Chapter seven

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"You were there?!" She now stood her fists clenched at her sides. "You ordered them to kill my family and watched!!!!" Her throat ached as she shouted furiously at him.

Her skin burning hot, her fangs bared.

He shook his head "I didn't kill your family Gauri ..." Her eyebrows now raised as she stood confused battling mixed emotions.

"What're...what're you talking about?.." She rasped out. Her voice trembled, what was going on?

"The guards they set the fire going against my fathers orders. I killed them after they loaded you in the truck.

I tried to save everyone....but I could only get your mother out. I'm sorry Gauri ..l.." He growled slightly before stepping towards her.

Her face fell, her body shaking as her knees gave way. She fell to the floor her hands covering her face as she sobbed loudly. "Why hadn't you told me sooner Omkara ?!"

He growled loudly now, "Because you'd hate me and still blame me for your family's deaths! You'd run away and never come back, you're my mate Gauri and it kills me to know that you'd rather die than be with me!" He rose, anger and pain washing over his features.

She got up and shook her head, "You should've told me!!!! I thought they were dead all this time. Only now you let me know that my mothers alive?!!!" She hissed jerking the sliding glass door open and stormed out into the pitch black woods.

Thunder struck the sky as the moon shine brightly for a second only to be covered up by storm clouds.

The wind howled out viciously as the trees thrashed against each other. Gauri clutched her dress up preparing to run. How could he lie to her?! She was human. Before so she had no idea he was her mate.

"I'm not going to let you just run away Gauri !" He roared out heading towards her. She could tell he was beyond angry, his body shook and his breathing became ragged.

His hand soon gripped her wrist firmly. "Let go!" She snarled up at him trying to jerk out of his ever so tightening grip. Lightning cackled in the sky as he pulled her back towards the palace.

"I'm not going back Omkara ! I want to see my mother!" She shouted almost desperately.

"I'm going to do what I should've done when I first saw you Gauri ." He growled out.

Oh god. She thought she was in for it now, he's going to kill her. Or possibly make her a slave again.

She thrashed against him angrily as he continued to pull her back to the palace. "Let me go now Omkara !" She snarled out fear overwhelming her.

"Why?!" He glared at her. "Just let me go!" She snapped.

He faced her, his face dark and shadowed.

"Not a chance Gauri . You're mine!!!" He glowered down at her, his eyes dark, soon rain poured down harshly soaking both of them.

"I'm not going back in there!" She cried out grabbing his now soaked white business shirt with her other hand since he still held her other hands wrists.

Her body trembling with anger as well as want and need.

"Then tell me, Gauri . Tell me why you hate me so much!" He raged out at her.

She jumped stepping back only for him to drag her closer against him. Her eyes wide as she looked up at him "...I...I.." She was silent for a moment before muttering, "..Because I'm scared...I'm scared to love you Omkara . You kill mercilessly, yet one look at you and I melt. I don't know why I want you so badly Omkara ...and just that scares me..."

Tears mixed with rain drops down her face.

***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info. This Story Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.

He stared at her for a few seconds admiring his beautiful mate.

Her hair wet and plastered against her, along with her dress sticking to every curve on her body.

His wolf wanted to take her now.

He growled cupping her face in his hands, never had he been so hungry for anyone as much as now.

He then crashed his lips onto hers.

All desires unleashed as her heart pounded swiftly against her chest.

Their passion drove them beyond sanity and control.

His mouth then lowered to the mark, his teeth scraping against it causing her to shudder.

She moaned softly and tiptoed her arms clinging around his neck.

They forgot all about the raging storm around them as he helped her onto his waist.

Her legs then wrapping around his muscular torso.

Her skin was hot on his as she let her hands roam his body.

Her mouth soft against his as she deepened their kiss.

His hands began to roam her as well. He then began to walk swiftly back to the palace.

She hadn't noticed they were inside until they were soon in their room.

He tore the clothes from her body leaving her only in her black lace undergarments. She also had his shirt thrown over his head.

They gazed into each other's eyes both breathless and dying of need and want.

He growled at the feel of her bare skin against him, she gave a small moan at the feel of his skin as well.

Fire engulfed both of them as he let out a hoarse snarl, "Gauri once I get you in my bed, know that I'm never gonna let you ever leave it."

She gave a nod capturing his lips into a warm passionate kiss as if accepting his proposal.

That's all he needed as he swiftly kicked the door shut and pinned her against the bed.

"Mine." He then growled out.


She jump awake sweating with her heart beating wildly in her chest.

Tears streamed freely down her face.

Her body burning everywhere.

She wish it was her usual nightmares but no something was wrong with her body.

Everything was sore.

A cry left her mouth as shocking pains bursted to life in her body, her muscles all tensed.

Aches increased on every inch of her body it felt as if she was being roasted and beaten alive at the same time.

Terrified breaths leave her mouth as she curl up in pain.

A warm familiar hand touches her shoulder causing a groan to leave her lips, the pain had stopped where he touched.

"Damn Gauri your burning up." He growled out his voice covered with sleep and lust. "Hold on..." He said before lifting her up into his arms, another moan slipped out of her lips as she feel his bare body against hers .

She had almost forgotten that they had made love just hours ago since she was in pain, She could barely focus on anything else but the pain.

She whimper as he steps into the bathroom switching on the light before turning on the shower.

He then set her down under the cool water in the shower she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist hugging him as She silently laid her head on his shoulder, "Om...I'm in heat...aren't I?" She sighed into his chest.

He nodded stroking my face softly. She looked up at him, "Kiss away the pain please Om.." She practically begged, his eyes darken as he growls pinning her against the wall with her hands above her head, he then kissed her passionately.

(Lets just say they took a very long steamy shower.) 🙈🙈🙈🤫🤫🤫 up to your imagination 🙈🙈🙈


She purr enjoying the warmth coming from beside her .

Snuggling up against the muscular figure, She lay her head against its chest.

The figure moved now wrapping a protective arm around her waist.

Her eyes flutter open as She feel hot breath on her forehead. Glancing up she spot Omkara's calm face.

She never seen him look so ........innocent.
If that was even possible for Omkara to look innocent.

She silently laughed at the thought.

"I'm far from innocent my little Chirraya .." He growled out dangerously into her ear making her jump scared crapless.

She snarled playfully nipping at his ear. "Prove it Omkara ."

He licked his lips pinning her underneathe him swiftly before giving her a mind blowing kiss.

She moan quietly into his mouth and lean in to deepen the kiss but a knock on the door soon interrupts them.

She try to pull away but Omkara bites down onto her lip and deepens the kiss .

The door opens as a voice speaks embarrassed "Oh..I'm sorry for interrupting...ummm the king wants you both to help plan the wedding which he has issued you both to be married by next week." She blush shoving away from Omkara and glanced at Mrunaal who stood blushing madly and she swiftly left.

Omkara growls, " You're mine and I'll make sure everyone knows that."

He pulls her back down onto the bed and buried his nose into her neck causing shivers to run up her spine. "I meant it when I said you'll never get to leave my bed, everything else will just have to wait my beautiful Gauri ."

"But Om...your father..." She gasp out as his mouth latches onto his mark which was embedded into her neck.

"As I said Gauri ...everything else will have to wait including my father.." He snarled lowly before biting down onto her shoulder causing a second mark to show up.

She moan loudly before kissing along his jaw once She felt the pulse that beated harshly in his neck , she placed a small kiss there as he tensed growling slightly.

She bare her fangs and before she knew it she was biting down on his neck claiming him as only hers.

An animal-like growl came out of his throat, She finished perfecting the mark before letting his blood drip onto her tongue.

She then looked up at him, his eyes pitch black and his chest heaving. "You're only mine Om..." I purr out.

A rush of excitement flowed through her , Omkara, the crown prince was now hers , her forever mate.

But before she could do or say anything else he had roughly captured her mouth with his.

"Follow me." He said quietly soon after before
getting up and pulling on his usual business clothes.

The bright sunlight shined on her face as he opened the windows an pulled back the long drape curtains.

She raised a brow getting up before pulling on a flowy white dress.

That's what sucked about being in a palace you had to wear dresses all the time.

He grasped her hand as they silently snuck out of the room and towards the garden solarium.

"What...?" Before She could even talk he sat her down on the bench. "You're my mate Gauri ...I'll always respect your decisions , even if you do choose to leave me one day." He spoke seriously which scared me. What is he trying to do?

He took her hand in his and kneeled down his gorgeous blue eyes still holding hers.

Something cold slid onto her finger.
"Be my forever Gauri ."

Her eyes widen as she stare down at the beautiful diamond ring on her finger before looking at Omkara .

She noticed that , This is the first time she have ever seen him look nervous.

His blue eyes searching her face for any good sign. She was speechless at the moment.

Then a soft smile warms on her face as she blush nodding swiftly, "Forever."

He flashes a charming happy grin before picking her up and swinging her around.

Then they stood kissing each other like no tomorrow.


We had told his parents the good news and they were ecstatic. "Oh darling! Finally a beautiful girl to take up after me." Jhanvi squealed happily and clutched her arm.

Tej laughed patting Omkara's on the back, "Congratulations son. I'm surprised that you actually got her to agree to marry you."

" did you?" Jhanvi then asked Omkara who winked at me before responding to his mom. "Exactly how dad wooed you Maa ."

Jhanvi blushed with a gasp whacking her husband on the shoulder, " Tej, You told him?"

The king smirked kissing his wife before whispering something in her ear.

The queen laughed before grasping her hand,"Come darling time to look for your wedding gown!"

Omkara shook his head as his father laughed "You're definitely my favorite son."


The throne room doors are thrown open as Omkara growls lowly, his wolf urging to take control.

A familiar deathly scent reached his nose.
The only relief for him Gauri  was away with his mother.

They were looking at gowns for the wedding that would take place the day after tomorrow.

But He also wished badly that Gauri  could be at his side to calm him, yet he was happy that she had left the palace and would be safe.

He raged around the palace searching for the owner of the sickening scent only to hear a chuckle from behind him. "Hello Brother."

"Veer." Omkara growled lowly with disgust as he eyed up his brother who was a year older.

Veer smirked a wicked cruel smile, razor sharp fangs showing.

He ran a hand through his short black hair while leaning against the wall. In his hand he held an apple which was immediately began to rot in Veer's hand.

Omkara snarled once Veer  began to laugh, "Why so surprised brother?"

Omkara  scoffed, "Why are you here Veer?"

"Well didn't you know?." Veer  licked his lips. "You have...something that I want.

A gift I want..."


Gauri  grinned talking happily with Jhanvi as they entered the palace hands full of shopping bags.

A strange unfamiliar sickly smell filled her nose.

She sneezed rejecting and hating the scent instantly. "Good bless you dear." Jhanvi before frowning.

They entered the conference room where three people stood.

Two were familiar, one was not.

Tej sat anxiously while pinching the bridge of his nose.

Omkara stood with crossed arms glaring dagger into the unfamiliar buff black haired guy who sat, a scar across his right brow.

Jhanvi gasped with utter exasperation and anger.

Tej  rushing to her aid in seconds, he held his wife back as she growled lowly ready to rip the unknown guy to pieces. "Calm down." Tej spoke firmly.

Jhanvi  stopped her struggle and narrowed her eyes on the guy. "You look a little shocked mother..." The guy chuckled.

Jhanvi  let out a loud snarl and began to thrash against her husband to get to second son.

Veer  and Shivaay were the oldest by a year, They were born in the same day but weren't twins and didn't look alike at all.

Shivaay had  deep brown hair, Veer had black  , Shivaay  was an inch shorter, standing at 5'8, while all the other brothers stood at 5'10.

Veer had more of a rugged look and has dead black eyes, Shivaay  had more of a genuine demeanor and had green eyes.

Shivaay was Jhanvi's second son who was her favorite because he was kind and intelligent reminding her most of her mate King Tej.

Veer was the second son who was always jealous of Shivaay for always getting their mothers attention.

Omkara, Ranveer , Arijit were born a year later after and were also born on the same day but weren't triplets.
None of them looked like each other.

"Isn't this a surprise, who knew my younger brother  could be granted such a sweet, young, innocent, angelic mate?" He then asked cocking his head to the side to stare at Gauri  who squirmed under his gaze.

Omkara roared out slamming Veer against the wall by his throat. "Lay one finger on her Veer and I swear..You're dead." He growled lowly, Veer just tried to laugh which came out as a squeak due to Omkara cutting off his air supply.

"Enough." Tej ordered, Omkara growled a last time at Veer  before letting him go.

He then stood protectively in front of Gauri  his little mate. He wouldn't let Veer make any plans involving Gauri .

Veer smirked back at Gauri who hid behind Omkara clearly afraid and knowing that Beer  was bad news.

She hated the way he stared at her, it gave her the chills.

"So beautiful...what a waste..." He spat at Omkara .

Omkara hissed his body shaking with rage.
Gauri  felt his skin burn up an gently placed her hands up his shirt.

Her tiny soft hands then wrapped tightly around his ripped waist.
She felt him stiffen but also calm.

Omkara ignored his brothers chuckle and led his mate out of the room. "Are you okay?" She asked worried slightly as they headed upstairs.

He shook his head, "Nothing you need to worry about, I'll get it taken care of."

She stopped him, standing on her tiptoes she caressed his cheek with her hand. "You seem...bothered...distracted.."

"Of course I'm distracted because I can't help but want to mate the hell out of you every second.

You're so beautiful Gauri ..." He growled out lustfully before scooping her up into his arms and heading into their room then locking the door.

Gauri let out a shriek of surprise and laughed before kissing her mate.


She sighed fully satisfied as she laid her head on his bare chest.

Their hands joined, he purred stroking her hair.

"Om ,Are you going to tell me now what's going on? You know with your mysterious creepy brother who I didn't know about?" She asked raising a brow while looking up at him.

He gazed down at her, "....I guess it's better now than later. Veer ...well long story short used to be in our family but got kicked out. He was always jealous of our older brother Shivaay ....

Shivaay got our mothers attention the most.

That was something Veer wanted along with being the first on the throne. "
"So...Veer  ended up killing shivaay  one night.

He shot him then burned his body.

My mother hated him and exiled him eversince." Omkara sighed clutching his mate closer.

"So he's back? What for?" She whispered cuddling against him seeking comfort and protection.

She was sure she'd get nightmares of Veer haunting black gaze.

Omkara growled lowly, "Don't worry about it Gauri . He won't harm or even come close to you without me ripping his throat out." Gauri  smiled "I know..."

He kissed the top of her head and watched her drift off to sleep, he then went to sleep clutching Gauri  closer, he'd make sure Veer won't even dare come close to his Gauri or else all hell would break loose.

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