Chapter 12

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With a blood curdling scream she rushed down the long halls, the sound of her heels clicking against the marbled floors.

A trail of blood followed her as she clutched her side and tried to make it out of the palace.

Her blood stained hands clutched the wall for support as she stopped to catch her breath for a second before running off again.

Her golden eyes wide with fear as her heart pounded in her chest.

The lights all off as she ran blindly through the dark only to glance back to see if her attacker was following her.

She stepped back seeing nothing, the palace dead silent.

She let out shaky breaths hoping her attacker was gone and went to turn around, but a strong arm had soon wrapped tightly around her neck.

She thrashed letting out another scream before being pulled into the darkness of a room.

A few more thrashing sounds then a thud.
The palace went completely silent, too silent.


Gauri  jumped awake sweating and trembling in fear.

Her eyes wide as she frantically looked around and inhaled the air.

Omkara sensed his mate was startled and inhaled the large wave of fear clouding over her.

He growled out and clutched her close to him aware of the hairs standing up on her skin, "Om ...Did...did you hear that?" She stutter out quietly her eyes focused on the door of their room.

He buried his nose into her neck trying to calm her, "...Hear what Gauri ?" She let out a shaky breath, "....It sounded like a scream..."

Before he knew it her eyes went wide as she leapt up out of bed and rushed out of their room across the hall.

He followed swiftly.

She flew open the nursery room door and entered.

All her babies sound asleep as she gave a sigh of relief tears filling her eyes. "Thank goodness you're all alright.." She murmured softly kissing all her babies on their foreheads.

Omkara entered the room, his arms wrapping around Gauri's  waist. "It's alright my little chirraya...our pups are know I'd never let anything happen to you or them ever.

Ishani and Ranveer have volunteered to watch them earlier..."

As if on cue Ranveer entered the nursery followed by Ishani . Their 2 year old daughter Riddhana slept in a crib near Aadhya crib.

"Sorry we had to deal with dad being all grumpy during a meeting...we're here now to take shift. Arijit's guys are taking the next shift after." Ranveer  replied with a small grin and then nodded to Omkara .

Ishani and Gauri  hugged before she and Omkara then left the room knowing their kids were in good hands.

Omkara kissed Gauri  encouragingly, "It's alright the pups are safe.." She nodded but then headed down the stairs opposite of the way to their room, "...But Om.....I have a gut feeling somethings wrong..."

They both stepped down one of the halls and that's when they smelled it.

Fresh Blood.

He shoved Gauri  immediately behind him and glanced following the blood trail silently.

Mind linking the pack as he gave a low growl seeing the bloody handprint left on the wall.

The blood trail soon stopped at a guest bedrooms door which was left slightly open, usually all doors were closed so no one would enter them.

Someone in fact had entered this room from way before.

The thought of a intruder in their palace caused Omkara to tense and go rigid.

Gauri's  heart beated wildly in her chest as Omkara crept closer to the door and slowly began to push it open.

He gave her a look telling her to stop where she was while he checked out the room first.

Unsure of what might be on the other side he entered the dark room.

Blood clogged the air as he turned to switch the light on, unusually the light didn't turn on.

How can the power be out?

Gauri  entered the room only to almost trip over something cold and wet.

Omkara with swift reflexes gripped her waist keeping her steady so she wouldn't fall.

His eyes then focused on the object near her feet.
With a loud jolting sound the room lit up, as the power came back on.

Before he knew it Gauri  let out a sharp cry before looking away her feet frozen to the ground as she froze in horror of the scene.

By her feet lay one of the maids named Sheetal. Her body mangled as a knife stuck deep in her neck. Blood pooled around her pale lifeless body as his dad and mom and his brothers rushed in.

His mom hugged Gauri close and led her out of the room. Omkara nodded to his mom before his nose caught a distinct scent.

A growl tore from his throat as he swiftly followed it.

The scent led all the way upstairs where they had just come from. Omkara stopped at his bedroom door where a note stood pinned by a knife on the door.

'She belongs dead.'

Omkara growled tearing off the note and followed the scent back downstairs, outside, and into the woods where the scent vanished.

His body tensed as he shifted letting out a loud long howl. His nostrils flaring, he would go through the entire woods in order to find whoever had entered their home. And he would personally kill them slowly.

A twig snapped about 50 feet away, Omkara's ears perked up as he didn't hesitate to dash forward.

A figure flashed by catching his eyes as he then gave chase.

"It's alright Gauri .." Omkara's mother smiles murmuring to Gauri  encouragingly.

Gauri  stays standing watching over her babies, her eyes and ears alert as she refused to sleep.

Someone had entered their home and could've killed her pups, she wasn't gonna calm down till that person was dead and no longer a threat.

Gauri jumped to the sound of Arth crying and instantly cradled him in her arms along with a half asleep Aadhya . She then asked Omkara's mother to carry Ahan. She padded down the hall cautiously and stepped into her and Omkara's bedroom.

The palace silent as the lingering stench of blood still stained the air.

Gauri then placed her babies beside her on the bed and curled up protectively around them. She kept her pups close and thanked Omkara's mother Jhanvi .

Jhanvi's eyes softened as she saw Gauri curl up with her grandchildren, she then left the room silently as Gauri slept soundly with her pups clutched close to her chest.

Stepping down the stairs she went into the living room where Tej her husband stood fists clenched. Her sons also stood discussing the problem.

"She's asleep...where is Omkara?" Jhanvi then asked worried. Tej came to comfort her "..He went after the intruder.."

"And none of you followed? Arijit go follow your brother." She ordered sharply. Arijit nodded hesitating slightly as he glanced at Mrunaal before dashing off.

Mrunaal sunk down onto the couch hugging a pillow to her chest. Beside her sat Asha and Ishani who held a sleeping Riddhana in her arms.

Rithvik and Ranveer stood alert and protective as they would defend the females in case any more intruders or rouges come into the palace and attack.

Jhanvi stood sighing as she leaned her head on Tej, her mates shoulder. Her eyes closing slightly, "...I know who the intruder is."

They all glanced at her with confused eyes. "You do?" Jhanvi nodded "..They want Gauri...dead."


Before the break in...

"Impossible..." The older man murmured glancing at the messenger.

"...Crown Prince then and now King Omkara was able to change a human female into our kind.." The messenger said with a firm tone as he stood up straight and looked the older man in the eye with honesty.

"The ex-prince and now former rouge Veer has told me and had said to tell you the news.."
The messenger added.

"A human female now a dire wolf? If what you say is true I want you and Arjun to rid of the girl immediately. The royal family has gone against the dire wolf rules. It is positively forbidden!" The older man roared out.

The messenger didn't flinch but instead averted his gaze and bowed his head. "Yes alpha."

The messenger then set off to get one of the deadliest members Arjun.

~~~~~~~~Present time~~~~~~~

Omkara's ears twitched as a twig snapped beside him. Instinctively he leapt with a growl and tackled the figure which appeared to be a familiar tan wolf, it was his brother Arijit.

'What are you doing here?!' Omkara snarled into his younger Brothers face.

Arijit rolled his eyes but cringed slightly shifting out from underneath the more dominant wolf.

'Mother sent me to help you..' Arijit then growled lowly.The two wolves watched each other in case either of them were to attack.

Omkara shook his head and turned trying to sniff out the figure that he was chasing minutes before.

A musky scent filled his nose and he gave chase once again while ignoring his younger brother

'Wait up!' Arijit  huffed, following his brother as they chased a swift figure in black.

Together they chased the figure, the swift dark blur dashed dodging trees skillfully. They both halted to a stop surprised as the figure stopped and stood facing them.

Bright grey eyes meet their gaze piercing into the two wolves.

"As only a messenger I've come to warn you.
The elders want the newly changed girl dead. They won't stop at anything to kill her. Take precaution." The young messenger growled lowly out in a firm warning to Omkara and Arijit.

Omkara growled out ready to rip him to shreds but the messenger had vanished.

With a loud earth shaking roar, Omkara bared his fangs after the thought of the elders trying to destroy Gauri  just because she was human before.

Arijit  lowered his head to retreat back to the palace with the horrid news. The elders would go after Gauri  no matter what. They would find any way possible to rid of her.

Omkara's blue eyes became electrifying as he let out a loud howl to his mate an pack.

Gauri jumped awake wake to the howl and was careful not to awake her pups. Her golden eyes widening slightly.

She know she was in danger.

Gauri  gently kissed her pups heads, her fingertips brushing against their soft cheeks.

Tears escaped from her eyes but she quickly blinked them back.

Pulling the hood over her head, she then hugged her mate tightly. "Take care of them...please.." She whispered, her voice breaking slightly.

Omkara nodded and pulled his mate into a deep, passionate kiss.

Gauri  leaned into him, her hands wounding around his neck as she stood on top her very tiptoes. He on the other hand kissed her over and over again as if she'd disappear at any moment.

Which she was. Gauri  practically cried with frustration and pain. She didn't want to leave her family, her home, her pups, her mate, behind..But she didn't have much of a choice. She wanted to keep her little ones safe as well as her mate and family.

They stood in complete silence, forehead leaned against forehead, hand in hand, skin against skin, and lips against lips.

Hot tears gushed from her eyes, as well as his as he felt the fear and hurt his mate was feeling right that moment.

Gauri  pulled away and sobbed into his chest. Her arms then wrapping around his torso.

Omkara inhaled his mates scent, his arms then pulling her into a comforting hug. He pulled her closer, his fingers stroking through her hair. "It'll be alright, I'll see you soon my little chirraya..."

Her lashes were brimmed with tears as she glanced up at him and nodded kissing him deeply one last time. "...You promise?.."

Omkara gave her a firm nod "I promise."
She glanced at her pups and then her mate before fleeing the room. Her cloak flailing in the wind as she ran, ran as fast as she could. Her heart hurt as her chest felt tight.

Whimpers escaped her as she continued to run swiftly through the forest. In hope of returning soon, she howled before leaving the territory.

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