaring at him through teary eyes, "You're so selfish only. You're only a coward!"

"A stupid coward, who broke my heart countless of times, stole me away from ever living a normal life, forced me to be something and someone that I am clearly not!!!" She continued to shout not noticing him getting closer.

"Why'd you choose a new mate?....And to think I still love you...." She said angrily, she was about to continue when lips slammed against hers with furious passion.

She snarled trying to pull away but he held her tight against him.

Soon all her anger began to fade and she sank into his embrace.

He could feel their hot tears joining together as they kissed.

He missed her, she was right he was a coward for being scared to love again.

But all he ever wanted was Gauri and only Gauri .

She silently sobbed into his chest, his hands stroking her hair. "No one could ever replace you Gauri ....I'll always love you...I'm sorry for everything Gauri ..." He softly said as his forehead leaned down against hers.

She glanced to his hand that was stroking her hair and saw it was bandaged up.

Blood staining the middle.

"...You did the blood ritual with your new mate...?" Her voice cracked as she held his bleeding hand in her own.

Her heart beat quickened as her fingers swiftly undid the cloth covering the wound.

Sure enough there was a long knife slash across his palm.

A cry left her mouth as she dropped, Omkara swiftly catching her before she could hit the floor.

Her eyes rolled back as she laid limply in his arms unconscious.

"I'm so sorry Gauri .." He whispered holding her tight to his chest.

Suddenly the garden solarium door creaked slightly as he heard footsteps.

His eyes meeting the deep brown eyes of his new forever blood bonded mate, Riddima .

Riddima glanced at the two with a frown "You shouldn't have picked me....if you still were deeply in love with her...." She said quietly before leaving the room.

"Riddima wait...I...dammit." Omkara snarled standing before carrying Gauri's limp body close to his chest then walked out.

"I'll fix this Gauri ....I promise...Just hold on for me alright.

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